archived as
more of Marshall Barnes at
note: because important web-sites are frequently "here today but gone tomorrow", the following was archived from on April 30, 2003 . This is NOT an attempt to divert readers from the aforementioned website. Indeed, the reader should only read this back-up copy if the updated original cannot be found at the original author's site.
The Montauk Project
This is where we'll be putting our own take on the infamous Montauk Project of Montauk, Long Island. We will also make the connections between it and the Incunabula where needed.
There's been much written and talked about concerning the Montauk Project. It is not our intention to rehash any of it. Rather, we will present new information or other perspectives concerning the known people involved and the Project itself, with an emphasis on clarifying those aspects which we feel are linked to what we know of the Incunabula approaches to effecting reality.
Preston Nichols at the Universal Light Expo
by Marshall Barnes
The following article was written in November 1994 following the 1994 Universal Light Expo. Published by an underground paper that wishes to remain anonymous, it reveals a number of little known at the time aspects of Preston Nichols and the Montauk Project. It was probably the first published account linking "Everlasting Love" to Montauk as well as the Genesis machine prior to the 2000 publishing of his book "The Music of Time". This account was retold by Marshall Barnes himself on Coast-To-Coast AM's "Ghost to Ghost" radio program on Halloween night, 2000. The location of the original event is no longer listed as offering the Genesis.
Preston Nichols appeared at the Universal Light Expo and participated in a number of presentations. The veteran lecturer and engineer from the Montauk Project had many insightful tidbits for his audience about the continuation of the Montauk Project (which involved mind-control and time-travel experiments at the Fort Hero Air Force Base in Montauk, Long Island) not only at the base's underground facility, but mind-control manipulation going on with special frequency broadcasts in Florida and other locations around the country.
Armed with special receiving equipment, which is alleged to have been the property of the Central Intelligence Agency at one time, Preston was able to pick-up a soliton wave transmission that was being "dropped" into the facility where the Expo was being held. This transmission was designed to produce "negative" effects for the attendees. And some people in the audience did admit to feeling "strange" or "uncomfortable" around the time that the transmissions were allegedly broadcast. However, when various drummers -- who walked around or had booths -- began to play, supposedly this helped overcome the "negative" transmission's effects on people.
The Universal Light Expo wasn't the only place where things were happening for Preston. While in town, Preston was taken to a secret lab outside of the city where he met up with a researcher in exotic "mind-machine" technology who Preston had known years back. It seems they not only remembered each other from a chance meeting at a military facility, but Preston remembered the researcher from the Montauk Project! The researcher (whom we'll call "Steve") did not remember being there but did say that the time period that Preston talked about would have allowed for such activity.
Another revelation came when Preston said that the song that was used when the psychics would sit in the Montauk chair to go into an altered state was the pop hit "Everlasting Love". Suddenly, a whole new dimension sprang open in understanding the Montauk Project when music of the time period is factored in. Steve had Preston get inside of a special machine which causes a person to go through various altered states. Inside, Preston listened to various pieces of music. But when he had "Everlasting Love" played for him, he suddenly flew out of the machine and crashed into the side of the room. Steve and an assistant rushed to his aid. It was discovered that Preston had slipped into a state where he suddenly found himself back at Montauk, sitting in the activated chair, and about to get "sucked into the machinery" as he put it. The vision was so real that it caused a severe reflex reaction which sent the rotund engineer hurtling through the air and into the wall. No simple feat either!
See the machine Preston was in.
The Genesis! =>
The Music of Time =>
Pow-Wow with the Montauk Men
by Marshall Barnes
The following article was published in 1994 by 2 underground papers and is one-half of a complete piece originally titled "X-FILES ADVENTURE IN NYC: Warp rapping with Copernicus/Pow Wow with the Montauk Men. It is the original account of both Nichols and Duncan Cameron first being told about the Incunabula and Ong's Hat by Barnes. Although not mentioned, it was at this meeting that the fire at Ong's Hat was first mentioned and also Duncan's involvement with a project that the movie "Dreamscape" was based on.
The next day, I met the men from Montauk. Peter Moon has written an intriguing 2 book series, detailing the accounts of Preston Nichols and Duncan Cameron in 2 top-secret government projects. The first was the Philadelphia Experiment -- the alleged Navy project that resulted in the invisibility and teleportation of the USS Eldridge in 1943. The second -- the Montauk or "Phoenix" Project -- which took place during the 1970s and early 1980s on Montauk, Long Island. I have mentioned both projects before, most recently in the July 1993 issue.
The Montauk books detail a secret "black" government program in mind-control and time-travel. The quantum physics of time-travel is explained in the March 1994 issue of Scientific American. I know them well. Personally, I always wondered what the tunnels were made of that the travelers would use to arrive at their destinations. So, after a posh brunch in the show room of a midtown china and fine glassware wholesaler, I asked Preston just that as we all settled in at a highrise penthouse.
"Well, you see, that I don't know," he said frankly, shaking his head with an apologetic smile.
I nodded, already familiar with the extensive brainwashing that both he and Duncan had been through.
Between the The Montauk Project and Montauk Revisited books, an intriguing labyrinth is revealed that includes time-travel, lost Nazi gold, secret societies, mind-control, the origins of the transistor, the magic of Aleister Crowley, Jack Parsons, and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, L. Ron Hubbard, intelligence agencies, space alien technology exchanges, and strange events surrounding the Montauk Air Force Base today.
