Mon 28thSs Simon & Jude (Apostles)

We pray for Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury

11.30Funeral Reg Crouch RIP

Tue 29th Feria (30thweek of Ordinary Time)

We pray for our Altar Servers

08.30Morning Prayer


Wed 30th Feria

We pray for our Organist and Choir

09.00CTB United Prayers

(atLiving Water Christian Centre)


Thur 31st Feria

We pray for our Churchwardens

12.15 Mass


Fri 1st Feria

We pray for our Pastoral Visitors


19.30Sung Mass for All Souls Day

Sat 2nd All Souls Day

We pray for the Faithful Departed


All Saints

We pray for our Parish

18.00First Mass of Sunday

Sun 3rd


09.00Morning Prayer

10.00Sung Mass

17.00Churches Together All Souls Tide


Readings for Sunday 3rd November:

First Reading: Daniel 7.1-3, 15-18

Psalm: Psalm 149

Second Reading: Ephesians 1.11-23

Gospel: Luke 6.20-31

All Saints

Next Sunday we will be using incense at the 10am Mass.

Details for next week’s pew sheet to be sent to FatherMark by Wednesday

Welcome to our Celebration Today

During the Sung Mass, the Sunday School meets in the Ringing Chamber, they gather during the first hymn. Please ask the Sidespersons for directions. TheWalsingham room is also available as a crèche room for young people who need a break during the service. At the end of Mass please stay and join us for coffee and refreshments. Thegreen books have the Order of Service in them, while the hymns are found in the bigger green book. The numbers are as follows:

Music at the Sung MassHON

Process.Christ is made the sure foundation 76

OffertoryNow thank we all our God354

Comm. In our day of thanksgiving247

Recess.Thy hand, O God, has guided518

Mass Setting A

Taizé Service

Many thanks to Deryn Stewart for leading an introduction to Taizé music and meditation.We will look at organising something similar again, probably during Advent.

Reg Crouch

His funeral takes place tomorrow at 11.30am. Kate would appreciate your presence at the service and afterwards at the Royal Burnham Yacht Club.

Freewill Offering Envelopes

The new envelopes are now available for collection on the table at the back of Church.

All Souls

All Souls Day falls on the 2nd November. We shall have our Sung Mass on Friday 1st November at 7.30pm and a said Mass on the Saturday morning at 9.30am. Lists for names to be prayed for are at the back of Church. Please ensure you select the list for the service that you are intending to attend.

Churches Together All Souls Tide Service

Takes place on Sunday 3rd November at 5pm. Volunteers to serve tea and coffee after the service are needed. Please speak to Fr Mark.

Bonfire Party Date

The Burnham Bonfire will take place on Saturday 9th November. Gates will open at 6pm and the bonfire will be lit at 6.30pm. There will be hot dogs and beef burgers available to purchase as well as hot and cold drinks. There is no entrance charge for this event. Just bring along your fireworks, still wrapped in their original packaging, and we will set them off for you. Larger fireworks work better than lots of little ones. Allare welcome.

Parish Contacts

Vicar: Fr Mark North SSC 01621 782071

Churchwarden: Beth Greaves 01621 786296

Jeremy Cousins 01621 786066

Parish Website: