SAC Meeting Notes

School: Lemon Bay High School Chairman: Andy Dodd

Date of Meeting: January 21, 2009 Secretary: Teri Rigsby

Time meeting began: 7:07 PM Time meeting ended: 7:55 PM

Members Present:

Andy Dodd, Chairman

Jim Harrison

Teri Rigsby

Patti Berry

Dave Dignam

Dan Jeffers, Principal

Kevin Katsarelas

Juli Peretz

Scott Peretz

Karol Sweterman

Anna Vorlicek

Hannah Dodd, Student Rep.

Members absent:

Pascale Stivala (excused)

Chris Banting (excused)

Vicki Brewer (excused)

Linda Engemann (excused)

Cliff Gratz (excused)

Sally Lutz (excused)

M J Sanger (excused)

Rachael Damioli (excused)


Mike Louden

Chuck Bradley

The meeting was called to order at 7:07PM by Chairman Andy Dodd. Members and guests signed in. A motion by Jim Harrison to approve the minutes of the December 17, 2008 meeting was made and seconded by Kevin Katsarelas.

Principal Jeffers began the meeting with a report of the current events of our school. French Club had a “Movies in the Courtyard” in progress as a fundraiser and social function for the students. The Model United Nations Club is to travel to USF for a competition on the days of January 24th and 25th. He also reported that the calendar has been approved for the 2009-2010 school year and is posted on the Charlotte County Schools website. Positive changes have been made so that the first semester ending will coincide with winter break. Principal Jeffers also briefed the group on the changes regarding new graduation rules. He said that seniors who had not passed FCAT by graduation would no longer be able to retake the test in June and possible receive a diploma. Those students would now receive a “certificate of completion” instead. At this time there are still 29 seniors who had not obtained a passing score. There was also a brief discussion concerning the airing of the television show “Principal’s Office” and LBHS’s portrayal in the recent episodes. Mr. Jeffers also told the group that Ms. Tammy Harvey had officially vacated her position as Assistant Principal and has been replaced by Mr. Bob Bedford.

A presentation on the Role of SAC, PPC, SSP, & PDSEP was given by Mr. Chuck Bradley, who is the CCPS Director of Professional Development. The attached document describes the topics he discussed. Mr. Bradley said that SAC was created by the Florida Legislature

as a means to promote school improvement in a variety of ways. Mr. Bradley discussed his observation of the LBHS SAC Committee and expressed that he was very pleased with the manner in which it operates.

In regard to the PPC or Partnership and Performance Council, Principal Jeffers told the group that a ½ day meeting was held by the Site PPC here at LBHS each month. Our council was called the Leadership Council and they in turn coordinated with the District PPC.

In regard to SSP, Principal Jeffers told the group that a presentation of “The Lemon Bay Way” and our Student Success Plan had been given to the Charlotte County School Board.

Mr. Bradley spoke about the Professional Development System Evaluation Protocol and its importance. Chairman Dodd asked MR. Bradley if the detailed and thorough evaluation was paid for by the State of Florida Department of Education. Mr. Bradley confirmed that it was and that all reports would be available sometime this March or April. He also mentioned that all “D” and “F” schools were required to participate in the audit but as Charlotte County had none at this time, Lemon Bay High School, Myakka River Elementary School and Port Charlotte Middle School had been chosen.

Dave Dignam mentioned that the Gulf Coast Foundation was a great supporter of the Professional Development Programs for our area and asked Mr. Bradley if other areas were fortunate to have those benefits. Mr. Bradley complimented the efforts of the Foundation and said that we should be very grateful for their aid. Jim Harrison and several other members asked about diversity in other SAC Committees and the different challenges in other schools. The question of drug testing was also introduced. No immediate plans were scheduled.

Chairman Andy Dodd gave a brief rundown on the County Budget Presentation. This year a budget cut of 2.4 million dollars had been voted in. School enrollment continues to decline. There will be no layoffs of staff this year but next year is still questionable. Chairman Dodd remarked that there were 147 more teachers in the Charlotte County School System than eight years ago but, approximately the same student population. Some changes in staff were due to Federal requirements in the NCLB mandate. Mr. Jeffers reminded the group that no more than 25 students could be seated in core subject classes because of these laws. He said that if there was no hiring of new teachers allowed then many of the remaining teachers would be required to teach “out of field”. Lee County teachers of two years employment, or less, were being told to find another job. The subject of “teacher sharing” between schools was suggested and Principal Jeffers said that it was already being done.

Mr. Jeffers said that Mr. Bedford was to be introduced as the new Assistant Principal on Friday January 23rd.

SAC members were encouraged to email requests for topics.

The next meeting of the year was set to take place on February 18, 2009.

There were no other reports received and filed.

There was no other new business. The meeting adjourned at the request of all present and members were dismissed at approximately 7:55PM.