Morning Psalms Evening Psalms
Tell out my soul… (Luke 1) 30:1-5* (p. 34)
96a:1-9* (p. 126) 16:7-11* (p. 17)
69:14-20 (p. 306) 23:1-6 (Townend)
36:5-1-* (p. 44) * = Sing Psalms
Hearing Aid Users – please set your ear-piece to the “T” setting.
Scripture Song – Luke 1 – Paraphrase by Tim Dudley-Smith (Woodlands)
Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord!
Unnumbered blessings, give my spirit voice;
Tender to me the promise of his Word;
In God my Saviour shall my heart rejoice.
Tell out, my soul, the greatness of his name!
Make known his might, the deeds his arm has done;
His mercy sure, from age to age the same;
His holy name - the Lord, the Mighty One.
Tell out, my soul, the greatness of his might!
Powers and dominions lay their glory by;
Proud hearts and stubborn wills are put to flight,
The hungry fed, the humble lifted high.
Tell out, my soul, the glories of his Word!
Firm is his promise, and his mercy sure.
Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord
To children’s children and for evermore!
© author - CCLI Licence: 1203197.
o Messages from the recent Northern Convention can now be listened to online at:
o Visit for pages providing information, testimony andsupport resources offering a compassionate Biblical understanding of and response to rape and sexual abuse.
o We recommend as a useful collection of resources for individuals and families facing challenging circumstances.
o Visit Two Ways to Live, an excellent website explaining more about becoming a Christian at
Dingwall & Strathpeffer Free Church is a Designated Scottish Charity: SC011143
welcome to
free church
God calls us to delight in Christ and to share His Hope.
Sunday – 13th December 2009
But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law, to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons. Galatians 4:4-5
Led by God, we join together in joyful and reverent worship, seeking unity and maturity in Christ, preparing every believer to share and show God’s Hope as revealed in His Word.
Welcome! We meet together for worship today in Dingwall at 11.00 am and 6 pm. Rev John de la Haye will preach in the morning, and the minister will preach and conduct a Communion Service in the evening. The minister is away this morning at Greyfriars Free Church taking part in the baptism of his niece.
Tea and coffee are served after morning service in the foyer. There is a time of fellowship with tea and informal singing in the evening.
The children will leave the service for Sunday School after the second singing this morning. A crèche is available for younger children. Faith Finders, Mini Marvels and Champion's Challenge are now on holiday and will resume early next year.
Anyone wishing to come into communicant membership of the congregation today is asked to speak to Rev John de la Haye, the minister, or any elder.
There is an informal prayer fellowship in the hall from 5.45 pm prior to the communion service. The Kirk Session also meet briefly at 5.40 pm in the small hall.
Our thanks go to all who helped with the super quiz and games night last Friday.
Presbytery meets at Greyfriars Church this Monday at 7 pm.
The minister is almost half way through his December Challenge and climbed Cnoc Fyrish 9 times in the past two weeks. See the website for updates. Why not join him one day?
Deacons’ Court: A meeting of the deacons and elders to finalise financial matters for 2009 will take place this Tuesday 15th December at 7.00 pm in the church hall.
Women’s Bible Study: A Bible study on Peter is held at Rhoda MacDonald’s home, 1 Eastbank (862473), this Tuesday 15th December at 10.30 am.
Women for Mission hold an open night for the whole congregation this Wednesday 16th December, at 7.30 pm. Naomi Nakahashi is the speaker. We have ordered beautiful Witnessing the World 2010 calendars, produced by Roddie Mackay. These make ideal gifts and are available for £5 each with the proceeds supporting the WFM project.
Road to Recovery: A support group is available for folk living with addiction every Thursday (in the church hall) from 7.30 pm. Anyone - including carers and family members - will be made most welcome.
Roots is on this Friday 18th, with a party. Buses leave Dingwall Church at 6.30 pm.
Tear Craft: There are a number of catalogues with Tearfund Cards and Tearcraft gifts in the foyer. Items can be ordered post-free through Anne Craig.
Youth Work Offering: Recently the Deacons’ Court agreed to hold a special collection for Youth Work, to be divided between our congregational youth work and the support of staff workers in Scripture Union Highland. This offering will be taken at our service on New Year’s Day, Friday 1st January 2010.
The next united prayer fellowship is on Thursday 7th Jan. at Castle Street Church.
