pastoral update

The Diocese of Lubbock Office of Communications

August 17, 2010


This week’s new items highlighted in yellow

MARRIAGE APPRECIATION CELEBRATION Jubilee Mass, October 3, 2010, at 3 p.m., Christ the King Cathedral. Couples celebrating 25 or 50 years in 2010--Bishop Plácido Rodríguez invites you to join him in a special anniversary Mass celebrated in your honor. Please register for this celebration with your pastor, or at your church office. Please send couples= names to the CatholicCenter no later than September 15.

Send a copy of your original wedding picture, along with a recent photo, your names, wedding date and parish, and we will feature you in a special South Plains Catholic edition to commemorate your jubilee.Send names and pictures no later thanSeptember 1, 2010to South Plains Catholic, Box 98700, Lubbock, Texas79499-8700 or Please send a stamped return envelope if you wish us to mail your photos back to you.


A.C.T.S. Retreat for Menwill be held from 6 p.m. Thursday, August 26-Noon Sunday, August 29 at MercyRetreatCenter, Slaton. All men from the diocese are welcome to attend. For more information, contact Gery Dale Franklin -806-893-1850 or Betty Geisler-806-893-9205. Visit for registration form.

PRAYER SUPPORT:Please consider signing up for an hour or more to pray for the men who will be attending the ACTS retreat. Prayer support is a vital part of the week-end. Times-6 p.m. Thursdayuntil 10 a.m. Sunday. Send your name and hour(s) you will pray to or to .


YOUTH MINISTER MAKE-UP SESSIONS for those who missed the Youth Minister Training on July 31st:

Brownfield Deanery:Wednesday, August 25 after 5:30 p.m. Mass at Saint Anthony’s

Lubbock Deanery: Saturday, August 28 at 7:00 p.m. at Saint Theresa, 2202 Upland

Snyder Deanery: Sunday, August 29 at 3:00 p.m. at Saint Elizabeth, Snyder

Sister Jane is scheduled to meet with the following parishes on the dates listed. Join her if these are helpful to you, or schedule a time for her to come to your parish.

Shallowater: After 11:00 Mass on August 22

Rotan: After 9:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday August 29


RELIGIOUS ART EVENT: September 3, from 6-9 p.m.Please join us on the first FridayArtTrail on Labor Day weekend at McPherson Cellars Winery,1615 Texas Avenue, Lubbock, to enjoy religious art from local artists David Bondt, Toni Arnett and Pauline Mills. The featured artist will be Brother Francis Martinez from Christ in the Desert Monastery in Abiquiu, New Mexico. Brother Francis is from Lima, Peru. Please contact Lisa or David Bondt @ 549-1016 with questions.


JAIL MINISTRY WORKSHOP – On Saturday, September 4,from 8:30-11:30 a.m. Deacon Richard Lopez from San Antoniowill conduct a workshop open to all interested in jail ministry. CatholicRenewalCenter, Hall of Martyrs. Call 806-792-3943 with questions.


DIOCESAN PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING: Saturday, September 11, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. “Love and Life in the Divine Plan” is the theme. The council will meet in the CatholicRenewalCenter, 4th and Toledo, Lubbock.


PARISH CALENDARS:Think Ahead! Not all Catholic calendars are created equal. Last year, programs and parishes throughout the Diocese of Lubbock received almost $300,000 from Catholic Extension and calendar sales played a big role in that success story. Withyour help, the profit from every calendar sale goes directly to support men and woman of faith in mission throughout America. Please choose calendars from the Catholic Church Extension Society. Four beautiful designs for 2011 have been unveiled – Saints, Stewardship, Vocations and Hispanic. To learn more about ordering your parish calendars from Catholic Extension, or to see these beautiful designs, please visit: or call calendar director Tom Finnegan at (312) 795-6068 oremail with any questions.


MASS INTENTIONS:Your Mass offering to The Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Lubbock supports ministries throughout the diocese. For a gift of $15 or more, your intention will be remembered in the daily Masses of Most Rev. Placido Rodriguez, CMF, at the CatholicPastoralCenter. Mail donations of $15 or more with the name of the person/intention to: The Catholic Foundation PO Box 98700, LubbockTX79499-8700. For Mass intention cards, contact Renée Underwood at 806-792-3943, ext. 206 or .


‘TO WHAT IS GOD CALLING ME? High School teens and anyone else interested in knowing more about God's call for them are invited to come hear a panel representing various vocations, (priest, sister, deacon, married couple, single person)on Sunday, September 12.We begin with a youth Mass at 4:30 pm followed by the Q & A session at HolySpiritChurch(9821 Frankford, Lubbock) There is no cost to attend. For more information e-mail: or call 806.795.2249.


HENRY NOUWEN’S WOUNDED HEALERretreat will be given at Pecos Monastery in New MexicoSeptember 10-12. Presenter is Wil Hernandez. This retreat/workshop focuses on Nouwen’s spirituality of brokenness and weakness and how he turned it into a compelling avenue for ministry. To register, or for more information, call 505-757-6600 or see


SEPTEMBER BIBLE SERIES: Beginning September 14, and continuing for the next seven Tuesdays is “A Quick Journey Through the Bible: An 8-part introduction to the Bible Timeline.” Sister Lale Pelikan will use Jeff Cavin’s materials to explain how the various books of the Bible fit together to explain salvation history. Class will meet from 6:30-8 p.m. in the CatholicRenewalCenter’s GuadalupeRoom. For more information, or to register, contact Sister Lale at 806-792-2234 ext 225.


