Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust AGM Minutes 2016
Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust
Minutes of the Thirty Fourth Annual General Meeting
The Thirty Fourth Annual General Meeting of the Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust was held at Plas Dolerw, Newtown on Tuesday 1st November 2016 at 7.00pm.
There were 30 members present and the meeting was chaired by Chris Townsend (MWT President).
1) To receive and record any apologies for absence.
The following apologies were recorded: Mr & Mrs Bull, Carol Swales, Emyr Evans, Janine Pannett, Jenny Charnings.
2) To consider the minutes of the Thirty Third Annual General Meeting and to deal with any matters arising.
Adoption of the minutes was Proposed by Wanda Holt, Seconded by Chris Hurrell and unanimously agreed. There were no matters arising.
3) To elect members to the Trust’s Council
The following Trustees stood for re-election to Council for a second term: Bob Williams (Chair), Ann Bitcon (Treasurer), Mike Green, Barry Long, Simon Boyes, Chris Fuller. There was some discussion regarding the assumed intent to stand of those Trustees due for re-election. It was ascertained that all those nominated were happy to stand, with the exception of Barry Long, who was not present. The re-election of the remaining 5 Trustees was proposed by Jeny Heard, Seconded by John Graham and unanimously agreed. Bob Williams will contact Barry Long after the meeting.
4) To receive the report of the Trust’s Chairman
Bob Williams directed those present to the Annual Review document and reported that the 2015/16 period had been a challenging year with regards to funding but also a productive year with some great successes. BW highlighted the following:
· Membership continues to grow, with the Trust enjoying the 2nd largest growth across the Wildlife Trust movement.
· Cors Dyfi continues to attract good numbers of visitors and the lift has ensured full access for all. Projects based at the reserve have won awards from HLF, RICS and PAVO during the year.
· Land management work on the reserves has ensured they are good condition for wildlife and visitors. There have been 47 volunteer work parties held during the year.
· BW praised the continued and unfailing support of the volunteers who donated a total of 2428 work days to the Trust in 2015/16. He also thanked the staff for their hard work during the year and the membership for their ongoing support.
5) To consider and approve the audited Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2016.
AB referred those present to the summary Balance Sheet and SOFA included with the Annual Review and made the following observations:
· AB reported that the Trust had again managed to post a surplus on the year (£14793) despite continued pressure to secure unrestricted income. This has been largely achieved through an increase in memberships and donations, as well as by keeping costs low and pursuing all available funding avenues.
· The Balance Sheet shows an increase in the value of the Trust’s assets, namely the Nature Reserves and their infrastructure. Monies owed to the Trust was also higher due to late payments owed, in particular the Welsh Government agri-environment payments.
· Funding for projects does make a contribution to the Trust’s core costs but the bulk of it can only be spent on the project’s objectives. Unrestricted income, such as membership and donations, can be used to cover overheads and any unfunded work.
· AB explained that it was difficult to predict the funding landscape post Brexit but that the Trust staff and Trustees were already considering options and measures to ensure the future of the Trust. AB thanked the staff, the Trustees and Finance Committee members for their support.
· Adoption of the annual accounts was Proposed by Mike Green, Seconded by Jane Lloyd Francis and unanimously agreed.
6) To receive the report of the auditors
A representative from the Trust’s auditor, Whittingham Riddell, was unable to attend the AGM. However, they have confirmed that the Trust has been awarded a clear audit report for 2015/16.
7) To appoint Auditors for the ensuing year.
It was agreed at the 2014 AGM that Whittingham Riddell would be retained as the Trust’s auditors for a 3 year period (2015 to 2017). AB explained that the Trust’s income level did not require a full audit and that an independent examination would be sufficient to satisfy Companies House and the Charity Commission. However, the Trustees felt that the thoroughness of a full audit was reassuring to the Trust’s members and any potential funders.
8) Any other business
The meeting closed at 7.43pm
Following refreshments, the meeting continued with a presentation by Cat Nunn of the Woodland Trust on Ancient Woodland Restoration.