Moody Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE)
For school year 2018-19
The SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) program allows students to gain real world experience in the activities of the agriculture industry while building skills in organization, recordkeeping, decision-making and analysis. The program is designed by the individual student with assistance from adult mentors and is completed outside regular class time. The student is provided with a set of expectations concerning minimum hours of participation in the SAE and when various phases should be completed. The SAE is part of the grade earned by students in Agriscience. Recognition through the FFA student organization for proficiency awards and eligibility for FFA degrees are two benefits also associated with conducting the SAE.
The SAE program requires a minimum of 30 hours of verifiable hands-on activity in any area of agriculture and natural resources selected by the student. This is not a traditional research paper, although the student may count up to one hour of time spent on literature review.
IDEAS: SAEs could include home or community improvement projects (landscaping, vegetable gardening, floral arrangements, food processing, fence or compost bin construction, etc.), job placement (for wages or experience), Agriscience research investigations, entrepreneurship (start-up business), environmental projects (Adopt-A-Stream, wildlife habitat improvement), directed lab activities after school (greenhouse management, improving animal lab facilities), and Ag communications projects (topical magazine, web-site development). The best projects are those that can be continued and expanded next year.
Students will choose a project and develop a plan. This plan, along with a list of needed resources to complete the project, should be signed by the student, parents, and other involved adults (for example, an employer or a landowner who provides space for a garden). When your teacher has approved the activity, you will receive recordkeeping information and you are cleared to begin work. The earlier you turn in your form and get it approved, the sooner you can get started. The approved plan counts as a 100-point test grade. All approved plans are due by the first week of October. Late paperwork results in a lowered grade.
Keep detailed records of your activities (hours, skills used, earnings, etc.). Your teacher will want to know when and if you need assistance. You will need visual aids for your final report so remember to take pictures, shoot video, save samples, etc.
You will not get credit for a project that you have not submitted the proper paperwork for or if it has not been approved – even if you worked the hours. Record sheets will be turned in and class presentations will be the first week of May. The final SAE grade will count for 900 points, bringing the total to 1000 points altogether.
I understand the requirements for the SAE project and that successful completion and grading includes proper planning and documentation. I understand that my project must be pre-approved by my instructor after I submit the required planning forms before I should begin work. Proper safety precautions should be observed throughout the project whenever needed.
STUDENT name ______PARENT signature ______
Signature ______Date ______
Student Name ______
Class Period______Class______
1. Please give a detailed summary of the SAE that you plan to conduct.
What will you do?
What is the size or scope of the project? (Size of area, dimensions of project, how many, number of times, etc).
Where will your project work be done (list all possible sites)? ______
Do you anticipate earning any money during the project? If so, please explain.
3. Resources Needed – list of all equipment, supplies, materials needed and their sources.
If items are to be purchased, please indicate the anticipated cost. Attach another sheet if necessary.
ITEM NEEDED / SOURCE (from whom or where?) / COST (if you are buying)4. Mentors and Others who give assistance
Other people who will assist you with your project and their role. For example, someone let’s you work at their business, loans or buys your equipment, or gives you technical advice. You should have at least one person listed. They should review this plan and must sign in agreement with what they will provide.
Name of person / What they will provide / Signature and Date