21st January 2013
PRESENT: Councillors: R Morgan (Chair), S Routly,
P Jackson, J Gordon,
B Keavy, R Hancock
District Councillors: D Johnston, D Kendall, and R Wright
(all from 8.30pm)
County Councillor: D Johnston
Clerk: P Routly
Mike Bailey – Warwickshire College representative and
1 members of the public from 8.40pm
1. Public participation
2. Declaration of Interest
Cllr Routly declared a pecuniary interest in item 11a as his wife is the Clerk.
3. Apologies for absence
Cllr Cleeton due to bad weather.
4. Approval of minutes of previous meeting
The minutes of the last meeting held on 19th November 2012 were proposed for acceptance by Cllr Gordon, seconded by Cllr Jackson and unanimously accepted as a true record of proceedings.
5. District Councillors’ Report
Cllr Wright informed the meeting that Dave Nash had been recruited to lead delivery of the Core Strategy and adoption was planned for September. In the mean time a contingency plan was being develop to hold off developers. The SDC budget discussions were taking place and it was expected the Council Tax would be held. Cllr Kendall confirmed it was planned to issue a draft Core Strategy for consultation by the end of March. Cllr Johnston informed the meeting the Clerk now had a map of land in the new cutting contract for verges and would circulate, he asked for feedback on any proposed amendments. Finally Cllr Wright reported that the fraud team had recovered £192K from fraudulent benefit claimants.
6. County Councillors’ Report
Cllr Johnston reported he had driven around the area on Christmas Eve, to ascertain the extent of the floods. Many areas were affected. Cllrs were pleased to report that Mr Bean from WCC had visited the residents of Brook Lane at short notice to hold discussions about water run off from the allotments causing flooding. It was planned to install a ‘french drain’. The issue of the poor verges on Brook Lane was discussed, but all agreed the speed reduction measures were a priority. Cllr Johnston stated he was taking the speed reduction measures to Committee on Wednesday and said he would report back.
7. Warwickshire College Report
Mike Bailey reported that a recent cycle cross event had been held in the woods with some ex-champions. The Christmas shutdown went Ok, but the College had to close due to the recent snow.
8. Sub Committee Reports and General Updates
a) Playing Field – Cllr Cleeton
i) Repair update – Ha-Ha
ii) Grass cutting
Cllr Routly reported the Committee had recently met. Railings had replaced the Ha-Ha mirror. It was proposed to make minimal expenditure this year on the playing field as a significant amount had been spent last year. New quotes would be sought for the grass cutting with a total budget of £1500, up from £1000 to allow for a tighter cut and grass collection in the football area and around the small children’s equipment. Quotes would also be sought to move the earth from the corner to around the basketball area, and for the entrance gateway to be improved, expected cost would be £1500 to £2000. Finally if funds permitted the Committee would like to consider next year a shelter in the small children’s area.
b) Planning – Cllr Hancock
i) 12/13 Oak Tree close access
ii) Core Strategy
Cllr Hancock reported the Committee had met two weeks ago and discussed application 12/02903/TREE, which they concluded to send no representations. He also reported that they had been on the latest planning training and concluded that the priority this year should be to develop a new Local/ Parish Plan aligned to the new Core Strategy. The sums involved could be considerable, and the budget should make provision. Cllr Wright informed the meeting that enforcement was following up the issue at 12/13 Oak Tree Close.
c) Speed awareness – Cllr Gordon
i) Speed gun training
ii) Moreton Paddox
The Clerk stated she had heard no more from the Police and would chase the speed gun training yet again. Cllr Johnston stated he was submitting Moreton Paddox along with the C45 Moreton Morrell to B4100 road as a speed reduction package this coming Wednesday, he committed to report back the result.
d) Village Appearance – Cllr Keavy
i) Village Entrance sign
ii) Verge Cutting
iii) Dog warden
Cllr Keavy reported the Committee had met, and had discussed the entrance sign with Mrs Kelly, she had stated she wanted more direction , and had agreed to meet again. Cllr Johnston informed the meeting the Clerk now had a map of land in the new cutting contract for verges and would circulate, he asked for feedback on any proposed amendments. Clerk to circulate map and follow up.
