Board of Trustees FINAL

October 8, 2016

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Board of Trustees

Pennsylvania Dental Association

October 8, 2016

Pennsylvania Dental Association Central Office

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Present Consultants/Staff/Guests Present

Dr. Anand V. Rao (1) Camille Kostelac-Cherry, Esq., CEO

Dr. Charles J. Incalcaterra (2) Thomas J. Weber, Legal Counsel

Dr. Matthew A. Zale (3) Rebecca Von Nieda, Director of

Dr. Maria J. Tacelosky (4) Meetings and Administration

Dr. James M. Boyle III (5) Mary Donlin, Director of Membership

Dr. Nicole M. Quezada (6), Secretary Barbara Mladenoff, Executive Assistant

Dr. Theodore J. Rockwell (8)

Dr. Sam Mansour (9)

Dr. James A.H. Tauberg (10)

Dr. Herbert L. Ray, Jr., President

Dr. Bruce R. Terry, President-elect

Dr. Samuel E. Selcher, Treasurer


Dr. Cynthia A. Iseman (7)

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 8:34 a.m. by Dr. Herbert L. Ray, Jr., president.

Campaign Guidelines Subcommittee Update

The Campaign Guidelines Subcommittee has been reviewing and discussing the current PDA Election Procedure and Campaign Guidelines via the social network. The subcommittee recommended that the candidate certification process and campaigning begin with the first business day in March. The board voted to approve this change via the SoNet in September 2016 (09/16BT19); however, the board agreed that any changes to the election procedure or campaign guidelines be implemented for the 2018 election.

Funding for ADA Delegates and Alternate Delegates

There was a directed action from July to develop a plan for the PDA to fund only one delegate per district to the ADA meeting (07/16BTDA02). After much discussion on the social network, the committee did not agree with this concept and reported this to the board.

The board considered the financial implications on PDA and its ability to select quality representation for future ADA Annual Sessions. The concept behind district representation is to expose the best and brightest PDA members to the national level. The limitation of one delegate per district may also limit the best and the brightest from gaining the necessary leadership experience. The subcommittee considered limiting the number of district candidates to three requiring that all nominees must be a member of that district which submits the nomination.

The board considered different funding options for ADA delegates and alternates:

· Funding for the Board of Trustees only.

· Keep funding at its present level.

· Full funding for all delegates and alternates.

· Split the funding equally among the delegates at a 50 percent rate.

· Reduce the number of alternate delegates.

· Allowing the trustees an opt-out option to attend the ADA annual session.

After discussion, the board unanimously approved a PDA reimbursement in the amount of 50 percent of the basic expense calculation for all delegates and alternates (34 people) to the ADA annual session starting in 2017.

Resolved: that PDA provide reimbursement in the amount of 50 percent of the

10/16BT28 basic expense for all delegates and alternates to the ADA Annual Meeting beginning with the 2017 ADA Annual Meeting.

The board discussed decreasing the number of alternate delegates by 50 percent beginning in 2018 as a cost cutting measure. It was noted that Pennsylvania is currently one of the largest delegations to ADA annual meeting. No action was taken on reducing the number of alternate delegates at this time.

Candidate Certification and Election Procedures

The board discussed the certification process for the 2017 election. Ms. Kostelac-Cherry reminded the board that the deadline for staff to send the certification form and memo is on or before October 15, 2016. The deadline for publishing information in the September/October Pennsylvania Dental Journal has passed. Additionally, many districts have not held districts meeting yet. Most of the districts meet in September, October and November. The deadline to place an ad in the 2017 November/December issue of the PDA Journal is September 8.

The board discussed changes to be effective for the 2018 election:

· The President-Elect, Treasurer and ADA Trustee candidates will be provided one free, half-page ad in one issue of the PDA Journal as designated by the Board of Trustees. Any additional PDA Journal ads will be paid for by the candidates. No advertising for ADA delegates or alternate delegates will be permitted in the PDA Journal.

