(Affiliated to the British and International Federation of Festivals for Music, Dance and Speech)


for the

Competitive Festival


12th-17th March 2012

Adjudicators:Sue Hollingworth Schools, Choral, Vocal

John Foster Woodwind & General Music

Michael Beeston Strings

Alan FernieBrass

Kathryn PagePiano

Jim Gibson Speech

James Stott Dance

Iain MacFadyen Piping

Stephen Cordiner Scottish Fiddle

John Moneagle Drumming

Karen Marshalsay Clarsach

Frank Thomson Accordion

Accompanists:Edith Cook, Forres

Drew Tulloch, Aberdeen

Frank Thomson, Aberdeen - Country Dancing

CHAIRMAN: Margaret Macfadyen

VICE-CHAIRMAN: Brian Anderson

CONVENERS: Alison Knox Music

Sandra Maclennan Speech

Anne McArthur Dance

SYLLABUS Lesley Maclennan MUSIC Anne Corbet

SECRETARY 8 Mary Croft SECRETARY 66 Pinewood Road

Rafford Mosstodloch

Forres IV32 7JU

IV36 2WD

CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES: Friday 25th November 2011


Moray Music Festival adopts the system of Categories recommended by The British and International Federation of Festivals. Each competitor will be placed in one of the following categories:

Outstanding An exceptional performance, both technically and artistically
Distinction An excellent performance technically and artistically
Commended A convincing performance technically and artistically
Merit A capable performance showing some artistic appreciation
and/or technical ability
Moderate A performance showing development of technique
and/or communication
Fair A performance limited in its communication

— Certificates will be awarded in the first three Categories —




I/We wish to become a Patron of Moray Music Festival and enclose

my/our subscription for £15/£25.




Post Code:...... Tel:......


Cheques should be made out to “Moray Music Festival” and sent to:

Mr A Morrison, Treasurer, Moray Music Festival, 24 Fraser Avenue, ElginIV30 4EX


- Child Protection Policy -

Implemented from January 2006

Preliminary Statement : The safety of children and vulnerable adults is paramount, and all, without exception, have the right to protection from abuse. All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately. All the Charity's volunteers have a responsibility to report concerns.

Purpose and Function of the Moray Music Festival

The object of the festival is to advance, promote and encourage amateur performers in the Arts by providing a platform for performance by musicians, instrumentalists, vocalists, speakers and dancers combined with an educational element provided by professional adjudicators.

The Festival Environment

It is the policy of Moray Music Festival to inform and involve parents, guardians, teachers and carers in partnership with organisers of the event to ensure that the environment provided will, as far as is reasonably practicable, safeguard the welfare of all children. Competing groups should be accompanied by the correct number of supervising adults.

The Moray Music Festival is administered and staffed entirely by volunteers with professional contributions from adjudicators and accompanists.

To whom this Policy applies

This policy relates to children under the age of 18 years and those vulnerable adults of any age who are identified to the organisers prior to their arrival at the Festival. This should be done by contacting Jenny Doig, Committee Member, Moray Music Festival. In recognising the need of children from minority ethnic groups and children who are disabled, the Festival actively seeks to meet needs notified to the Festival by parents, guardians, teachers and carers.

Contact: Jenny Doig, 23 Duff Avenue, ElginIV30 1QS Tel: 01343 543919

Festival Personnel

Festival Personnel will be selected and approved by the Executive Committee and for the duration of the Festival it will be mandatory for all committee members and volunteers to wear specific identity badges. Anyone wearing a badge may be approached and will be able to give directions to the appropriate committee member who will deal with any problem. A register will be maintained of all volunteers who will sign in and out each day they are on duty.

Every problem will be treated seriously and will be documented and dated.

Preparation for Attendance at the Festival

There is a reguirement on the Moray Music Festival Entry Form that a signature is given in agreement to abide by the ChildProtection Policy.

This is to ensure that parents, guardians and carers NOT personally attending with children, must take full responsibility for ensuring that their children are accompanied and adequately supervised at the Festival by adults approved by them and acting on their behalf.