Christianity Explored will resume with a three week follow-up course, Time to Discover, starting in Dingwall Free Church at 7 pm on Monday 18th January 2010.
Invitation cards for our Christmas events are available today. We would appreciate help with the provision of shortbread and mince pies next Sunday. Please “sign up” if you would like to bake or buy some of these goodies.
Family Service: An all-age worship service with a Christmas theme will be held at 11 am next Sunday 20th December.
Carols: We hold an informal praise service, with carols and mince pies at 6 pm next Sunday 20th December.
Watch-night: Join the folk at Castle Street Church at 11.30 pm on Thursday 24th December for a traditional watch-night service.
New Year’s Day: Join us for worship at 11 am on Friday 1st January 2010.
Church Family Prayer: Our prayer fellowship in the week between Christmas and New Year will be suitable for all ages, and held in Dingwall Free Church hall starting at 7.00 pm and finishing at 7.45 pm. All welcome.
Social Events: A party night and ceilidh will be held in late January to chase away the winter gloom. A winter walk will also be held on Boxing Bay morning, 26th December, with lunch in the hall.
This month Angus plans to climb Cnoc Fyrish every weekday for a month, whatever the weather. It is about a 4 mile round trip each time. That works out at 80 miles on the hill over 20 days including Christmas Day and a final climb on Boxing Day. Folk are welcome to join Angus at any time during the month, but it would be good to have as many of the church family as possible meet together at the Jubilee Path Car park to go up the hill at 10.30 am on Boxing Day, Saturday 26th Dec., to complete this challenge. To get there leave the A9 at the Skiach junction, take the B9176 Struie Road, and then turn left onto the minor road signed to Boath. The final walk will be followed by a soup lunch in the church hall. Angus would love to be sponsored for this challenge. Support raised will be used for OMF’s work among the urban poor in the Philippines. A sponsor form is available in the church foyer.
Alistair, Jenny and family are now back in the UK. Maryburgh congregation are planning an all day event on Saturday the 19th of December. Please feel free to drop in and leave as you wish:
10-11: Christmas decorations the South African way open to adults and children (plus S.A. traditional face painting, £2 cost to cover resources).
11.15-11.45: Story time (all children and youth). Take home your own story book.
12.30-1.30: South African lunch (let Maryburgh know if you are attending, £2).
2-4: Sunday school training the South African way (resources available).
7-8: Any questions? Any answers?
8-9: Youth Workshop - The King’s Fashion Show.
We continue to pray for the outreach to Cambuslang, run by St Vincent Street Church in Glasgow. Their outreach is in the Westburn Hall at 3 pm.
Lima News: Please find copies of a new prayer letter from the Baileys in the foyer.
Our youth workers James and Vickie are in the Philippines visiting the Rae family.
Please remember some missionary partners, including the Wilson and Ross families in South Africa (the Wilsons are now home); the Nakahashis in Kinomoto, Japan, with special Christmas outreach; Neil & Rachel Rae, and children Ben and Lucie, in Calapan, the Philippines. Their new address is: Rae, c/o OMF Bonbon, 5200 Calapan, Oriental Mindoro, PHILIPPINES. (Email: ). We also remember Robert and Karen MacNaughton and Caitriana Nicolson, and Clive and Ruth Bailey.
OMF: The local prayer group meet on the second Friday of the month at 10.30 am at Christine Craig’s home, Fourways, 8 Gladstone Avenue, Dingwall (Tel: 864511).
OMF Diaspora Ministry: Remember Sandra MacDonald’s work, particularly the Thai cell group and Christmas opportunities to share the gospel with East Asians.
Blythswood always welcome donations for the Highland Food Bank. These may be left on the table in the church porch. There are also donation ‘bins’ at all the local primary and secondary schools for recyclables and non-perishable goods.
Welcome Team: Fred Lees, Angus MacKay, Murdo MacKay and Joan Chamier-Tripp.
Crèche: 13th Joan Lees & Heather MacMillan, 20th - Anna Stirling & Connie Garraway.
Teas - December: Rhys, Sina, Joan L.
Minibus Drivers: 13th - D MacRae (865998). 20th - J MacAskill (863410). 27th - H. Reid (863746).
To Contact the Minister – Rev Angus MacRae: Free Church Manse, Firth View, Dingwall. ' 01349 862183. (Email: ).
Disabled Access is via a ramp and internal lift at the back door of the church.
Website: Sermons and newsletters are available at