Lab 2 - CSE 1105
More About Tools: Word, Excel
At this point, you should have completed:
- setting up your Exchange account, and sending email to your instructor.
- setting up your omega account.
Tasks in Lab 2:
Task #1: Because of network problems last week, many students were able to work on Task #1 during last week’s lab. If you did complete it, be sure your lab instructor has “checked you off”. If you did not complete it, you should do so today.
Task #2: You will work on a spreadsheet using Excel. When you complete it, be sure your instructor has “checked you off”.
Task #3: Be sure you can handle simple Unix commands, before next week’s lab.
Task #1 Modify a file using Microsoft Word
- Ask your lab instructor for a disk, on which you should find a Word file called TestDoc1.doc that you will work with. Open that file in Word. You will create a file called TestDoc2.doc which will contain the contents of TestDoc1.doc after making the changes described below (as shown on the attached output sheet).
- The file contains text in Arial 12 font. Change the font of the entire file to Times Roman 12.
- Put a box (border) around the first paragraph.
- For the text heading “Statement …. Arlington”, bold it, change its font to Times Roman 14, and center the text.
- At the end of the document, copy the line just above “Student’s Signature” and place it in 2 places: just above “Student name printed” and just above “Student ID number”.
- Enter your name in the “Student name printed” blank.
- Put the last line “Note: …. Statement” into italics.
- Run the spelling checker. It should find 2 misspelled words, and you should ask for the spelling checker to correct the spelling of those 2 words. It should also find a grammatical error “an not-yet-administered” to “a not-yet-administered”, and you should accept that change.
- Insert bullets and numbering under the “Definitions” and the “Note:” section, to correspond to the output.
- In the “Note:” section, add an underline of the word “only” and bold the word “not” as shown in the output.
- Find a feature on the “Help menu” and use it to enhance the document. Show it to the lab instructor when your work is checked.
- When all of this is done, save the corrections in the file called TestDoc2.doc to the original diskette. At this point, signal the lab instructor to come and check your work.
Checkpoint 1
Task #2 Modify a file using Microsoft Excel
Some students know how to use Excel to create and edit spreadsheets. If you do, then ask your lab instructor for a diskette and proceed to follow the instructions given below. If you do not, please call your lab instructor at this point to get help in getting started.
1. Find the file SCHED.XLS on the class web site and download it to your PC. Use File, Save As to save the file under the new name of PRACTICE.XLS on your disk (so you will have a clean version of SCHED.XLS later). Change Joe Smith’s name to your name. This spreadsheet should be edited to represent your class schedule.
2. Make C6 the active cell (where the “x” is) and erase the “x” entry unless you have a class from 9:00 – 9:30 on Monday. Then fill in your entire class schedule, putting an “x” in a cell if you are in class during that half hour period, and making the cell blank if you are not in class at that time.
3. Columns D, E, F, and G are not wide enough to use the complete names of the days of the week as the column headings. Widen the columns and then replace the abbreviations by the names (e.g., replace “T” by “Tuesday”) and left justify those headings.
4. Add a new column H called HalfHours/M. The entries in this column will be a number ( 1 or 0 ) where a “1”indicates that you are in class during that half hour. Enter the 1 or 0 based on the “x” values you put in column C. Make sure that the entries you put into this column are treated as numbers (highlight the entries H4 through H30, right click and select “format cell” to format them as numbers with 0 decimal places.)
5. Now do the same for columns I though L so they represent the schedules for Tuesday – Friday. To fill in the columns, use a formula to insert the values in the cells. Use Excel’s Help to find out about using formulas. The formula =IF(J6=”x”,1,0) should work for the J6 cell. Copy this formula into all the remaining cells. Make sure all these cells are of type number with 0 decimal places.
6. Total the columns H through L, putting the totals in cells H32, I32, J32, K32, L32, and label the row “Total Half Hours”. Create a row 33 called “total hours/day” and compute total hours based on the total half hours.
7. Finally, make the entry in M34 be the total hours for each of the days (i.e., the sum of H33 through L33). Label that row appropriately.
8. Highlight the totals rows and apply boldface to the contents of those rows.
9. Add a border and grid lines to the schedule.
10. Signal the lab instructor to come and review your work. The lab instructor will show you how to ftp the PRACTICE.XLS file to your omega account, so that you will have it available for Lab 4.
Checkpoint 2
Task #3 Navigate omega, a Unix system
Access and follow the Teaching link – to find links to a lot of resources, in particular Introduction to Unix. At this point, be sure you have your omega account set up, and that you know how to use basic navigation commands in Unix shown in this Introduction to Unix. (If you completed the Unix lab last week as either New User or Experienced User, you’re done.)
Lab 1, Page 1