The Royal Jubilee Celebrations will be Hosted on Amport Green
Saturday June 2nd starting around 12.30 pm
More news will be coming out soon, so watch your email Inbox for updates.
Amport and Monxton currently have a joint committee who are organising the Royal Jubilee Celebrations,which will be Hosted on Amport Green in June.
We will be looking of volunteers to assist with a variety of tasks which include:
Leaflet drops
Assistance with events on the day
Setting up the marquees
Ideas for events for children and adults
Both Amport and Monxton parish councils are providing funds to part finance some of activities, however, donors are welcome to contribute.
For more information or to volunteer: email
The Usual advert in this space for the Black Swan has been discontinued as the pub is no longer open.
The rumours are flying around that the Black Swan may have a new Landlord very soon and one who has managed the establishment before. Let’s all trust this happens soon….
Monxton and Amport Village Hall Bookings Diary
Regular Bookings: for February -April
Day / Time / Activity / Contact NameMon / Morning / AVAILABLE
Mon / Afternoon / AVAILABLE
Mon / Evening / AVAILABLE
Tue / Morning / AVAILABLE
Tue / 2pm – 3pm / Badminton / Brenda Gower - 01264 710538
Tue / 7:30pm – 10pm / Pipe Band / Iona MacDonald - 07545142924
Wed / 9am – 12pm / Music with Mummy / Nicky Derrick - 01264 720452
Wed / 2pm – 4pm / RAGS (Art Group) / Renata West - 01264 889507
Wed / 8-9pm / Pilates Class / Elizabeth Williams – 01264 512387
Thu / 9:15am – 11:45am / Music with Mummy / Nicky Derrick - 01264 720452
Thu / Afternoon / AVAILABLE
Thu / 6:15pm – 9:15pm / Shuffles & Splits / Louise Ray - 01264 356042
Fri / 8:30am – 2.30pm / Baby Sensory Class / Imogen Day - 07762 364132
Fri / Afternoon / AVAIL after 2.30pm
Fri / Evening / AVAILABLE
Sat / All day / AVAILABLE
Sun / Morning - fortnightly / Coffee after Church / Jean Wood - 01264 710518
Sun / All Day / AVAILABLE
Moviola Film Events at the Village Hall
For more information contact: Caroline Unwin 01264 772375
EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OFThe Monxton Parish Council Meeting
31st January 2012at 8.00PM
Full edition available on the Monxton Website or from the Parish Clerk
MATTERS ARISING (Abridged version)
The current bank balance is £10,279.08
Next year’s precept will be increased by £250 to cover celebrations for the Queens Jubilee. The precept was agreed and will now be sent off.
The Chairperson and Treasurer signed the accounts.
David to chase up HSBC, for account transfer from the Bank of Ireland
Golden Jubilee Celebration Amport Green
The MPC was advised that Amport PC is giving £1,500 towards the event which will include kids games, bouncy castle, bucking bronco …
The Hawk Inn will provide a Bar service on the Green.
People will be advised to bring their own picnics. The Monxton and Amport Marquees will be used for serving tea and cakes – made by Amport villagers.
Music will be provided local musicians.
Monxton agreed to give up to £500 for Jubilee funding to include gifts for the village children.
Numbers of children to be determined for Sunnybank and Monxton
Village Hall Committee have chosen the ramp, non slip. They will need to get a certificate of lawfulness. There is no date yet for installation. / ANDOVER AIRFIELD SITE
Cllr Pat West reported that ALL S106 money went to TVBC, as money was meant to be given to Monxton for sustainable transport, Katrina to write to David Gleave cc Roger Tetstall and Ian Carr, asking TVBC to confirm where the money has been allotted (approx £20,000)
Sue to ring David Wilson to see what the situation is regarding signage. Pat West said she was involved in discussion to resolve the matter.
New Signage at for the Coop Magashed at Andover Airfield.
Playground inspection
A new volunteer to undertake the weekly checks of the playground is needed. If no volunteers are forthcoming the playground equipment will need to be removed as Monxton Parish Council will not be insured. JC to write letter to residents.
Traffic calming update
This to be removed from the agenda.
SC to email Simon Nightingale to raise the issue of visibility of the build outs, and ask for it to be more reflective.
Monxton’s - Silver Jubilee Old Films now available on DVD
The three Super 8 films were kindly donated by Mr & Mrs Long, who have since left the village and MPC have now funded their conversion onto DVD, which means that they will shortly be available for download from the Monxton website.
Council / TVBC / Comments
1 / 12/00028/FULLN
Demolition of existing attached double garage and erection of a detached single garage, office, garden store and gates | Old Farm House Abbotts Ann Road / Support
2 / 12/00029/LBWN
Demolition of existing attached double garage and erection of gates | Old Farm House / Support
Decisions Made:
11/02657/TREEN Abbotts Mead Chalkpit Lane No Objection
11/02532/TREEN Monxton Manor Amport Road No Objection
11/02517/TREEN Rectory Cottage Amport Road No Objection
11/01548/VARN Manor Farm Amport Road Perm subj cond¬es
Concern has been raised with TVBC that the planting has yet again been delayed. A request for planting this year, using containers, to be made – given the timescale already involved.
