Father Albert J. Todd Council 12119
• 1005 Wilbon Road • Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 • www.kofc12119.org

Monthly Business Meetings are held at St. Bernadette Church

On the Second Tuesday of Every Month at 7:30 pm

Meeting Minutes for: January 12th, 2010

Prepared by Steven Raedy, Recorder


The Meeting was called to order by GK Tommy Rosati at 7:30 PM.

2. Warden’s Report on Membership Cards (Bro. Lou Mennona, Inside Guard):

All present are in possession of a current membership card.

3. Opening Prayer: The Lord’s Prayer was led by GK Tommy Rosati.

4. Pledge of Allegiance: The pledge was led by GK Tommy Rosati.

5. Roll Call of Officers:

6. Opening Ode: The opening Ode was sung with tremendous passion and enthusiasm by the members.

7. Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes:

A Motion was made by Bro. Jim O’Donnell and seconded by Bro. Raul Barbeito to approve the minutes of the December meeting as published and distributed to the membership. Motion passed by unanimous verbal consent.

8. Report of Admissions Committee and Reading of Applications:

Four applications to join the Council have been submitted. They are: Nicholas Gervase, Marc Seelinger Jr., Thomas Seelinger, and Devin Gerney.

9. Balloting for Membership (New members, readmissions, and reapplications):

A Motion was made by Bro. Dave Onofrio and seconded by Bro. Bill Barry to accept the four new applicants. Motion passed by unanimous verbal consent.

10. Reading of Notices of Application in other Councils: N/A

11.  Initiations: N/A

12.  Grand Knight’s Report:

Worthy Brothers,

I trust everyone had a wonderful Holiday Season. Now that the Christmas Season is over, it’s back to work for our Council. A Spaghetti Dinner, Cookbook Sales & A Golf Tournament are just a few things we have “coming down the pipe.” Stay tuned for more info.

One thing I wish to point out is our write-up in the January addition of Columbia Magazine. If you have not yet read it, please turn to page 27 to see what was said about our Council.

The Knight & Family of the Month.

Knight of the Month:

At this time, it's my honor & privilege to present the Knight of the Month Award to Brother Chris Romano. On December 16th, Brother Chris made a sizable donation of cell phones, iPods and a number of other types of electronics to The Knights of Columbus “Giving Tree Program,” which benefited children in Wake County Foster Care. Through Brother Chris Romano’s generosity, many teenage foster kids, who sometimes go unnoticed during the Holiday Season, received gifts that were not only loved, but also very age appropriate.

Thank you Brother Chris for all you have done for Our Community!

Family of the Month:

At this time it is my honor & privilege to present the Family of the Month Award to the family of Brother Bill Barry. Since Brother Bill joined Our Order in April of last year, He and his wife Susan have been a staple of consistency at Knights of Columbus activities. Family events, social events, Pancake Breakfasts; Brother Bill & Susan are always there to support or help. Add this to the fact that Susan sings in the choir and participates in a number of other Church activities makes the Barry Family the ideal choice for our Council’s Knight of the Month Award.

Thank you Barry family for your dedication to our Church and Our Order!

I would also like to thank Bro. Wally Chaplin for all of the assistance he has provided to me and DGK Mark Leuver, especially during the difficult time he has recently experienced with his family. I could not do this job without his help.

My Brothers, it’s the start of a new calendar year. I am positive this calendar year will be even more productive than the last. Thank you all in advance for all you will do this coming year for our Church, Our Community & Our Order.


Grand Knight

13. Chaplain’s Report (Fr. Robert Staley): Omitted

14. Treasurer’s Report (Bro. Bob Mayen):

The current bank balance is $10,514.19, including the following fund allocations:

Life Memorial: $1975.02

Knights in need: $1000.00

Capital Campaign: $1030.00

See attachment for more details.

