March 3, 2014

Caroline Gallagher

PO Box 94

South Orleans, MA 02662


Writers Guild of America reg.# R28388

Yes Kids Can!

Yes Kids Can! A program that recognizes the unique

contribution that children and young people bring to the world. This is program that inspires kids (and adults) to take action to fulfill on their passion and dreams they have now, or in the case of adults, dreams that they have given up on. This is television that is transformative. This is television that makes a difference!

Yes Kids Can! is a program that features stories about young people around the world and what they are up to in their lives. The program will feature individual young people as well as groups of young people. The format would be similar to that of “60 Minutes”. The program would work either as an half hour or full hour show. The program would have a host, and possibly a co-host. Each show would feature both individuals as well as groups of children. Each segment would feature the young person(s) in their own environment doing what they love to do. Each segment would focus on who they are and how they came to their passion and how they have gone about creating it and making it a reality. These young people would be from all walks of life from all over the world but the theme would remain the same that young people are up to great things in life and that their lives are happening right now not that they are some future potential human beings when they reach adulthood and then they’ll really matter. The emphasis here is that they matter NOW. The following are some examples of some of the young people and young people groups that could be featured on the program:

The 15 year old cellist from California who was inspired by the Johnny Cash movie “Walk the Line” and how he took on bringing his cello playing to prisons in his area.

The young teenage girl from Massachusetts who started the organization Cell Phones For Soldiers an organization that turns old cell phones into phone cards so that soldiers can phone home and be in communication with their families and loved ones for free.

She started with $21.00 of her own money. Today, they have enlisted such corporate partners such as General Motors and Cisco to donate money to enable soldiers to phone home. The organization collects cell phones from over 2000 centers across the US

Yes! Kids Can!Page 2.

Caroline Gallagher

PO Box 94

South Orleans, MA 02662


Writers Guild of America reg.# R28388

The 8 year history buff from California who fulfilled on his dream of traveling to Gettysburg, PA battle ground for a Civil War reenactment.. His mother says it was his

own idea and that at age six he recited the Declaration of Independence to his class at school.

The 13 year old deaf boy from Missipippi who was adopted as a 2 year old from Hungary and has found fulfillment and partnership horseback riding. The catch here is that his horse is deaf also!

The Shakespeare acting troupe All The Worlds A Stage Players entirely composed of home schooled students aged 7 to 17 who perform Shakespeare Plays as part of their schooling process. Their public performances are outstanding and get rave reviews.

The African Children’s Choir composed of Africa’s neediest children between the ages of 7 and 11 years old. Many of the children have lost one or both parents. Through learning music they breakaway from the everyday cycle of poverty and hopelessness. Their performances have taken them all over the world: they have performed at the White House as well as the United Nations.

The 15 year teenager from Maryland who fulfilled on her dream of having her documentary “L’Chaim Israel”, shown at the Cannes Film Festival.

The 13 year old boy from Concord, Massachusetts who was born with one leg. For his 13th birthday he took on the challenge of hiking to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro with his father. His father suffered from altitude sickness and did not make it but the son did. They had filmed the climb and a local filmmaker from his hometown took their footage and created the documentary Nico’s Challenge it won best short documentary at the Cannes Film Festival. It was also featured at the Sundance Film Festival.

Yes ! Kids Can!Page 3.

Caroline Gallagher

PO Box 94

South Orleans, MA 02662


Writers Guild of America reg.# R28388

These are just a few examples of the potential of young people in the world. The program could also be expanded to contain an element of funding. There could be a grant program or something similar that kids could apply for if they needed to raise funds to attain their goals and reach their dreams. Something along the lines of the “Make A Wish Foundation” except that in the case of Yes Kids Can they would not have to be ill to apply. The funding would be open to all. Yes Kids Can! Intelligent television programming that makes a difference!