Peter suggested areas of discussion. Too were my current experiments in invisibility effects, which give credibility to the Philadelphia Experiment accounts and the very underground Incunabula Catalog documents detailing information needed for travel to parallel universes and how secret intelligence groups and renegade researchers are doing just that. Preston and i discussed the effects of refraction and destructive interference using strong electromagnetic force fields.
As Duncan stretched out on the plush carpet with a pillow -- like a boy relaxing to enjoy a yarn after a thanksgiving meal -- the conversation moved to the Incunabula and similarities between all the secret projects, many located in New Jersey and Long Island. As an accomplished psychic who was used as part of the mind-machine interface at Montauk, I knew Duncan was probably "reading" me. But I didn't care. I was in my element.
Joined by our hostess "Marjorie" who sat entranced, we moved to transdimensional travel and then my adventure with Copernicus. Hours later, our little summit concluded with intentions to continue our contacts in the future. As I rode in their car to my hotel, Duncan turned to me and said in a slight Scottish accent, "You know, you're quite consistent."
"What do you mean?" I queried.
"You're always up here," he motioned with his hand. "Preston and I start out like that, but we eventually run down. But you're consistent. You're always up. You know so much that most people will never know,"
I just looked at him and smiled, not wanting to reveal what else might lie in my X-Files.
Arktos & the Vortex of Secrecy
by Marshall Barnes
The following article was published for another underground paper in early 1994. Here, Marshall again shows his grasp of understanding the complex web in which the Incunabula and Montauk Project are woven with current and ancient events. It is a precursor to what Peter Moon did in a full-size book with his "Black Sun" which mentions Marshall as well as Godwin's book. It again shows how in print, Marshall was promoting the Incunabula before he plunged headlong into his investigation of the Philadelphia Experiment and his subsequent but temporary retirement from parallel worlds research.
"Life is stranger than fiction", and synchronicity is no stranger to life. In Artic temperatures, I stood against the fence as the invaders rose from the bowels of the state parking garage and assembled on the steps. Surrounded by half-a-dozen symbols of various causes, ranging from the Christian flag to Confederate banners, the KKK appeared otherwise innocuous until I saw the passionate fear -- the kind usually reserved for embattled martyrs -- in their eyes. That's when I knew it had happened again. One week after buying a book which explained the origins and hope of the mythic Aryan race of the North Pole, I was witnessing its stalwart fanatics stage a defiant stand against us Yankees and race mixers, amidst a swirling cold front. Wracked with numbing pain and approaching frost bite, I felt as though I had been sucked into the icy vortex on the book's cover and deposited in the middle of its Arcadian nightmare.
"Arktos: The Polar Myth in Science, Symbolism, and Nazi Survival" by Jocelyn Godwin is the ultimate tome for understanding the prism through which the dark, luminous shaft of evil and high intrigue is split into the rays of such diverse curiosa as racism, secret societies, occultism, hidden kingdoms, nationalist mysticism, conspiracy theories, UFOs, and the beliefs of the lunatic fringe. From the origins of the Polar Myth -- which place the Artic "Hyperborean" regions as the warm first home for the "White" or Aryan race -- it sets forth on an all encompassing journey through the occult histories of the Aryan mythology and how competing secret societies have used it for their own, sometimes horrific, ends. From Hitler's rise and betrayal of the "pure" aims of the Thule society, "Arktos" submerges headlong into the underworld of religious esoteria, conspiracy theories, and the darkest of quack nostrum. The myths of polar origins are the mere chessboards for the struggles of competing philosophies, dictating not only the foundation of the Earth and Man's role on it but also who should rule this planet before, during, and after the coming "Earth changes".
Of interest to the African American community is French historical philosopher Fabre d'Olivet, who not only places the origins of the White Race with the Hyperboreans but also on their journey from the Boreal pole encounter the much stronger Black Race who enslaves them for a time.
Koot Hoomi of the Theosophical Society claimed in 1882 that the Black Africans were "the direct lineal descendants of highly civilized nations neither the name or memory of which have survived except in such books as "Popaluva" and a few others unknown to Science."
Africentric revisionists would seem welcome at the conspiratorial sweepstakes, which includes extraterrestrial origins for a handful of races -- all claiming influence in the beginning of the World, the present of the world, the world to come, or escaping the world. It is just one example of how "Arktos" reflects information I've seen in underground sources like the "Incunabula" (which has a race mixing, transdimensional connection) and Vladimir Terziski's American Academy of Dissident Sciences, claiming that the German secret societies were the "agents, the Fifth Columns for the interests of half-a-dozen alien races: the Shumers from Aldebaran, the Aryans, the Pleadeans, the Orions, the Grays, etc, subcontracting for even higher level of celestial management circles."
Godwin says Chilean diplomat Miguel Serrano was a proponent of the "immaterial" origins of the Hyperboreans and claimed the Holocaust was a myth, adding the lie that cruelty is typical of mixed blood races. Instead, Hitler was conducting experiments in "magical realism" and survived the War by escaping to "the inner earth, the Other Earth, the counter-earth, the astral earth, to which one passes as it were with a click; a bilocation, or trilocation of space."
However, it is the "Tri-Racials" and the underground factions of the Moorish Science Temple who are linked more closely to the science of "transdiemnsional travel" than any Nazis. Nazi undertones do surface in Peter Moon's Montauk Project book series, accounts of top-secret "time-travel" projects at Fort Hero in Montauk, Long Island. This is certainly due to holdovers from the CIA 'Operation Paperclip' that brought German scientists to the U.S. near and after the end of WWII. Another bi-racial group however -- the Montauk Indians -- owned land there, interesting enough. Montauk comes from a Native American root word which means "vortex".