15. Reading by Grand Knight of Receipts of Treasurer to Financial Secretary and Treasurer’s Voucher of Deposit:

R 455 (12/08/09) - December Pancake Breakfast Receipts = $869.00
R 456 (12/08/09) – Capital Campaign = $67.00
R 457 (12/08/09) – Dues = $24.00

16. Reading of Bills and Communications:

Bills (Warrants from Financial Secretary to Treasurer)

W 767 (12/08/09) – Bro. Michael Bozzano for Bike Project = $1000.00
W 768 (12/08/09) - Rick Lalich for Member/Ladies Badges = $110.00
W 769 (12/08/09) - Bro. Andy Raulynaitis for December Pancake Breakfast Supplies = $56.91
W 770 ((12/08/09) – Bro. Steve Raedy for December Pancake Breakfast Supplies = $18.35
W 771 (12/08/09) – Bro. Wally Chaplin, FS for Council Supplies = $14.66
W 772 (12/08/09) – Bro. Raul Barbieto for December Pancake Breakfast Supplies = $251.47


Thank you card from Fr. Mark for Christmas gift check.

Thank you card from Fr. Robert for Christmas gift check.

17.  Financial Secretary’s Report (Bro. Wally Chaplin, FS):

We currently have 147 Associate Members and 59 Insurance Members for a total of 206 Members. Our quota for this Fraternal Year is 14 new associate members and 5 Insurance members. Since the start of the Fraternal Year we have gained 8 new members (57.10% of quota). We have had five additions and two losses from our insurance numbers (60.0% of quota).

18. Report of Auditors and Trustees (Bro. Tim Hughes):

The Treasurers report has been reviewed and found to be satisfactory.

The Semiannual Council Audit is due to Supreme, the State Deputy and District Deputy by February 15th. It will be coordinated with the FS.

19. Chancellor’s Report of Vocations (Bro. Dave Peters):

A certificate of appreciation was presented for Fr. Robert Staley, indicating that a Rosary was recited by the officers on his behalf.

20.  Report of Service Program Committees

·  Pro-Life (Mike Mroz, Director)

We are trying to determine what the interest would be in organizing a group to visit ‘Birthchoice’ on a Saturday after Lent.

·  Church Activities (Bro. Jim O’Donnell, Director)

The 2010 parish council has been named. I would like to thanks Tony Perna, Anthony Convery, Brian Szews, and John McNamara for joining me on the parish council. There are a total of 12 members, 5 of which are Knights. Anyone interested in knowing more about the Parish Council can see me after the meeting.

·  LAMB – Whatsoever you do to the “Least Among My Brethren (LAMB)” (Bro. Chuck Byars):

Bro. Ed Undercoffer will be service as the LAMB co-director this year.

The TR fundraiser dates will be established soon.

No more checks have been requested at this point – 2/1 is the deadline to disburse any more of the ~$900 remaining in the fund.

·  Family Activities (Bro. Chris Craney, Director):
1. Giving Tree Update - The Christmas Party for the Wake County Foster children was held on Monday, December 14th. With the support of the parish we were able to provide approximately 250 gifts and thanks to the council for the funds for the bikes that were purchased for the kids. I would like to thank Brothers Andy Raulynaitis and Anthony Convery for all their efforts and support for this years program. Also thanks to all council members who helped move gifts to the pod after masses and to all who helped moves the gifts on December 14th from the pod to the Skating rink. Special thanks goes to Santa Claus Chris Romano for his gracious act of kindness the night of the Christmas party. Chris purchases close to $1,000 worth of presents for the teenage foster children. I can't imagine this program going any better than it did this year.
2. Upcoming events - Harlem Globetrotters (sans Meadowlark Lemon) basketball game March 5th, Adopt a Highway program in support of the scout, field trip to the Raleigh Birth Choice Center. Will keep you posted and appreciate your efforts and support.

·  Youth Activities (Bro. Mike Zazzeri, Director):

Bro. Marc Seelinger has taken over as Scoutmaster for the local Troop. He needs help. Contact Marc @ if you can contribute in any way – we have all acquired skills that could well be useful to the scouts in some way.

