Dear Moms,

We are excited to have your child(ren) in our MOPPETS program this year! We know that while you are enjoying time with other Moms, you want to feel that our MOPPETS workers are providing a warm, loving environment for your little ones.

This year our classrooms are divided into Infant Nursery, 1 year olds (or early walkers), 2 year olds, and 3-4 year olds. We have an exciting and interactive curriculum in place that will help children learn about themselves and their relationships.

In order for our program to be successful, we want to establish an understanding between the moms and workers in the classrooms. Please read the following expectations and sign below in agreement to them.

Sign In Protocol:

-I will check in my child into his/her appropriate classroom, starting at 9:45 am by checking him/her in to the computer in the Welcome Center. Two stickers will print – the one with my child’s name will be placed on his/her back, and I will keep the other. I must have this second sticker to pick up my child.

-I will not leave my child if there is only one worker present. I will wait with my child until a second worker arrives.

-I will not bring a sick child - fever, vomiting, diarrhea, green mucus, flu symptoms (in the last 24 hrs) to MOPPETS.

-I will label each of my child’s belongings.

-If I have a child in the Infant Nursery room, I will bring appropriate feeding supplies such as formula (must be mixed in the bottle) or a cup, and a labeled snack for each child and indicate on the sticker on my child’s back when my child should be fed.

-If I am a mom of a potty-trained child I will try to have them use the bathroom before signing into MOPPETS.

-If I am a mom of an un-potty-trained child, I will bring 3 spare diapers, wipes, and a change of clothes per child.

Classroom/Meeting Etiquette:

-If my child is crying or inconsolable after 10 minutes, one of our MOPPETS Coordinators on rounds will come get me from the meeting so that I can calm him/her down, and bring him/her back to the room when he/she is calm again.

-If I am keeping my newborn (up to 6 months old) in the MOPS meeting and he/she gets noisy, I will step out of the room and return when he/she is quiet again or I will allow a mentor mom to do so for me.

-If I have a 2-5 year old child, I will not bring toys from home.

-I understand that the workers will use positive reinforcement for behavior management. However, if my child continues to be disruptive, a timeout measure will be in place according to age. I understand that if my child does not change his/her behavior after ten minutes of attention, I will be called to remove my child from the classroom.

Snack & Bathroom Guidelines:

-The workers will provide a snack of goldfish, animal crackers or cheerios. Please inform the workers if you don’t wish for your child to have the provided snacks, and/or if your child has a food allergy. Children with food allergies will have a special badge clipped to their shirts alerting all workers to the allergy.

-If you are breastfeeding a child in the Infant Nursery, make sure you indicate on the sticker for your child’s back what time you plan to return to feed your child. There is a private nursing room available adjacent to the nursery for your use if you prefer. Of course, you are always welcome to nurse your baby in the meeting as well.

-Water will be provided to those children who do not bring a sippy cup from home.

-Water is strongly encouraged for those children bringing sippy cups from home. Please label your child’s cup.

-There is an accessible bathroom in each childcare room for older children. Please bring an extra change of clothes (or pants) for children in the process of potty training.

-Diapers will be changed for un-potty-trained children (as necessary). There are posted diaper changing guidelines on the wall above each changing station if you are curious about the procedures that the workers are required to follow. It is important to note that workers are required to wear gloves and to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer after each diaper change.

-All workers at First Pres are instructed to wipe down all surfaces (table and large toys and walkers) each hour. Toys that have been mouthed by a child will be placed in a “to be cleaned” basket and all toys will be switched out each hour.

-All childcare workers and volunteers that have agreed to work in MOPPETS have had background checks.

BOZ Treehouse Time!

- BOZ Treehouse Time! encourages young children to discover God’s world through play-based, faith focused activities. The interactive learning experiences will help children know and love God. These ideas and activities are appropriate for children under the age of 6. This includes watching a DVD, singing songs, doing crafts, and learning a Bible verse. We will use this program for both the 2 year old and the 3 & 4 year old classrooms.

Parental Responsibilities:

-I understand that if my child is attending the MOPPETS program, I must remain in the MOPS meeting and not leave the Church premises.

-I understand that it is my duty to communicate my child’s needs openly with the workers so that together we can create a great MOPPETS program.

Mom’s “On-Call” Policy:

-The goal of our MOPPETS program is to provide your children with a warm, loving and educational environment, where they are able to learn biblical principles. While the MOPPETS workers are supportive of these goals, there are going to be times when situations arise, that are beyond our control. In the event of such situations, where we may be short MOPPETS workers, we are going to implement a “Mom On-Call” policy. Every meeting, there will be one table that is considered “on-call,” in the event that we are short staffed in one of our MOPPETS classrooms. The moms at the “on-call” table will be responsible for filling-in and helping out within the classroom(s) for the first hour of the meeting, where help may be needed. Mentor Moms have agreed to staff the second hour when such instances arise so that no one will miss an entire meeting. Moms will only be called upon to assist in a MOPPETS classroom once during the MOPS year. This policy may never have to go into effect, meaning that you may never have to assist in one of the classrooms. However, this policy is in place so that we are able to proceed with our regularly scheduled MOPS meeting, and so everyone is made aware of this expectation. Thank you for your cooperation as we strive to make our MOPPETS program successful.

Sign Out Protocol:

-Please pick up your child after the MOPS meeting promptly at noon.


Parent SignatureDate

Thank you for you understanding and complying with the above procedures. We want you to enjoy our MOPS programs this year, knowing that your children are in good hands. Thank you for entrusting them to us.


Your MOPPETS Coordinators, Workers and Volunteers