
with room to
develop and
daily living skills
/ How do I get more
New York State School for the Blind
2A Richmond Avenue
Batavia, NY 14020
(585) 343-5384
Toll Free:
(877) NYS-SFTB
(877) 697-7382
(585) 344-5557
Visit our website: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/specialed/nyssb
The University of the State of New York
The State Education Department
Office of P-12 Education:
Office of Special Education / Providing
a nurturing
stimulating environment
that enriches student lives
and offers a sense of belonging / Residential Program
Recreation Therapy
Residential Life
A 5-day residential program is available for students who travel a long distance and are not able to commute daily, or for students who need the added benefits and support of the Residential Program. Students travel home each weekend, for all holidays and for vacations.
The residential program is divided into dormitory units. The dormitories are cheerfully decorated and provide many of the comforts of home. Students enjoy living in a home-like environment under the guidance of skilled and caring staff. There they can make friends and develop social skills important to enhancing the quality of student life. / Recreation Therapy
Recreation Therapy uses recreation services and leisure experiences to help our students make the most of their lives – physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially.
Daily activities are planned to reinforce skills learned during the school day and to provide new experiences for children to strengthen friendships and
develop personal interests.
Some of these opportunities include bowling, swimming, shopping, roller skating, movies, fishing, boating, wrestling, baseball, sledding, go-carts, and attending local events.
/ Recreation Therapy
An exciting variety of public experiences enrich our students’ lives and enable them to develop the skills they need to be functioning members in the community.
Recreation Therapy offers:
•  Therapy - to improve functional abilities, enhance well-being and facilitate independence.
•  Leisure Education - to teach
or enhance recreation skills and attitudes that can be
used throughout life.
•  Recreation Participation - to promote health and growth through rewarding leisure
and recreation experiences.