County Rules – June 2011
Clarification – Monroe County American Legion Baseball League and Non-League play shall be in accordance with rules adopted by the National Americanism Commission of the American Legion, 700 N. Pennsylvania St, Indianapolis, IN 46204. With a few exceptions, all County, Department (Stat) and National tournament competition of American Legion Baseball will follow the Official Baseball Rules as authorized by the Commissioner of Major League Baseball and published by The Sporting News. Restated- we in Monroe County will follow the National Rules with minor modifications, for League and Non-League play. District 7 Tournament rules have been defined by Bill Crane in February 2004 meeting minutes – published under separate cover. State or Department rules will be forthcoming as August Tournament detail unfolds.
Following are a listing of Rules, Policies and Procedures for Monroe County –
American Legion Indoctrination – it is imperative that all team Manager give their respective players and parents an understanding of what the American Legion is and what it stands for as well as a better understanding of the proud tradition of the institution and what a privilege it is to participate in such an honored program. It is a veterans program - #1 in commitment – that invests in our kids and our future – a way of giving back. It has truly withstood the test of time.
Resolution of Issues to stay in Monroe County – all issues pertaining to controversy should stay in Monroe County. Any issues that cannot be satisfactorily resolved by a committee comprised of the County Chairman, Umpire Assignor and Neutral Coach will be taken to the next level – District then Department if necessary – by the Monroe County Chairman.
Forfeits - not at all what American Legion Baseball stands for or is all about. There are two distinctive parts to this ruling –
- If a team forfeits 2 games during the course of any one season – that team MAY be barred from participation the following year of play. A committee comprised of the Monroe County American Legion Baseball Chair, the Monroe County American Legion Commander (or his or her designated representative) and a group of active Teams Managers or Coaches appointed by the Baseball Chair – will review the circumstances and facts presented by the forfeiting team Manager and render a decision. It should be kept foremost in mind that the purpose of these discussions should center on commitment from the teams so as not to jeopardize the status or creditability of the League. This ruling should be rendered for the overall good of the entire League.
- If a team forfeits the remainder of any one season, regardless of where in the schedule that final game was played that team is ineligible to play in Monroe County the following season OR until such time after that in which the suspended team meets the following criteria –
· Suspended team makes financial restitution to Monroe County for any and all financial debt incurred – ie umpire fees
· Team must present a plan in person at a special meeting called by the baseball chair January of the year of requested reentry – which must include but not be limited to –
Ø Credentials of the proposed experiences coaching staff
Ø A plan of recruiting, commitment and organization
Ø Designated field of play
Ø Written agreement to assume any financial obligations incurred such as umpire fees
Ø Agree to abide by all American Legion Baseball rules – County, Department, National
Ø Must achieve commitment from a sponsor American Legion Post in Monroe County.
Preceding the formal presentation by the team requesting reinstatement the committee as defined above will review all facts presented and render a decision notifying the requesting team of its findings. It should be noted – it is not automatic that a team be limited to a one year suspension – the reinstatement lies completely on the presentation and approval by the appointed committee.
Players on the suspended team may play for other teams in Monroe County during the time of suspension HOWEVER the players must abide by rules of commitment as outlined in the rules.
Flag Ceremony, Code of Conduct Recital and hand shakes prior to and after each game – The American Flag will be present on the field during all American Legion Baseball games. Prior to the start of each game it is the Home team responsibility to present the Flag of our country on the pitchers mound with opposing teams on 1st and 3rd base paths and recite the “Pledge of Allegiance” or play the “Star Spangled Banner” followed by the reading of the “Code Of Conduct”. The umpires and coaches will discuss the ground rules loud enough for both teams to hear. Both teams will shake hands at home plate prior to the start of the game & immediately after the conclusion. Note – Sunday’s double header – follow above prior to start of first game – both teams shake hands at conclusion of the 2nd game. (We come as friends – compete – and leave as friends)
Code of Conduct – Ejections – Coaches and Players – The Flag of our glorious Country is present on our field of play as it is on each of our respective uniforms – and we recite the Code of Conduct for a reason. We expect everyone to rise to a higher level in resolving any dispute that may arise. Nothing is absolute in this great game and as hard as we try someone – maybe an umpire, coach or player may observe differently. Calmness, courtesy, sportsmanship and one speaking voice are a must to attempt common resolution – remember the words of the code of conduct.
- It is requested that the umpire in charge e-mail the names and brief detail of any ejections that take place – coaches or players.
- The player or coach must sit out the following league game ( in uniform & on the bench) – the coach not in the dugout and not involved with team decisions
- Two ejections during the course of a season if the same player/coach is ejected 2 times he must appear before the League Chair immediately after the second ejection and COULD be terminated from further play.
-If a coach is ejected 2 times during the season the team will be eliminated from Post Season play – role models and sportsmanship is what we are teaching.