The Clerk informed the meeting she had a late response from the Dog warden at SDC, and Cllr Cleeton was going to follow up with the volunteer.
e) Footpaths and Trees – Cllr Morgan
i) Little Morrell Stile
ii) Moreton Morrell to Wellesbourne Footpath
iii) Moreton Morrell to Moreton Paddox Footpath
iv) Jubilee Tree on Playing Field
Cllr Morgan stated that due to Christmas and the weather little progress had been made but would report back to the next meeting.
f) Village Hall , Church and College – Cllr Morgan
i) Village Hall update – Mr Hetherington
Mr Hetherington was not present as he was away on business, he sent his apologies. Cllr Keavy, Cllr Jackson and Cllr Gordon reported they had formed a new Committee, and were undertaking research. Cllr Keavy informed the meeting that SDC would conduct a survey of ‘needs’ and process the results at a reasonable cost. Cllr Hancock proposed to undertake a survey with a spend of £250 + VAT, this was seconded by Cllr Gordon. They also stated they were disappointed the current hall Committee had made no progress with the current hall repairs, and were not represented.
9. Matters arising from previous minutes
a) Memorial to Mr Ash – Cllr Cleeton
The Clerk read a note from Cllr Cleeton informing the meeting the cost of the memorial stone was approx £202 + VAT including the words ‘In memory of Phillip Ash (Phil) a loved and respected member of this Parish’. Cllr Keavy proposed the quote should be accepted, Cllr Gordon seconded, and it was resolved unanimously. Cllr Cleeton to make arrangements to order.
b) Drains by Village Hall –Clerk
The Clerk informed the meeting that some drains had been jetted before Christmas. Cllrs’ reported that the drains outside the hall were still blocked, and the silt under the bridge / culvert on Brook Lane had not been cleared. It was resolved for the Clerk to report again, along with a pothole at Three Gates. Clerk to report to WCC Highways.
10. Planning
a. New Applications to consider at this meeting
12/02103/FULErection of 4 chicken houses along with new access track across field and the erection of new livestock building (retrospective).Galileo Farm On The Hill Fosse Way Moreton Morrell Warwick CV35 9DF.
The Application was discussed and it was unanimously agreed to make ‘no representations’. Clerk to send response to SDC Planning.
12/02966/AGNOTProposed erection of 2no. steel framed buildings to provide accommodation for pigs.Galileo Farm On The Hill Fosse Way Moreton Morrell Warwick CV35 9DF .
The Application was discussed and it was unanimously agreed to make ‘no representations’. Clerk to send response to SDC Planning.
b. Decisions of committee since last meeting for information
12/02903/TREET1: Oak - Crown reduction by approx. 50%Moreton House Moreton Morrell Warwick CV35 9AR. No Reps
c. District Decisions for information
11. Finance
a. Approval of payments
The following payments were proposed by Cllr Jackson seconded by Cllr Keavy, and approved unanimously.
1. EON Street Lights elec – Nov/Dec £78.24
2. Village Hall meeting rent Jan £9.00
3. R Hancock Training expenses £23.40
4. S Randell – Planning Fees £412.80
5. P Routly Salary – Jan/ Feb via D Tonks DD £662.70
6. P Routly Expenses – Nov/ Dec £49.40
b. Receipts
c. 2013/14 Budget discussion and approval
The Clerk was thanked for the budget work prior to the meeting. After discussion is was resolved unanimously to accept the budget with the following amendments:-
New projects to be increase to £7000 from £4000 and operating balance to be reduced to £1000 from £4000, primarily to allow for the Village Plan. Total planned expenditure would now match income.
It was also resolved to hold the Village Hall grant at £1000, but not issue until the Village Hall Committee had made representation to the Council. It was resolved to increase the grant to the Churchyard to £1000, but request the PCC go to tender for grass cutting to ensure value for money.
It was also resolved to investigate the cost of a website, this may be funded out of new projects.
Clerk to modify budget in line with agreements and circulate.
Acceptance of the budget was proposed by Cllr Morgan, seconded by Cllr Hancock and carried unanimously.
d. 2013/14 Precept recommendation and approval
As a result of accepting the budget the Clerk recommended a precept of £20400 a 2% increase. This was proposed by Cllr Morgan, seconded by Cllr Hancock and carried unanimously. Clerk to inform SDC.
12. Correspondence
13. Matters of interest – future meeting agenda items
14. Any other business allowed by the Chairman as Urgent
15. Date of next meeting
The next council meeting will be held in the Moreton Morrell Village Hall on Monday 18th March 2013.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.20 pm.
C:\Documents and Settings\PARISH CLERK\My Documents\MMPC\Minutes\Moreton Morrell\2013\21st January 2013 MM Minutes.doc