ENGAGED ENCOUNTER (EE)is an intensive weekend during which each couple is offered the time and opportunity to question, examine, and deepen their relationship with each other and with God. Topics covered during the weekend include self-awareness, human sexuality, communications, decision making, Natural Family Planning, vocation, sacrament, unity and more. Cost is $150 per couple. October 1-3 is the last EE this year.Registration and more info: or by calling Jeanette Linder 806.828.5662


PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LANDROME: March 14-26, 2011, under the spiritual direction of Father Martin Piña. Begin planning now! $3499 round trip from Lubbock, TX, plus tips. Rome, Papal Audience, Tel Aviv, Nazareth, Cana, Sea of Galilee, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Dead Sea, and much more. “Each day will be steeped in prayer, especially reflections on the Gospel texts appropriate to each place we visit. Each day we will celebrate Christ’s gift to us in the Upper Room…the Holy Eucharist. Do join us as we visit our fellow Christians whose families have lived for generations in the places blessed by the footsteps of Christ.” Tour Number: LBB03/14-26, Holy LandTravelCenter: - 866-339-3323


HOPE & HEALING - RACHEL’S VINEYARD:Hope is the light at the end of the tunnel, beckoning you to accept the invitation, to say "yes" to the urge to believe in a loving God who wants you to be healed and whole again.If you are a man or a woman suffering from the pain of abortion come to a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat and say yes to God's healing light. Our fall retreat is Nov. 5-7, 2010. For information call Kathy at 806-577-5912 or email Strictly confidential, open to all faiths.


Discerning a call to the priesthood? Please callFather Rene Perez, 806-795-2249, or e-mail him


PLANNING AN EVENT: Greetings from the CatholicRenewalCenter! We always look forward to your inquiries about our RetreatCenter. We are currently accepting reservations for your special events and meetings. Our facility can accommodate up to 375 persons. We can be reached at 806-792-1105 ext. 231 to answer your questions. Have a blessed day. Cindi


STEWARDSHIP NEWSLETTER:Online links to the August parish newsletter are available from the ICSC Committee on Parish Stewardship Education and Services. It is packed with prayer ideas, family activities, homilist notes and bulletin bits related to the topic of stewardship. This newsletter is available in Englishand in Spanish. Finally, if there is our office here at the pastoral center can do to be of assistance to you, please don’t hesitate to contact us at , or 806-792-3943ext 206. – Renée Underwood, Director of Stewardship and Development


Planned Giving Link now on for information on estate planning, guide to writing your will, or donating a gift to the Catholic Foundation.


STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION: August 2122– Virtues of the Disciple & Christian Steward: Simplicity “Live simply so that others may simply live”- Blessed Mother Teresa. Embracing a simpler lifestyle enables us to live more generously. Simple living is also the antidote for “affluenza,” the social disease caused by rampant consumerism and materialism.

A Prayer for Simplicity: Lord, grant me the grace to be free from the excesses of this life. Let me not get caught up with the desire for wealth. Keep my heart and mind free to love and serve you. Amen.


Virtudes del Discípulo y Corresponsable Cristiano: Sencillez

“Vive simplemente para que así otros puedan simplemente vivir”-Madre Teresa

Abrazar el estilo de vida más simple nos permite vivir más generosamente. Vivir con sencillez es también el antídoto de la “afluencia” la enfermedad social causada por el consumismo rampante y el materialismo

Una oración por la Sencillez: Señor, otórgame la gracia de ser libre de los excesos de esta vida. No permitas que quede inmovilizado con el deseo de la riqueza. Conserva libres mi corazón y mi mente para amarte y servirte. Amén.

------South Plains Catholic story ideas, stories, and photos (includingnames and explanations) can be sent to PO Box 98700, Lubbock, Texas79499-8700, or emailed to . The next deadline dates are:


September 12September 1

October 10September 29

November 7October 27

JAMAICA CENTRAL (As of 8/16/10)

August 27 – Slaton Our Lady of Guadalupe, begins with 7 p.m. Mass – Midnight

August 28 - Slaton Our Lady of Guadalupe, Noon-Midnight

September 5 – Post Holy Cross Jamaica, 10 a.m.-7 p.m.

September 11 & 12 – Plainview Sacred Heart, 1-9 p.m.

September 19 –Snyder Our Lady of Guadalupe, 10 a.m.--10 p.m. Mass at 9:30 a.m.

October 2 – Seminole Saint James Fall Festival


Nurture Life Dinner, Thursday, September 30, 2010

MARRIAGE JUBILEE MASS, Sunday, October 3, 2010 at 3 p.m.

RED MASSTuesday,October 5, 2010, at 6:30 p.m.

WHITE MASS, Saturday, October 16 at 5:30 p.m.

Catechetical Conference, October 23, 2010

Footsteps in Faith will be held February 18-20, 2011.