Monthly meeting held in the National Park Meeting Room

on Monday 24th June 2013 at 6:00pm


Councillors Present Councillors C Parkin (Chairman), J Barker,J Duncombe, C Swift, D Paton, P Pearce and M Vander Weyer.

Also PresentAbout 40members of the public, one member of the press, Mrs D Farley (Town Clerk) and Ms V Ellis (Assistant Clerk).

  1. Apologies

There were no apologies for absence.

  1. New Councillor

The council welcomed Dawn Paton and received her Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Councillor.

  1. Code of Conduct

Councillor J Duncombe declared a pecuniary interest in Item 10 at that point in the meeting.

  1. Helmsley Development Plan

Ms C Skelly, Planning Policy Officer of the NYMNPA,addressed the council on the Helmsley Development Plan Consultation process:

  • A summary of the assessment is on the NYMNPA website, and a map.
  • Consultation events will be held the 4th July and the 19th July 2013 at the NYMPA offices.
  • Further details are available from the NYMNPA.
  1. Public Comments (exchange of information only)

a)Mr C Patmore, Director of Wharfedale Homes addressed the council on proposals for a small site off Linkfoot Lane which is proposed for allocation as part of the plan for immediate release and is identified as site NYMH 8.

b)Apologies were received from Ms P Wilshire who was to speak about the Bridge Street to Pottergate Path application RYE/2012/04/DMMO.

c)A member of the public addressed the council on the following matters:

  • The incorrect street name in the agenda for RYE/2012/04/DMMO. The Chairman read out the NYCC timetable for this application.
  • Keeping agendas and minutes in one place, the council’s website, rather than on a blog as well.
  • The council’s old website appearing in searches along with the more recent version.
  1. Minutes

The council agreed the minutes of the meeting held on the 28th May 2013 and the Planning Meeting held on the 10th June 2013 and they were signed.

  1. Bridge Street to Pottergate Path RYE/2012/04/DMMO

The council agreed to accept the advice of Mr R Varley (Definitive Map Officer NYCC) not to withdraw the application for a Definitive Map Modification Order.

  1. Exchange of Information and items for next agenda

Chairman’s Report.

  • The chairman reported on the visit to the Birds of Prey Centre/Parish Forum Meeting
  • Councillor Vander Weyer was appointed to represent the council for the Magna Carta celebrations.

Clerk’s Report

  • Helmsley Arts Centre: The Fire Service had not objection to the new gate.
  • Items for Ryedale Five Towns Agenda – to include RDC Pavement Sweeper.
  • Draft Helmsley Plan. Consultation starts on the 24th June for a period of 6 weeks
  • Information from NYMNPA - Warwick Place Path. Senior Ranger agrees that the tarmac path needs improving. Received a price from a contractor. It came in over the threshold for seeking competitive tenders, the process will start soon.
  • Cleveland Way Overflow Car Park – plans from RDC.
  • Info from NALC: bill to cap parish precepts at 2% increases failed at 2nd reading.
  • Path from the car park to Helmsley Walled Garden is rough for mobility scooters.
  • Cars leaving the car park – no stop lines, they head straight out.
  1. Planning

The council received the following results

a)Application No 13/00375/HOUSE Applicant Mr & Mrs Nicholson

Proposal Erection of rear two storey extension following demolition of existing

Conservatory. Location 5 Bells Court Helmsley YO62 5BA Decision Approved

b)Application No 13/00450/HOUSE Applicant Mr & Mrs K Chester

Proposal Erection of part single-storey, part two-storey extension to the rear and demolition of existing rear single-storey extension

Location 23 Ryegate Helmsley Decision Approved

c)Application No 13/00463/HOUSE Applicant Mr & Mrs D Smithson

Proposal Erection of part single storey part two storey rear extension

Location 20 Ashdale Road Helmsley York YO62 5DB Decision Approved


Councillor J Duncombe declared a pecuniary interest in this item.

The council were in favour of the Proposed Extinguishment of Helmsley Footpath (32) Ryedale Close, Creation of Bridleway and Diversion of Footpath 32 (Reagarth Farm).

  1. City of York/NYCC Minerals and Joint Waste Plan

The council resolved not to respond to the consultation.

  1. Meeting Reports and Training

a)RDC Parish Liaison 29th May 2013. The assistant clerk gave a verbal report.

b)NYMNPA Joint Parish Forum Meeting 4 June 2013. Councillor Parkin gave a verbal report.

c)Western Area Parish Forum 24 July 2013. Councillor Paton will attend.

  1. Helmsley Library

The council resolved to sign the Service Level Agreement with NYCC.

  1. Website and Helmsley Town Council Blog

a)The council resolved that it would not put a link from its website to the Helmsley Blog as the site carries advertising, but that a link the other way is acceptable.

b)The council resolved that agendas would not be emailed to Mr Jenkins for publication on the blog as they are available on the council’s own website and the blog carries advertising.

  1. Emergency Planning

The council received the Emergency Plan template from NYCC and resolved not to undertake filling it in as providing the information and keeping it up to date would be difficultbut the council would produce summary information such as keyholders and contact details.

  1. Minutes

a)The council resolved to archive the Town Council Minutes from 1894 (Meeting of Parochial Electors ahead of change in the law) to Feb 2009 (page 211) at the NYCC Archives.

b)The council resolved to apply for a NYMNPA Community Grant towards the costs of photographing and/or copying the council minutes to create an electronic record for the council and for binding the minutes, and agreed that if the grant application is unsuccessful, to pay the cost of the work.

  1. Finance

a)The council resolved to apply for a grant to the NYMNPA Community Fund for adding an inscription for RAF Sgt Martin to the War Memorial.

b)The council noted that Councillors’ Audit was undertaken by Councillors Parkin and Weyer and that the result was satisfactory.

c)The council accepted the bank reconciliation up to the 31st May 2013.

d)The council accepted budget update to the 31st May 2013.

e)The following payments were agreed and the cheques were signed.

101107 / Rural Action Yorkshire / Annual Subscription / £35.00
101108 / JRB Enterprises / Dog Bags / £237.60
101109 / RDC / Street Sweeper / £750.00
101110 / Ian Wood Garden Services / Grass cutting / £665.00
101111 / K Sanderson / H Archive / £21.00
101112 / V Ellis / Salary + Expenses / £492.26
101113 / D Farley / Salary + Expenses / £1,135.03
101114 / HMRC / Tax and NI / £273.65
TOTAL / £3,609.54
  1. Staffing Matters

The council resolved to pay the North Yorkshire Pension Fund the actuary fee to establish the contribution rate for entry for the clerk into the Local Government Pension Scheme from May 2014 and to accept a contribution towards the cost.

Chairman Date