Performance Areas and Changing Areas

STEWARDS will be in attendance at each Festival venue but will not be responsible for the supervision of competitors. Parents, guardians, teachers and carers must ensure that children or vulnerable adults are adequately supervised in the correct ratio to the number of adults in their care until they are marshalled for performance.

Changing areas for dramatic performances or dance will be single sex. Changing areas will be restricted to competitors, their supervisors (e.g. teacher in charge) and official stewards.

Photographs, Video, Audio and Digital Recording and Press Photography

There will be no photography, video or tape recording of any kind permitted within the venues. Photographers from the local Press will be permitted to photograph performers between or after competitions when parents, guardians, teachers or carers are present to supervise.

The Legislation and Guidance which supports this Policy

The Protection of Children (Scotland) Act 2003; Commissioner for Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2003; The Police Act 1997; Children (Scotland) Act 1995.


The Moray Music Festival is organised by a voluntary Committee which has no statutory responsibility to investigate allegations of child abuse. It has, however, responsibility to refer any concerns regarding the safety of a child to the appropriate agency for investigation. The welfare of the child is paramount at all times. Any concern about a child will be referred to a Committee Member who should take appropriate action. Any such referral will be recorded. In case of an emergency the designated Committee Member will ensure medical attention is received or appropriate agencies alerted. The Police have power to act immediately to protect the child.

Policy Review

The Moray Music Festival Committee will constantly review their policy, improving and enhancing it as necessary. In doing this they will look to the British and International Federation of Festivals for support, and that body, in turn, will look to other agencies for good practice, most notably the NSPCC and the Scottish Arts Council policy guidelines.


Elgin Town Hall Holy Trinity Church Hall Bishopmill School Hall St Giles Church

Library Gallery High Church Hall Bishopmill Hall St Giles Church Hall

Elgin Community Centre


- Rules and Conditions -

1.No entry will be accepted without payment of the entry fee.

2.The ENTRY FORM, together with the appropriate fee, must reach Mrs L Maclennan, 8 Mary Croft, Rafford, Forres

IV36 2WD, NOT LATER than FRIDAY 25th NOVEMBER, 2011. If immediate acknowledgement is desired, a stamped, addressed envelope must also be enclosed for this purpose. Late entries will be accepted NO LATER THAN ONE WEEK after the closing date, at 50% extra entry fee.

3. A separate form must be used for each entry. Additional entry forms may be obtained by downloading forms from

or by contacting the Syllabus Secretary or Sound and Vision, South Street, Elgin.

4.The Executive may refuse any entry without assigning any reason.

5.The Executive will decide upon the order in which classes will be taken and arrange the order of competitors.

6.An Official Accompanist will be available for most classes. Competitors may, if they prefer, bring their own accompanist but must indicate this on the application form. The decision to use/not use the official accompanist is binding.

7.Adjudication will normally be given after each class.

8.Adjudication sheets and certificates will be available after the end of each class and must be collected before the competitor leaves the hall.

9.The Adjudicator’s decision is final.

10.Admission Cards, giving particulars of date, time and hall for each class, will be sent to each competitor about a month before the Festival commences.

11.Competitors not in their seats when their number goes up on the board, with the exception of those attending another class in a different hall, are liable to disqualification.

12.All test pieces having piano accompaniment must be performed with accompaniment unless the syllabus specifically states otherwise. All songs must be performed in the published key or in the key stated in the syllabus where there is a choice.

13. Competitors adopting ‘Own Choice’ test pieces MUST provide all information on the OWN CHOICE FORM and send

the form to the Music Secretary, Anne Corbet, 66 Pinewood Road, Mosstodloch IV32 7JU by 27th January 2012.

Competitors adopting ‘Own Choice’ music test pieces requiring accompaniment, must send Mrs Corbet a copy for the accompanist by 27thJanuary 2012and a copy for the adjudicator by Friday 17th February 2012.

In the case of 'Own Choice' pieces chosen from a set book, copies of the chosen test pieces do not require to be sent.