· Districts and candidates will be informed of a September 8, 2017 deadline for the November/December 2017 issue of the PDA Journal which has been designated for the 2018 election.

· The certification process opens the first business day in March and closes on December 10. The district will act as gatekeeper and must vet the candidates. The district must return the certification form to PDA on or before December 10.

· PDA will verify that a candidate is a member in good standing and will place the name on the voting ballot.

· The President-Elect is voted on every year, the Treasurer every three years, and the ADA Trustee every four years.

· The Candidate Certification form should be split with the delegates/alternates on one form, and the President-Elect, Treasurer, and ADA Trustee on a second form.

· Candidate profiles can be placed on the PDA website on the first business day in March.

· Replace item 5 in the Campaign Guidelines with “component societies may not engage in any campaign activities for any candidate.”

· The 2018 election will take place during the first two weeks of February 2018.

· The campaign guidelines need to be simplified and violations decided.

Ms. Kostelac-Cherry reminded the board that any candidate for Pennsylvania State Board of Dentistry must also secure district approval.

The board discussed whether candidates should receive email mailing lists, PDA mailing lists, and be permitted to make telephone calls to PDA members. The board considered whether limiting advertising was prudent. Mr. Tom Weber suggested the board create a list of violations and then work from there.

The board unanimously voted to establish a Board of Elections to review disputes for the 2017 ADA Trustee campaign.

Resolved: That a Board of Elections be established comprised of the President,

10/16BT29 CEO and Legal Counsel to review disputes during the 2017 campaign and election.

A new thread will be added to the Board of Trustees social network page to discuss the changes to the Campaign Guidelines and PDA Election Procedures.

The board agreed that the campaign guidelines would govern the conduct of campaigns for PDA elected positions, ADA delegates and alternates, and Third District ADA Trustee.

President-Elect’s Report

As moderator of the Council of Presidents (COP), Dr. Terry asked the COP to offer issues for the Board of Trustees.

Several newly elected district presidents requested to see the following:

· The proposed PDA Budget.

· The final approved PDA Budget.

· Minutes from the Membership Committee.

· 2nd District would like more representation on the Board of Trustees and on the Council of Presidents.

· What PDA has accomplished in regard to the new Strategic Plan.

· Employee rights and interpretation of state laws.

· PDA’s attack on UCCI issues.

Dr. Terry reminded the COP that the council is the vehicle for up and down communication between the districts/locals and the Board of Trustees.

At the September 2016 ASDA Retreat the ASDA representatives inquired about having more input on PDA governance issues. Dr. Terry suggested inviting one ASDA representative from each of the four dental schools to attend one board meeting. The board agreed with the suggestion and agreed that ASDA representatives should be invited only to the Friday session of the board with no overnight accommodation or mileage reimbursement provided to the ASDA representatives by PDA. (10/16BTDA03)

To provide more transparency on COP activities, Dr. Terry offered to submit a written summary on COP activities to the executive assistant to include as part of the service letter and board minutes. (10/16BTDA04)

Ms. Kostelac-Cherry stated that the New Dentist Committee and Membership Committee meeting minutes would be posted to the website once the IT upgrade is finished sometime after January 1, 2017.

Dr. Incalcaterra recommended that the 10 voting members of the COP be listed on the website. Ms. Donlin commented that would be possible, but cautioned the district presidents are updated frequently throughout the year. The board directed that the 10 voting members of the COP be listed on the PDA website. (10/16BTDA05)

Secretary’s Report

Dr. Quezada reported that the ADA information brochures for the upcoming ADA Annual Meeting in Denver have been received and will be available to the PDA delegation upon arrival in Denver.

CEO Update

Ms. Kostelac-Cherry updated the board on the contract with Philadelphia County Dental Society (PCDS). In 2018, the PDA will be overseeing the PCDS continuing education program.