11/02502/LBWN The School Hse Amport Rd Consent subj cond¬es
1. Councillor Ben Few-Brownwill provide advice on planning applications as the new TVBC borough councillor.
2. All planning applications can be accessed on line at
3. For those planning applications that require further discussions where there may be supporters and objectors, a Planning Sub- Committee will be held involving Cllrs Saville, Dowding, Cleugh and Chaffey plus any interested residents.
The next meeting of the Monxton Parish Council will be on the
March 6th 2012 at 8.00pm at the Village Hall
Report from Alan King:
The on-going issues both from and since the last MPC Meeting ~ 15th November 2011 (all reported for action to Peter Watson at the Countryside Service of Hampshire County Council) are as follows:
The fingerpost on Broad Road where footpath 4 emerges has been repaired (replaced).
The fingerpost north of the bridge on the north side of the A303 footpath is down.
Signage is missing at the end of Boat 12 where it meets the Grateley Road at Oaklahoma Farm.
The track up to the “crossroads” from Sunny Bank (“Monxton Lane” Boat 11) has not been trimmed during either the 2010/11 winter or to date this winter. Complaints have been received that the vegetation on the track is now excessive.
The majority of the spoil tipped on Boat 8 was removed during week commencing 12th December 2011 leaving a residue of brick, concrete and tarmac rubble in the hedge (for a length of approximately 70 metres. Debris as yet to be removed remains in the hedgerow.
Complaints have been received that the width of Bridleway 7 as maintained by the land owner is not adequate (and is less than is defined in the Definitive Statement of Public Rights of Way).
During the weekend of 19th November 2011 it was reported that obstructions had been placed at all four “ends” of Boats 8 & 11 so preventing vehicular use of the public byeways.
The fingerpost sign is broken off the post at the entrance to Bridleway 721 (Bryning Lodge) were vans / lorries undertaking building work have been parking / turning. This has been repaired on a temporary basis.
Phil Allen of HCC Countryside Service is visiting Monxton with Peter Watson on the 9th February 2012 to view the obstructions for himself and decide how to resolve the issue. TVBC, as Agents of HCC, have refused to remove the obstructions as “fly-tipping”. Phil Allen of HCC has said that he will consider asking the Police to commence a criminal action for “unlawful obstruction of a Public Highway”.
Since the 15th November 2011 footpaths 4, 6 & 502, Bridleway 7, 9 & 721 and BOATS 8 & 11 have been walked.
Fly-tipping can be reported by anyone to the Street Scene Team at Test Valley Borough Council who are part of “Customer Services” and are contactable on 01264 368000. They require a brief (but accurate) description / quantity of the material to be removed together with an exact location.
Report from Robert Davies:
There were no serious incidents involving the Police in Monxton, since the last Parish Council meeting.
Since 1.11.11 – 31.1.12 there have been 7 incidents incl. lost/found property, suspicious vehicle and criminal damage. The Police (to achieve more with less) will be utilising more technology to free-up Police time to enable them to spend more time out in the community.
For example –
1. The Police Officers have been issued with Blackberrys that can access the Police National Computer directly. With this they can do “on-the-spot” checks on car registration numbers, check on suspicious people or property which could be stolen
2.Also finger prints can be taken by the Blackberry and it is possible to get identification result back in 20 seconds.
3.The local Police are using Twitter now… for appeals for information, give notification of speed checks etc.
There will be an article in the Parish News giving more details.
The Police have been active in the village undertaking speed checks. 7 vehicles stopped (2 fixed penalty; 5 warned)Thanks to David Trowbridge for coming to the meeting; He explained how the Community Speed Watch Scheme worked.
In short – the main points are
Before the scheme starts
A 30MPH area should be identified which will be risk assessed by the Police. 6 Volunteers are needed (incl. one lead volunteer), minimum age 17 years.
Once the site is approved (up to 3 sites), the equipment is purchased (£3k). Hampshire constabulary will train, free of charge, how to use the gun (flashing device). Takes as little as 3 months to get up and running.
The scheme
The Lead Volunteer co-ordinates volunteers. Equipment is stored at the Police Station. Lead volunteer inputs info to the Police computer. Letters will be received next day by the speeders. Persistent offenders will be visited by the Police. Running costs- allow £50p.a. Need High Visibility jackets. 3 people out at one time.
Please ensure all domestic oil is kept securely and with a lock and chain.
Please continue to report any incidents or anything suspicious please Ring 101 to call PC Roger Kitson, who will act upon the call.