Any competitor failing to send music for the accompanist on time must provide his/her own accompanist.

Any ‘Own Choice’ which exceeds the stated time limit is liable to be stopped by the Adjudicator.

NB. The correct postage, as advised by Royal Mail in their guidelines regarding size and weight of mail, must be

adhered to when mailing copies of music.

14.In all correspondence relating to entries, please state the number of the class as well as the competitor’s name.

15.Competitors (individual or choirs) may compete in more than one class, unless the syllabus states otherwise.

16.No Conductor shall sing or recite with his or her Choir in competition.

17.When age limits are specified the age of the competitor on the last day of February 2012 will be taken for the whole of the Festival period.

18.The decision of the Executive on all matters not specially provided for in the Regulations shall be final.

19.The Executive may alter, modify or cancel any of the arrangements detailed in the syllabus as may prove necessary.

20.Teachers, parents or competitors must not engage the Adjudicator in discussion or conversation at any time during the Festival.

21.All enquiries, complaints or representations of any kind MUST be made through the Syllabus Secretary.

22.All written communications must be addressed to the Syllabus Secretary and must have a stamped addressed envelope enclosed for reply.


23.A copy of all Own Choice items, including Own Stories, should be sent tothe Speech Convener, Mrs S Maclennan, The Old Steading, Wester Golford, Auldearn, Nairn IV12 5QQ by Friday 17th February 2012. Anyone having difficulty sourcing a test piece should contact Mrs S Maclennan.


24. 1. No person may compete in more than one team in any one class.

2. The same team may not compete with the same dance in two classes.

3. The dance 'Jig to the Music' requires a 3 couple set. Other sets should comprise of 4 couples. 3 couple sets

may take part if there are insufficient numbers, but only after consultation with the dance convener.

4. Competitors in all classes must intimate the name of the dance selected on the Own Choice form.

5. An official accompanist will be available. Competitors may, if they prefer, bring their own accompanist.

The teacher of a team should indicate to the accompanist the speed required for the dance.

All competitors must use either the official accompanist or their own accompanist, except for those entering the

A Story in Dance: The Olympics 2012, who may use taped music.

(See page 8 opposite for copyright advice.)

6. Mixed teams, girls and boys, are accepted in all Dance classes.


25. Invitations may be extended to certain competitors to participate in the Festival Concert(s) on Sunday 18th March, 2012.

This will be entirely at the discretion of the committee on the recommendation of the adjudicators.


All solo classes £5.00

Groups: up to 8 members £8.00

9 to 16 members £10.00

over 16 members £12.00

The entry fee for competitors entering more than one solo class will be £4.00 per class.

N.B. The correct postage, as advised by Royal Mail in their guidelines regarding size and weight of mail, must be adhered to, especially when mailing multiple entry forms.


Many people have supported previous Festivals by becoming Patrons. The Committee has been most grateful for their support and hopes that it may continue for the 2012 Festival. Anyone interested in becoming a patron should complete the form on Page 2 of the syllabus and return to Mr A Morrison, Treasurer, Moray Music Festival, 24 Fraser Avenue, ElginIV30 4EX.


The set pieces are available in many anthologies in addition to those stated in the syllabus. In the case of difficulty, copies of the Speech set pieces may be obtained fromMrs S Maclennan, The Old Steading, Wester Golford, Auldearn, Nairn IV12 5QQ.



The use of photocopies of copyright material is illegal and the Festival Committee will accept no responsibility for such copies unless accompanied by the written permission of the Publisher concerned. Likewise, it is illegal to make recordings of copyright material. Because of copyright restrictions and to avoid disturbing performers, the use of tape recorders, cameras and video cameras will not be permitted during any performance.


Sound and Vision, South Street, Elgin will undertake the supply of Festival Music Test Pieces. The availability of every piece has been checked with the publishers. Music shops have specific days and times when orders are placed with publishers each week. Missing the appropriate day means a further delay in delivery of at least a week. Mr Flett has advised that all teachers and competitors should place orders with him (even for single copies) by FRIDAY 27th OCTOBER, 2011.