Designated Hitter Rule – detailed under separate cover – follow American League & Sporting News rulebook definition - which states – “A hitter may be designated to bat for the starting pitcher and all subsequent pitchers in any game without otherwise affecting the status of the pitcher(s) in the game. A designated hitter for the pitcher must be selected prior to the game and must be included in the lineup card presented to the Umpire in Chief. The designated hitter named in the starting lineup must come to bat at least one time, unless the opposing club changes pitchers. It is not mandatory that a club designate a hitter for the pitcher but failure to do so prior to the game precludes the use of a Designated Hitter for that game. Pinch hitters for a Designated Hitter may be used. Any substitute hitter for a Designated Hitter becomes the Designated Hitter. A replaced Designated Hitter shall not reenter the game in any capacity. The Designated Hitter may be used defensively, continuing to bat in the same position in the batting order, but the pitcher must then bat in the place of the substituted defensive player, unless more than one substitution is made, and the manager then must designate their spots in the batting order. A runner may be substituted for the Designated Hitter and the runner assumes the role of Designated Hitter. A Designated Hitter may not pinch run. A Designated Hitter is “locked” into the batting order. No multiple substitutions may be made that will alter the batting rotation of the Designated Hitter. Once the game pitcher is switched from the mound to a defensive position this move shall terminate the Designated Hitter role for the remainder of the game. Once a pinch hitter bats for any player in the batting order and then enters the game to pitch, this move shall terminate the Designated Hitter role for the remainder of the game. Once the game pitcher bats for the Designated Hitter, this move shall terminate the Designated Hitter role for the remainder of the game. (The game pitcher may only pinch hit for the Designated Hitter). Once a Designated Hitter assumes a defensive position this move shall terminate the Designated Hitter role for the remainder of the game. A substitute for the Designated Hitter need not be announced until it is the Designated Hitter’s turn to bat.”
Reentry – will not be allowed in Monroe County League games impossible for umpires to police. However, having said that there is one exception allowed in Monroe County and it is as follows. If during the late innings of play all players on the bench of any one team have been substituted for (no longer in the game) and one of the nine players on the field is injured – a player may re-enter the game in place of the injured player in an endeavor to complete the game without suffering a forfeit. The intent of this rule is to complete the game and not take advantage of an opposing team – it must be agreed upon by the opposing team manager and the Umpire in charge that a players injury is serious enough to justify re-entry of player already removed from the game.
Catcher Speed Up Rule – will not be allowed during Monroe County League Play
Patches on all Uniforms – The American Flag and American Legion Patches will be worn on all uniforms worn during League, District and Department play. Pride by players & Coaches for the way they dress and how they present themselves to their spectators is paramount in our program. Clean, neat uniforms & players promotes pride and respect – our ultimate goal.
Coaches on Base paths - must be in full uniform (No abbreviations) and are required to wear a helmet per National ALB Helmet rule. Only those coaches or manager listed on the teams Form 1 are eligible for these positions. A score keeper may be in the dugout not in uniform but may not enter the field of play during the game.
Administrative Responsibilities – Paperwork – all corresponding paperwork – Forms 1,2,76, and 77, Insurance and Money deposit must be in the hands of the Monroe County Chair prior to the official start of the American Legion Season. Originals and numbers of copies will be discussed by the Chairman.
Base runner takeout or intentional collision will not be tolerated. There will be no barrel slides at second base or intentional collisions with any defensive player with cause to injure. If so deemed the umpire will immediately eject the guilty player. Further definition of this rule resides in the National American Legion Rules.
Protests – must be submitted in writing (e-mail will suffice) NLT 24 hours proceeding the occurrence – must have written detail from umpire and coaches involved – submit to Monroe County Chair. Board consisting of Monroe County Chair and Umpire assignor will resolve the issue fairly and within the framework of the rule interpretations.
Game Start and Completion times - totally at the discretion of the umpires in charge of the game – they have full authority to call a game for whatever the reason or request that it proceed in an expeditious manner.
Duel Participation – this option will be totally at the option of the Team Manager – MC Chair will support either option at the request of the Manager – option must put American Legion Baseball first even during tournament play.
Tie Games – although points are allotted for a tie game – they are not allowed during League play – the game must be rescheduled and played on the field to conclusion. The game will be resumed on the earliest date possible (scheduled within 3 days)
Score Reporting – It is the home field Manager or coach that must send an e-mail to the MC Chair with the score and any comments relevant to the game on or before 9:00PM weeknights or 6:00 PM weekends. With the age of cell phones and computers this should not be an impossible task. The times must be adhered to so the newspapers and website can be updated.
Umpire Payment for Non League Scheduled games – both teams will be responsible for payment of the participating umpires on the field of play.
Weather Cancellations, Field Location changes or game time adjustments – must be made NLT two (2) hours prior to scheduled game time. If the notification is prior to the game date and e-mail must be sent to the MC Chair. If the notification is the day of the game it is the responsibility of the Home Team Manager to call the opposing team manager and e-mail the Both the assignor and MC Chair.
Umpire late arrival or no show – in these cases it is necessary to e-mail the Assignor (copy MC Chair) with detail as to the inning arrived and name of the assigned umpire.
Game rescheduling – Each cancelled game MUST be rescheduled within 3 days – that does not mean replayed – however the rescheduled date should be the earliest date available not to exceed 2 weeks. It is the home team Manager who is responsible to achieve this means and e-mail the MC Chair with the rescheduled date, time and location.
Note: Any team that requests to re-schedule a game after the final schedule is published must obtain agreement from the opposing team manager otherwise the original schedule for this game prevails and is binding to both teams. If agreement to re-schedule is obtained, all rules noted above regarding cancelled games must be followed.