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Monthly Report to Western District Conference

By Byron Pellecer

The following report reflects activities based on my responsibilities as Associate Conference Minister Texas for the month ofJuly2017.

1.Networking Anabaptist Church Planting Partnerships

New leads / Church Planting

Fort Worth Church Plant, Marty Arredondo. Affiliation (discernment process) conversation.

Both Palabra Viva (living Word). Liberal, KS is working on evangelism.

Garifuna Houston, TX Church is meeting in houses. They have officially adopted a name for their congregation, Iglesia Menonita Fuente de Restauración. During WDC Annual Assembly, their worship band will lead Friday’s worship and co-lead with Luz del Evangelio on Saturday evening.

Church Plants

Fuente de Vida in Omaha, is facing a challenge in attendance and meeting place. They are meeting in houses instead of a church building. Attendance has been affected as well.

Aposento Alto. On July 30, the church plant begun to meet under Jaime’s leadership. They celebrated and worship with neighbors and sister church Casa Betania.

Camino Nuevo has implemented a Prayer & Intercession Team. They are planning and expecting to implement an addiction’s support group on August. Launching date yet to be confirmed.

Monthlymeetings-conversations with church planters: Jaime Rocha, Antonio Caseros, Rafael Aguilar, and Miguel Norales.

Attending meetings for both Support Groups for Aposento Alto and Camino Nuevo.

2.Sustaining Transformational Pastors. Equip and support pastors/congregations Texas.

Ministry Coaching / Support: Alberto & Aurora Parchmont (Casa del Alfarero), Sandra (Monte Horeb), John (San Antonio MC), Blanca (Comunidad de Vida), Moises (Camino de Santidad), Rafael (Fuente de Vida), Jaime Cazares (Casa Betania / Aposento Alto), Jaime Rocha (Palabra Viva), Miguel Norales & Onan Alvarez (Fuente de Restauración), Juan and Lupe Limones (Luz del Evangelio).

Visited-preached: Luz del Evangelio, San Antonio MC, Comunidad de Vida, Comunidad de Esperanza.

Dallas Hispanic Pastors training and peer group.

WDC Exec Board meeting-report.

Church Planting Commission budget (follow up) meeting. CPC planning meeting.

Everence pastor financial aid. Moises Romero.

WDC / KLC advisory group.

WDC / Immigration Task force.

Connecting Metroplex new comers / believers with Dallas congregations.


Texas Staff Meeting

We meet regularly for planning, evaluation, and implementation. Assist and provide administrative support to congregations, pastors, and church planters for their ministry and congregation.

Distribution of announcements and information concerning conference and denominational events, especial emphasis on WDC’s Annual Assembly, MC USA and Iglesia Menonita Hispana. Assisted congregations and pastors with WDC Assembly delegate registration, congregation’s history.

Kansas Staff Meeting

Wednesdays morning, Zoom (mostly). Reporting, follow up, planning and implementation.

Join Staff Meeting

Once a month both Newton and Dallas offices get together to plan, report and conduct administrative and ministerial business.

4.Advocate for intercultural transformation and undoing racism in WDC; connect pastors and congregations to WDC and Mennonite Church USA resources and mission.

Registered to participate at Everence Pastors wellbeing.

Attended MC USA Orlando Biannual Assembly.

MC USA Convention, Resolutions Committee. Future Church Summit follow up.

Immigration Forum in Houstonis scheduled for August 26that Casa del Alfarero.

Menno Media Board meeting, conference call.

New Hymnal Project, consulting conversations & connecting with Houston WDC churches.

MC USA Transition in Ministry (TIM) conversations with Terry Shue for WDC pastors and church planters.

AMBS / Church Leadership Center advisory group.

MCC / Central Stated Immigration & Incarceration System conversations.

5.Coordinate WDC Annual Assembly planning when it takes place in Texas.

Assembly Planning Teammonthly ZOOM meeting, emails, and phone conversations as needed. Planning conversations with other individuals related to Assembly.

Church Planting Commission report and workshop conversations.

6.WDC liaison to Iglesia Menonita Hispana (IMH), Instituto Bíblico Anabautista (IBA), and other related assignments.

Iglesia Menonita Hispana Board meetings and Assembly planning.

Attended and preached at Iglesia Menonita Hispana Assembly in Orlando, FL

Support IBA Centers in Luz del Evangelio, Casa Betania and Casa del Alfarero.

7.Professional and Personal Growth

Daily walks and time for laughter with Hildalejandra, my wife.


  • Nuts & Bolts of Church Revitalization by Tom Cheyney and Terry Rials.