Classes in Clarsach and Accordion have been introduced to the 2012 Syllabus following the 2010 introduction of Percussion, Rock Guitar and Pipe Drumming, in a continuingattempt to widen the choices available.

There are also,for the second time, Burns classes in Solo Singing and in Speech for which Elgin Burns Club is again awarding certificates. Elgin Burns Club is pleased to be associated with Moray Music Festival in keeping alive the words and songs of Scotland's National Bard by supporting this Competition.



Action Songs, Choirs Classes 1-19

Solo Singing Classes 20-48

Vocal Duets, Trios, Ensembles Classes 49-53


Class and Creative Music Making Classes 54-59

Orchestras and Bands Classes 60-72

String Solos (including Guitar) Classes 73 -102

String Duets and Ensembles Classes 103 -110

Brass Solos Classes 111-137

Brass Ensembles Classes 138 -140

Woodwind Solos Classes 141-165

Woodwind Ensembles Classes 166 -170

Wind Duos Classes 171,172

Recorders Classes 173-182

Pianoforte Classes 183-202

Duo, Recital Classes 203 -206

Ensembles, Chamber and Mixed Classes 207 -211

Composition Classes212, 213

Percussion Classes 214-218


Clarsach Classes 219 -223

Accordion Classes 224 -228

Fiddle Classes 229 -236

Piping Classes 237-245

Pipe Band Drumming Classes 246 -251

Dance Classes 252-272


Choric Verse Classes 273, 274

Solo English Classes 275 -280

Solo Scots Classes 281-288

Prepared Prose Reading Class 289

Prepared Bible Reading Class 290

Reading Own Original Story Class 291

Group Presentation – Primary Classes 292, 293

Primary Public Speaking Class 294

Group Presentation – Secondary Classes 295 -297

Acting and Adult Classes 298 -306


Travel Subsidy of a minimum of 25% will be given to schools which apply.

School groups competing in the following classes are eligible to apply:

Action Songs Classes 1,2

Choirs Classes 5 -12

Group Music Making, Orchestras, Bands Classes 54 -69

Dance Groups Classes 251-271

Verse Speaking Choric Classes 272, 273

Group Presentation Classes 291, 292

Secondary Drama Presentation Class 297

N.B. Only School Groups are eligible to apply for the travel subsidy.

All applications should be submitted to The Treasurer after the Festival and not later than Friday 4th May 2012, stating classes entered and enclosing receipted accounts. Further information may be obtained from Mr A. Morrison, Treasurer, Moray Music Festival, 24 Fraser Avenue, ElginIV30 4EX.


Class Title Composer Publisher

ACTION SONGS Non-competitive

1.Action Songs (Nursery Schools, Whole Class)

Own Choice - not to exceed 3 minutes. Competitors are not permitted to use props or costumes.

2.Action Songs (Primary 1-7, Whole Class)

Own Choice - not to exceed 3 minutes. Competitors are not permitted to use props or costumes.

3.Children’s Action Songs (Uniformed organisations such as Brownies)

Under 11 years only.

Own Choice - not to exceed 6 minutes. Competitors are not permitted to use props or costumes.

4. Campfire Class (Teams from uniformed organisations)

Own Choice- not to exceed 6 minutes.




No choir to exceed 60 voices

5.Primary Schools (P 1, 2 and 3)

(a) The Rain Song Eileen Diamond Universal

from Super Song Book

(b) Holly the Hedgehog Ralph McTell Boosey and Hawkes

from Singing Sherlock Book 1

6.Primary Schools (P 4-7)

(a) Humpty Dumpty Dave & Jean Perry Alfred Choral Designs

(b) Own choice of contrasting song

7. Primary Schools with 1-3 Teachers

(a) The Osprey from Junior Voiceworks Book 1 LewknorSchool OUP

(b) Own choice of contrasting song

8.Primary Schools with 4-6 Teachers

(a) Five Eyes (Three black cats]) Kevin Stannard OUP

from Junior Voiceworks Book 2