
Landscape Plant Materials HORT 226– Fall2006

LinnBentonCommunity College –Agricultural Sciences Department

Course NumbersHORT 226CRN: 26530

Course Credits:3 credits

Meeting Time & Room:Lectures: T 10:00-11:50 ST-211

Lab: T 1:00-2:50Greenhouse / Fieldtrip

Instructor:Dr. Stefan Seiter

ST-205, Albany Campus

Phone (voice mail): (541) 917-4765

E-mail address:

Office Hours:Monday09:00 – 09:50; Wednesday 11:00-11:50;Thursday 10:00-10:50; also available by appointment.

Course Description:This course is one of two landscape plant materials courses taught at LBCC (Hort 226 and Hort 228). Many of the plants covered in HORT 226 are woody plants which exhibit seasonal highlights in autumn. Students learn to recognize each plant by its seasonal characteristics: leaves, fruits, flowers, and stems. In addition, form, habit, spread, soil requirements, and horticultural usefulness are studied. Students will learn the plants’ scientific and common names. Labs are outdoor field trips. Wear comfortable walking shoes and bring rain gear. Students are expected to provide their own transportation to off-campus field trip sites.

Course Materials: - OSU plants ID web site:

- Blackboard site:

- Recommended texts: Trees or North America by R, Phillips,

1978 , Trees for Urban and Suburban Landscapes, Gilman, 1997;

SunsetWesternGarden Book (recommended)

Course Outcomes The successful completion of this course will enable you to:

  • Recognize and name approximately 160 plants based on observable plant characteristics such as plant form, flower shape, leaf margins, and bark texture.
  • Be familiar with horticultural uses and habitat requirements for the landscape plants covered in this course
  • Correctly spell scientific and common names of widespread horticultural landscape plants

Wait List PolicyIf the class is full, registered students not attending the first session without advance notice to the instructor will be dropped from the class and students from the wait list will take their spots. Waitlisted students must attend class and get instructor approval to become registered students.

Course EvaluationStudents will be evaluated throughquizzes, exams and a project.You have to let the instructor know (using email, phone or personal message) before the class if you are unable to attend a quiz or exam day or if you are unable to turn in assignments on time. Make-up exams and extensions for assignments will be made available only to students who follow this procedure.

Field quizzes are weekly quizzes on names, plant characteristics, plant ecology, and horticultural uses of the plants introduced in the previous weeks. Each quiz covers all plants introduced before the date of the quiz.

The midterm exam consists of a spelling exam of the plants covered before the date of the exam.

The final examwill consist of a written spelling testand a field test on names, plant characteristics, plant ecology, and horticultural uses of all plants covered in the course.

Project Assignment - see extra handout

Grades:The grading system for the course is “A-F”. Final grades will be based on the percentage of total points earned.

A = 90% and above;B = 80 to 89%;C = 70 to 79%;

D = 60 to 69%;F = 59% and below

Field Quizzes50 %

Midterm Exam 10 %

Written Final Exam10 %

Field Final Plant 15 %

Project 15 %

Grades cont’d:Incomplete Grade: AnIncomplete will not be issued. Notify the instructor if you are no longer able to attend class.

Y Grade: If you miss more than six class session (including labs) you will not receive credit for the class (“Y” grade).

Audit Status: Students may request Audit status in place of a letter grade before the end of the second week.

Student Integrity:All students are expected to take quizzes and examsand conduct projects with integrity, jeopardizing neither their own honesty nor that of other students.

Disabilities Services:

Students who may need accommodations due to documented disabilities, who have medical information which the instructor should know, or who need special arrangements in an emergency, should speak with the instructor during the first week of class. If you have not accessed services and think you may need them, please contact Disability Services, 917-4789.

Classroom Guidelines

  • This is your course. You will learn the most if you actively participate in classroom discussions and share your experience and questions. At the same time, respect other students’ desire to learn while listening attentively and appreciating other points of view.
  • This is your classroom. Take responsibility for it by straightening up tables and chairs when you leave. Clean up the lab and put away equipment at the end of class. Pick up and remove litter.
  • Arrive promptly before class begins. If late, enter quietly.
  • Please remove hats in the class room. Head coverings worn for religious or medical reasons are acceptable.
  • Turn off your cell phone. Let the instructor know if you need to leave the cell phone on for emergency reasons.
  • No food or drink is allowed in the classroom during class time. No tobacco products may be used in the classroom at any time.
  • Know basic safety rules. Report any accidents, injuries, or problems immediately.
  • Do not come to class when you are ill and are likely to infect others. Academic work can be made up when you return.
  • Minor children will not be allowed in the classroom or lab areas for safety reasons. Check with the LBCC family resource center for child care options during in-service school days.
  • Check your personal folder for returned papers and homework frequently.
  • Security is a primary concern on campus. Be responsible for your things and considerate of other students’ belongings.
  • Let faculty or staff know if you are experiencing academic difficulties. Assistance is available. The LBCCLeaningCenterprovides students with academic support and a comfortable place to study. For available services go to
  • Be aware of Student Rights and Responsibilities. For more information go to

Tentative Course Schedule - HORT 226

Week / Tuesday AM / Tuesday PM
9/26 / Course Introduction / Tree List 1Field Trip LBCC
10/03 / Tree List 2 / Quiz 1 - Field Trip CorvallisCentral Park
10/10 / Tree List 3 / Quiz 2 - Field TripCorvallisCentral Park
10/17 / Tree List 4 / Quiz 3 - Field Trip Corvallis – Cloverland
10/24 / Tree List 5
Midterm Exam / Field Trip Albany
10/31 / Tree List 6 / Quiz 4 - Field Trip Corvallis - OSU


11/7 / No Class
On-line/home exercise / No Class
11/14 / Tree List 7 / Quiz 5 - Field Trip LBCC Campus
11/21 / Tree List 8 / Quiz 6 - Field Trip Peavy Arboretum
11/28 / Course Review / Final Exam

LBCC – Landscape Plant Materials HORT 226 – Fall 20061