English 9 Syllabus

Heather Durham, Room 113


English 9 will emphasizes four (4) areas: reading, writing, speaking, and grammar to prepare students for success in college or career training. Topics include the study of short stories, novels, poetry, drama, writing essays, research, public speaking, and vocabulary.

Course Objectives

●  To increase a student’s self-confidence through oral presentations (9.1, 9.2)

●  To develop analytical thought through higher level reading, writing, discussion, lecture and assessment (9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 9.7, 9.8)

●  To improve writing skills by writing a variety of forms including narrative, expository, analytical, and research based (9.6, 9.7, 9.8)

●  To improve grammar knowledge through traditional study of grammar as well as through writing, proofreading, and re-writing activities (9.6, 9.7)

Class Materials

●  Writing utensils (pencils, pens – blue or black ink only)

●  Three-ring binder with dividers or three-subject spiral notebook (pockets suggested)

●  Loose-leaf notebook paper

●  Internet access (please let me know if this is a problem; Gladiator Block can be utilized for this)

●  Independent reading novel

Content Overview

**Timeframes and assignments may vary slightly depending on the weather and needs of the class


●  Literature

- Short stories

- Novel/Epic

- Independent Reading

●  Language

- Vocabulary/Grammar Review

- Essays

- Oral Presentations

- Research Unit


●  Literature

- Drama

- Non-fiction

- Poetry

- Independent Reading

●  Language

- Vocabulary/Grammar Review

- Essays

- Technical Writing

- Oral Presentations

Assessment Policies/Procedures

●  Grading will be based on a 100 point scale

●  Grades will be weighted as follows:

o  Tests/Projects – 35%

o  Essays – 30%

o  Quizzes – 20%

o  In-class participation/homework – 15%

o  Final Exam - 20%

●  The Augusta County grading scale will be used:

A+ 98-100 A 92-97 A- 90-91

B+ 88-89 B 82-87 B- 80-81

C+ 78-79 C 72-77 C- 70-71

D+ 68-69 D 62-67 D- 60-61

F 59 and below

Grading Policy and Expectations

Every assignment is important; therefore, it is a student’s responsibility to attempt each assignment given. All students are expected to conduct themselves honorably. Cheating, plagiarism and fraud violate ethical and moral rules of conduct and will not be tolerated.

Late/Missing Work

If a student does not attempt or is absent for an assignment, he/she will receive an Incomplete for that assignment. The Incomplete will remain until the assignment is completed. Five points will be deducted for each day an assignment is late. After an assignment is six school days late, the maximum number of points that will be deduced is 25 points. Example: An essay is due on Monday, August 15. The student turns the essay in on Wednesday, August 24. Although the assignment is seven days late only 25 points will be deducted.

According to Augusta County policy, any student who has more than four (4) unexcused absences may not make up missed work for credit; however, regardless of the number of absences a student has, missed tests, projects and quizzes must be made up.


Homework is assigned as a means to practice skills and is generally graded on an effort basis. Homework will not be accepted after we have reviewed the assignment as a class; therefore, students will receive a 50 on non-attempted homework assignments. Please note, while Weekly Writing Assignments (WWAs) are weighted as homework grades, they are the exception to this policy. They will be accepted late, with point deductions per the “Late/Missing Work” guidelines. Furthermore, a student will receive a zero for missing WWAs. **Students will receive more information on WWA grading**

Gladiator Block

Students should bring their independent reading material to our classes’ Gladiator Block. We will utilize Gladiator Block to work on weekly writings; do not anticipate the use of Gladiator Block as a personal study hall.

Classroom Procedures

●  Procedure for Beginning Class

o  Be in your assigned seat when the tardy bell rings; you will be considered tardy if you are not in the classroom when the tardy bell rings

o  Begin “Do Now” assignment immediately

●  Procedure for Ending Class

o  Take all of your materials with you; do not leave anything in your desk except the literature book and the dictionary

o  Students are to remain in their seats until dismissed

●  Procedure for Turning in Papers

o  Work that is to be turned in should be placed in the appropriate tray in the back of the room

●  Procedure for Missing Work

o  It is your responsibility to obtain the work you miss when you are absent

o  Missing work will be in the tray in the back of the room

o  You should check the tray on the first day you return to school before class begins

o  DO NOT interrupt class to check the tray

●  Procedure for Finishing Work Early

o  If you finish an assignmentearly, you need to remain seated and quiet

o  You should work on makeup work or read your independent reading book

o  If you become a distraction to other students, 5 points will be deducted from your

grade for that assignment

●  Procedure for Hall Passes

o  You must have a hall pass to leave the room; however, refrain from asking to

be excused from class during instructional time

●  Procedure for a Substitute

o  All class rules and procedures apply!

o  Be courteous!

The Augusta County School Board does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability, or gender in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies:

Title IX Coordinator
Jill R. Martin
Director of Personnel
PO Box 960
18 Government Center Lane
Verona, VA 24482
(540) 245-5107 / Section 504 Coordinator
Douglas W. Shifflett, Jr., Ed.D.
Asst. Superintendent for Administration
PO Box 960
18 Government Center Lane
Verona, VA 24482
(540) 245-510833