Webelos Alley 2017
Lone Pine Hunting Club, Hollis, NH
Saturday, February4th2017
8:30am – 3:15pm
As your Webelos embark upon the journey to Boy Scouts, Webelos Alley is one of the marquee events. Experiencing the great outdoors of the New Hampshire winter, racing their sleds station-to-station through snow-filled forest trails, competing in skills both new and old against other Packs in the District, while learning skills, and gaining an introduction to the ways of Boy Scouting.
This is an important transitional event for the Boys. It is only open to Webelos and is run in conjunction with the Boy Scout's Klondike Derby (and fulfills an Arrow of Light requirement). It is an event all scouts should experience, and do not want to miss in the limited time they are eligible to do it.We hope that everyone will be able to partake in this highly anticipated event!
More information on the event is available at:
Quick Checklist
□Permission Slip (Attached)
Please fill out, sign, return to leaders
□Medical Form
Parts A&B ONLY
(Does not need to be signed by physician)
□RSVP to Den Leader
Are or are not going?
□Pack (Per Attached List)
Registration Cost? Food Cost??
□Meds Accommodations
If yourboy is on medication or otherwise requires some special accommodations, please bring to leaders’ attention ASAP
□Youth Protection Training
Required for Adults attending- Mandatory
Arrive:At the Lone Pine Hunting Club in Hollis NH by 8:15am
114 Rideout Road, Hollis
Pick-Up:By 3:15pm
Packing List
For safety and protection please adhere to the following:
- Wear suitable footware for walking in the snow. NO SNEAKERS!
Failure to comply will result in your boys not being able to participate.
□Water bottle
□ClothesGloves/mittens, hat, winter jacket, snow pants– dress in layers for extended
outdoor conditions
□RainwearBe prepared – (especially if rain anticipated in forecast)
□Day-PackFor extra snacks, clothes, supplies, etc.
□ShoesWarm, Dry Boots – suitable for hiking all day in the snow and/or mud!
□Cup & Mess Kit
□High-Energy Snack
□MONEY – Lunch??
□Any additional items for Pack??
Parents/guardians of scouts who are planning on attending must take the online BSA Youth Protection Training. It’s about a half-hour long and will cover this and any future events for the next two years. After the training, they must print provide the pack with the certificate of completion and credentials provided at the end of the online training.
This training is available online at:
From the East
From the Everett Turnpike, take Exit 6, Rt. 130 West toward Hollis. Proceed about 3 miles. After passing an open field on the left, bear left onto Parker Lane. At the stop sign, proceed straight on Rideout Road. After one mile, turn left into the Lone Pine driveway. Follow directions to parking.
From the West
From the intersection of Rt. 122 and Rt. 130 in the center of Hollis, proceed East on Rt. 130 about 2.4 miles. After passing an open field on the right, turn right onto Rideout Road. After one mile, turn left into the Lone Pine driveway. Follow directions to parking
If you have any questions, concerns, forms or money to turn in, please contact the following leaders:
Webelos Alley 2017 – Permission Slip
Scouts Name:______
My signature below indicates consent to my son’s participation in Webelos Alley, on Feburary4th 2017. I waive all claims against (release and hold harmless) the leaders of this trip, officers of the charter organization, agents, representatives of the Boy Scouts of America, Daniel Webster Council, Lone Pine Hunting Club and/or event sponsors and/or organizers. In the event of an emergency or serious injury or serious health problem I give my permission (per my signature below) for you to obtain medical treatment for my son from EMS personnel and/or at the nearest hospital, doctor, or medical facility at my expense. I further certify that the info I have provided on my son’s personal health history is correct to the best of my knowledge. Any information missing from personal health history or new or temporary health problem, activity restriction, and/or change of insurance provider is noted on this form.In the event I cannot be reached and emergency medical treatment is required, you have my permission to authorize medical authorities to take any action, which may be needed and transport my son to the nearest hospital if medically necessary.
List any medication, required accommodations or special instruction in writing the bottom of this form.I understand that all medications are to be turned over to the designated leader in charge when I drop my son off and that I am responsible to request the return of medications when I pick up my son. I agree to notify the leadership of any health issues within the 24 hours preceding the trip.
Parent’s Name: ______Phone Number: ______
Alternate Contact Name: ______Alternate Phone # ______
I authorize my son to be picked up and taken from the event by the following:
Name: ______Phone: ______
Name: ______Phone: ______
Problem / restriction / change of health insurance info ______
Special Accommodations and/or Instructions:
Parent signature:______