Art + Design Excellence Year 7 (jumpstART)

Art + Design Excellence Year 8 (100 Futures)


Name of Student: ______

£ Male £ Female Date of Birth: ___/___/___ Applying for school year level ___ To commence in 201__

Current Primary or High School: ______

Parent/Guardian Name: ______

Address: ______

______Post Code: ______

Home phone: ______Mobile: ______Work: ______

Email: ______

Art and Design Interests/Achievements

Please write a brief statement about you and why you want to be in Art and Design Excellence:


£ I certify that the information contained in and accompanying this application is correct and complete. I understand that the provision of misleading information may lead to the cancellation of my application.

Signature of Applicant ______Date ___ / ___ / ___

Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian ______Date ___ / ___ / ___

7 + 8 ADE Application Procedure

1.  Complete and submit the application form together with an Expression of Interest for Student Enrolment (EOI)

2.  Email your ADE “Super Shoe” Design to:


Ms Allie Wright, HOD of Art

Phone: 07 3552 7390 Email:

Mrs Alison Rose, Convener 7 & 8 Art Excellence

Phone: 07 3552 7391 Email:

Application details
Application due date: 1st August, 2017.
Selection for year 7 and 8 ADE is through the written application and the applicant’s response to the “Super Shoe” Design challenge. The design challenge is not a formal test, but a way of encouraging applicants to express their creative ideas and show their skills in selected media. Following the submission of this application, you will be contacted in regards to the possibility of a follow-up interview. You are welcome to organise to visit the Visual Art Faculty at a convenient time with your student to meet program conveners, and we invite your contacts and enquiries at any time.
“Super Shoe” Submissions should be one A4 page only (final image or photograph), along with a written statement that outlines the ideas and thought processes used whilst making the work.
Artwork should be scanned and submitted as a jpg or pdf attachment via email to:

The file size should not exceed 1MB. The filename should include the applicant’s initial and surname and their year level in 2018 e.g.: ade.apply.l.davinci7
If applicants are unable to send work digitally, they can post or deliver together with full contact details to KGSC c/- ADE APPLICATIONS, VISUAL ART Department, KGSC.
Further Information:
·  You will receive an email receipt to confirm your submission.
·  There will be an information evening for all applicants and parents. This will be advertised on the school website during Term 2, 2017.

L’Estrange Terrace, Kelvin Grove Qld, 4059

Phone: 07 35527333 Fax: 07 35527300 Email: Web: