Payroll Vouchers
Payroll Vouchers is a WinCapWEB module where employees and/or supervisors submit and track claims for work duties and stipends. Each authorized job/duty may have up to three levels of supervisors/approversdefined. Once a payroll voucher is submitted by an employee, each approver will be responsible for logging into WinCapWEBand approving the payroll voucher. The Payroll Vouchers menu option available from the Payroll Vouchers/Admin menu is a management grid where a supervisor may submit payroll vouchers on behalf of employees, modify existing user payroll vouchers, and/or cancel user payroll vouchers. Please reference the directions below for management of user payroll vouchers.
To access the “My User Payroll Vouchers” grid select “Payroll Vouchers” from the Payroll Vouchers/Admin Menu:
The “My User Payroll Vouchers” grid will display all payroll vouchers associated with the supervisor record. Those payroll vouchers displayedwill indicate their current status (whether payment is pending, targeted for payment in a pay period, or awaiting a supervisor’s approval). If security permissions allow, the action column will have a red “x” where the payroll voucher may be removed or a pencil where it may be edited. In order to add an individual payroll voucher for an employee, select the “add payroll voucher” button.
The “My User Payroll Voucher Form” will appear where the appropriate information such as work date, employee, pay authorization, and claim amount will need to be input onto the claim form.
Add a work date by manually typing or selecting the empty field and a calendar will be generated. Select a date within the calendar. The calendar will close and the work date selected will default into the field.
Chose “select” next to employee, and an alphabetical employee listing will appear. The listing represents all employees that have authorized job/duties with the supervisor named as an approver.
Chose “select” next to pay authorization. All authorized job/duties will display for the chosen employee. The pay authorizations will display the effective date, end date, pay type, rate type and default rate. Select the position/work duty that the claim will be submitted for.
The selected pay authorization will default into the claim form. Additional info is an optional field where a supervisor has the ability to type additional notes. Depending upon the type of authorized task that a payroll voucher is being submitted for, a quantity with a quantity description may appear. The “basis” will be the unit amount per quantity. When the quantity amount is entered, the claim amount will automatically be adjusted based on the multiplying the quantity by the basis. If a payroll voucher is being submitted for an adjustment amount, the amount should be entered.
When the form is complete select “submit.” When a payroll voucher is submitted by a supervisor, their approval is automatically placed on the payroll voucher and will be listed under the next supervisor’s approval screen “requiring their attention.”
The “My User Payroll Vouchers” grid will display the payroll voucher that was submitted with the appropriate status.
If the employee has an active WinCapWEBaccount, an email will be sent to the employee indicating that a payroll voucher has been created for them.
WinCapWEB Payroll Vouchers
Capital Computer Associates, Inc., a division of Harris School Solutions
June 15, 2013 (518) 435-0500 Fax: (518) 435-9464 page 1of 6