The U.S. Department of Labor has established new regulations on exempt overtime. The regulations raise the annual salary threshold for exempt employees to $47,476. In addition to the threshold amount, other legal tests also determine exempt or non-exempt status. Legal counsel was asked to provide an article in the Journal on the new regulations along with a customized podcast to be uploaded on the PDA website once completed.

Ms. Kostelac-Cherry has reviewed every staff job description to determine how the new regulations impact PDA staff. Calculations are being done to see how much overtime at time and a half would be paid at these new regulations versus bumping salaries up to $47,476. Ms. Kostelac-Cherry and the department directors will determine how to handle the differentials as the regulations take effect on December 1, 2016. Adjustments to staff start times may be needed as events are scheduled.

Ms. Kostelac-Cherry updated the board on recent personnel changes. Ms. Becky Brown, Communication Coordinator, recently resigned from the PDA to take a job closer to home. An exit interview was conducted with the department director and the exit interview form completed. Additionally, a part-time receptionist, Ms. Donna Walchak, will be starting on October 24 and will be reporting to Ms. Rebecca Von Nieda.

Legal Counsel Report

Mr. Weber commented on the anti-trust litigation against Henry Schein, Inc., and Patterson Companies, Inc. Subpoenas were issued to selected state associations, PDA being one, requesting 38 categories of information. ADA has interceded and negotiated an agreement requiring that only PDA communications with Source One, Henry Schein or Patterson Companies on endorsements or speaking engagements, be submitted. Fortunately, PDA did not have any documents and responded to the subpoena accordingly.

Mr. Weber questioned if PDA had heard any concerns from members regarding the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Section1557 that requires all medical providers to provide language interpreters for patients. The law applies to medical providers who receive or are eligible to receive any federal money by treating Medicare patients or military personnel.

The board commented that there are language interpreters available through ADA. Information has been provided to PDA already.

New Business

Dr. Tauberg commented on the recent events sponsored by the New Dentist Committee (NDC).

· A Bites and Benefits event was held in Pittsburgh on September 15, 2016. There were 12 new dentists and several dental leaders present. Dr. Ray explained the membership issue and getting involved with organized dentistry.

· A Speed-Mentoring event was held in Philadelphia on September 15, 2016. There were 25 dentists and 29 students. Dr. Terry was at the event and the students were engaged and asked many questions.

· A Student Outreach event was held in Pittsburgh on September 22, 2016. The majority were 3rd and 4th year dental students though some 2nd year dental students were also invited. Unfortunately, there were various local dental meetings going on at the same time, so there were not many leaders present. The biggest discovery was that students have no idea on the economic issues involved in being a dentist in Pennsylvania, whether it is a solo practice, family practice, or corporate practice.

· The NDC would like to do an interview and CE prep program. This idea was suggested at the Membership Summit meeting in July. New dentists five years out of school or residency and 4th year dental students would attend a dinner with a speaker who could discuss interview techniques. After dinner, mock interviews would be held with established dentists from the various practice settings, i.e., solo, group, corporate, etc. A speaker from the University of Pittsburgh has been contacted and the group is waiting to hear about funding.

· Other upcoming events include Bites and Benefits in Harrisburg, a new dentist reception, a match event, and the ADA National Signing Day in March 2017.

Dr. Zale noted the ADA Recruitment and Retention Meeting and the Pennsylvania Dental Meeting (PDM) overlap in April 2017. Dr. Zale noted the following important dates:

· The annual meeting for the Pennsylvania Academy of General Dentistry (PAGD) will be held on April 20-23, 2017, in Pittsburgh, PA.

· The National/International Meeting of the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) will be held July 13-15, 2017, in Las Vegas, NV.


The meeting was adjourned at 11:33 a.m.

The board entered into executive session at 11:38 a.m. and adjourned at 12:36 p.m.

No resolutions or directed actions were made.

The next meeting of the PDA Board of Trustees is scheduled for Friday, January 20, 2017 beginning at 8:30 a.m. and Saturday, January 21, 2017, beginning at 8:30 a.m. at the PDA Central Office in Harrisburg, PA.