Village of Hamilton

Board of Trustees/Municipal Utilities Commission


Joint Meeting of February 12, 2013

Village Library


PRESENT: President John Basher; Commissioners: Larry Baker and Bob Holcomb; Village Administrator Sean Graham; Line Foreman David Rhyde; Trustee Russ Lura; Treasurer Mary Ann Henderson; Trustee Deb Kliman, Police Chief Rick Gifford; Trustee Sam Cooper; Trustee Dominick Pangallo.

PUBLIC: Jen Servedio; Attorney John Corcoran, Hancock & Estabrook.

President Basher called meeting to order at 4:30p.m. Mayor Miller called meeting to order at 4:30p.m.

All present introduced themselves to Mr. Corcoran.

A motion was made by Trustee Kliman for the Trustees to enter into an executive session at 4:31p.m. to discuss contractual issues. The motion was seconded by Trustee Cooper and carried. A motion was made by Trustee Lura for the MUC to enter into an executive session at 4:31p.m. to discuss contractual issues. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried.

A motion was made by Trustee Pangallo to exit the executive session at 5:40p.m. The motion was seconded by Trustee Cooper and carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Holcomb to exit the executive session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried.

Village of Hamilton

Municipal Utilities Commission


Regular Meeting of February 12, 2013

Village Library


PRESENT: President John Basher; Commissioners: Larry Baker and Bob Holcomb; Village Administrator Sean Graham; Line Foreman David Rhyde; Trustee Russ Lura; Treasurer Mary Ann Henderson.


President Basher called the meeting to order at 5:43p.m.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Approved as presented.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Meeting of January 8, 2013: Changes requested:

1.  Water-New Business- change 2nd sentence to read Hydrants have been cleared of snow.

A motion was made by Commissioner Holcomb to approve the January 8, 2013, minutes as amended. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried.

PERSONNEL: No report.


New Business

Line Foreman’s Report: The new street lights are being installed. Line Foreman Rhyde questioned what to do with the old lights. Rhyde stated that they are not safe due to rust. He recommended cutting them up get rid of them. A motion was made by Commissioner Holcomb to surplus old lights. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried.

Two car/pole accidents have occurred. One was Pole 1 on River Road; the seconded was Pole 92 on Randallsville Road. Bruce Rivington is interested in building a cheese and butter factory at the old (? Inaudible).

One of the new pickup trucks arrived today.

A motion was made by Commissioner Baker to surplus three trucks; one of those, the 2006 F150, to the DPW. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holcomb and carried.

Status of Delinquent Accounts: The Commissioners reviewed the report and had no concerns at this time.

Old Business

Rate Case: Administrator Graham reported that it is done. The rate increase is 4.7%.


New Business

Line Foreman Rhyde reported there with telemetering, the motor on 10 has quit. A new part has been ordered.

The annual DEC report has been filed.

Old Business


New Business

Administrator Graham reported he had a meeting today with the DEC regarding the tank wall. MRB Group options A & B were discussed. A motion was made by Commissioner Baker to recommend to the Board of Trustees to approve Option B from the MRB Group to be taken from fund balance. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried.

Old Business

Natural Gas

New Business

A meeting will be set up with Ed Carhart to walk the proposed route.

Old Business

Natural Gas Foreman: The thinking is to hire two new people instead of one.

CLAIMS: Commissioner Holcomb reviewed the claims and made a motion to pay them. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried.

Financial Statements: The financial reports were distributed. Electric revenue at 55%, expenses at 57%. Water revenue is at 75%, expenses at 49%. Sewer revenue at 72%, expenses at 56%.

The next meeting will be March 12, 2013 at 4:30pm, at the Village Office.

ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Holcomb made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried. The meeting was adjourned at 6:00pm.

Submitted by,

Kim Taranto