Montcalm County Firefighters Association
September 13th, 2011
Belvidere Twp Fire Department
Call to Order: Call to Order 19:02 hours
Roll Call: Pledge of Allegiance
Present: Amble, Belvidere, Crystal, Greenville DPS, Home, Montcalm, Richland, Sheridan, Stanton
Absent: Carson City, Day, Howard City, Lakeview, Maple Valley
Officers: President Knapp (Present), Vice President VanHolstyn (Present), Sec./Tres. Johnson (Absent)
Summary of July 13th minutes: There was not a copy of the minutes from the July 13th meeting, but President Knapp summarized what was discussed. Motion by Chief Callison, seconded by Sgt. Blomstrom, to accept the minutes from July 13th meeting as reported. Motion carried.
Reading of Correspondence: None
Report of Officers:
Sec./Tres.: Report submitted by Sec/Tres Johnson. Balance of $4514.77 in the General Fund. All outstanding bills are paid and up-to-date. We are awaiting dues payments from six (6) departments. Sgt. Blomstrom reported that the check from the State for training has been received and should be reflected in the next Treasurer’s report November. Motion by Chief Rockafellow, seconded by Chief Callsion to accept the report as submitted. Motion carried.
Vice President: Nothing to report
President: Nothing to report
Historian: Absent
Training Committee Report: Sgt. Blomstrom reported the Fire Academy for 2011/12 will begin Saturday October 1st. Those interested need to sign up online. There initially was twenty-two (22) people that were interested, but only three (3) have signed up. There is also two (2) out-of-county students interested. Class will again be held at Montcalm Community College. He also reported the Academy was over budget this year by approximately $480 due to some funding that fell through. That overage should be made up in 2011/12 Academy.
The Company Officer class has begun at Montcalm Twp FD with seven (7) students and runs until January of 2012.
There is an Arson Detection class being held in Greenville on Friday, September 23rd beginning at 8am. This class will run until 5:00pm.
The Clandestine Drug Lab class originally scheduled for September has been cancelled due to schedule conflicts and will be rescheduled after the first of the year.
Old Business:
Association Dues – The Secretary/Treasurer wanted to remind departments that the Association dues are due. There are six (6) departments that still owe, so please get the submitted as soon as possible.
New Business:
Mobile Command Post – President Knapp reported there was a meeting today to discuss business on the Mobile Command Post, but he was unable to attend. The content of the meeting was not known.
New Arrival – President Knapp announced congratulations to Sgt Blomstrom on the birth of his son last month.
LPT – Chief Callison reported on an update from the Local Planning Team meeting of some “swap” in money/funding that made three (3) pagers available to the fire departments for a single cost of $90.00. A motion was made by Asst Chief Nisonger, second by Sgt Blomstrom, to authorize the Association to pay the $90 fee to Crouch Communications for the purchase of three (3) Minitor V pagers to be distributed to the Fire Chiefs at the next Chiefs meeting via a lottery drawing excluding the five (5) departments that received the last “overage”. Those departments getting these pagers will pay the Association back the toal amount divided by three (3). Motion carried.
Motion to adjourn by Chief Rockafellow, supported by Chief Callison. Meeting adjourned at 19:14 hours.
Tonight’s speaker is Marvin Ockerman from Stanford LP Gas representing PERN (Propane Emergency Response Network)
Respectfully Submitted,
Steven D VanHolstyn
Vice President