·  Membership Activities (Dave Dillman, Director):omitted

·  Council Director (Al Munno, Director):

We have volunteers to sell PK breakfast tickets after all weekend Masses from 1/16 through 1/31 except for the 7:45AM Sunday Masses. Please volunteer for these if you can.

Officer elections are coming up soon. If you have any interest in an officer position or any questions, please see GK Tommmy Rosati, or any officer.

We will be hosting a 3rd Degree on October 9th this year, we will need a lot of help. We will try to get this on the calendar to reserve a classroom and the hall asap.

We are organizing a golf tournament fundraiser for March 22nd – Bro. Bruce Meyer will be going to Devil’s Ridge Golf club on Sat. to discuss logistics. Please see Bro. Bruce if you would like to assist with this event.

21. Report of Standing Committees:

Pancake Breakfasts (Bro. Dave Dillman):

Results of last breakfast.

Gross $702

Expenses $268

Net Profit $434

Blood Drives (Bro. Dave Dillman):

No report

22.  Unfinished Business:

Cookbook (GK Tommy Rosati):

I have 60-70 recipes at this time, and will put the request out to the parish in a few weeks. After those are received, the recipe collection will be critiqued and organized, then printed and sold.


Brother Raul Barbeito has modified and added locks the ‘new’ shelving in the shed. Bro. Raul, GK Tommy Rosati, and Bro. Andy Raulynaitis have keys. We need some volunteers to help clean out the debris from the project.

23.  New Business:

Super 50/50

Bro. Al Munno made a Motion that the Council organize a committee to arrange one or more ‘Super 50/50’s in which ticket booklets would be sold to parish members for $5/each booklet. This idea has been approved by Fr. Mark and is a low risk fundraiser with potential revenue in the $Ks. The motion was seconded by Bro. Mark Leuver and passed by unanimous verbal consent.

Appliance donation request

The Council has been approached to donate funds to buy a new appliance for the renovated church hall kitchen. The council does not currently have the funds to do this, and is already working towards fulfilling its $25K pledge for the capital campaign. The issue is tabled at this time.

24 Report of Fourth Degree:

Fr. H. Charles Mulholland Assembly #2983 (SK Wally Chaplin, Faithful Navigator):

Next Tuesday’s business meeting will be held in Garner.

A spaghetti dinner will be held this Sat. at St. Mary’s in Garner from 3-9, please attend.

25. Insurance Field Agent’s Report (Bro. Michael Martin, FIC): Omitted

26. District Deputy’s Report (GK Tommy Rosati for Bro. Bob Caron, District Deputy):

A 3rd Degree will be held on March 20th in Apex (Council 7186). If you are a 3rd or 4th Degree member you should make every effort to attend!!!!!!!! You will need to arrive around 11AM and the Degree and meal will be over by approx. 3:30.

See Bro. Dave Dillman if you plan to attend, cost is approximately $12.

27. Good of the Order:

Prayers were requested for:

  • All Clergy and Religious
  • Military at home and abroad
  • Fr. Jim Dull
  • Bro. Thomas DeLeon
  • Bro.Wally Chaplin and family, including his daughter’s mother-in-law Stevie
  • Anne Onofrio
  • Nazareth Raulynaitis
  • Michelle Byars
  • Marilyn Undercoffer
  • The aborted unborn
  • Bro. Charlie Abruscato

28. Chaplain’s Summation: (Fr. Robert Staley): omitted.

29. Closing Prayer: The Closing Prayer, and Prayer for Priests, was led by GK Tommy Rosati

30. Closing Ode: The closing Ode was sung with great bravado by the members.

31. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned by GK Tommy Rosati at 8:49PM

32. Attendance drawing:

The name of Manuel Salazar was drawn. Bro. Salazar was not in attendance to collect the $40 attendance prize, which will roll over to $50 next month. You must be current on your dues to be eligible for the prize.

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