FY2012-2013Youth Educational Services, Inc.



(Food banks and Child Care Programs)

This Agreement between Youth Educational Services, Inc. an entity that provides food and other nutrition related services to the community and ,

Child care facility

is for the provision of food to eligible individuals under the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). Youth Educational Services, Inc. will hereinafter be referred to as the sponsoring organization (SO). This Agreement specifies the rights and responsibilities of both the SO and the child care facility as participants on the CACFP.

Instructions: Sponsor must complete the blank boxes under #1-f in “Rights and Responsibilities – Sponsoring Organizations” and #3 and #4 under “Rights and Responsibilities – Child Care Center” prior to giving this Agreement to the facility administrator to read and sign. Two copies should be made of the agreement. The original should be given to the facility. The sponsor shall retain one copy on file.


  1. SO AGREES, IN ACCORDANCE WITH CACFP regulations (7CFR Part 226), to:
  2. Represent the facility for the purpose of participation in the CACFP including the preparation and processing of the BRIGHT FROM THE START reimbursement forms.
  3. Obtain food, prepare and transport meals that comply with CACFP meal requirements for all children enrolled in day care at the facility. The facility will be reimbursed for any food costs that they incur if the meals do not arrive within the specified time frame or if the meals delivered are incomplete and do not meet minimum CACFP requirements.
  4. Assure that all meals claimed for reimbursement are served to age-appropriate children and mentally or physically handicapped persons as defined by the CACFP who are participating at a child care facility serving a majority of persons 18 years of age and under.
  5. Claim meals for reimbursement for only those facilities that are approved by BRIGHT FROM THE START.
  6. Claim meals for reimbursement for only those meals documented as actually served at the facility, not the number of meals delivered.
  7. Adjust the number of meals prepared and delivered within (Monthly) days/hours of being notified of a change by the facility.
  8. Ensure facility completes all requirements for updating expired license(s) and ensures completion of annual local health/sanitation and fire safety inspections and provide copies of new license(s) to BRIGHT FROM THE START prior to the expiration of the current license if applicable.
  9. Submit claims for reimbursement for only reimbursable meals served to children up to the license capacity or, if not subject to licensing, up to the capacity listed on the facility’s certificate of occupancy.
  10. Provide CACFP record keeping forms for facilities and written internal and external procedures to operate program.
  11. Review all CACFP records generated at the facility to ensure accuracy and that all these records meet Program requirements.
  12. Implement acceptable accounting practices to record income and expenditures for internal record control and also for site records.
  13. Accept final administrative and financial responsibility for CACFP operations at the facility.
  14. Collect and file all necessary approval information and record keeping documentation with CACFP
  15. Conduct pre-approval visits for all prospective new facilities to discuss CACFP benefits and requirements and to ensure staff is capable of operating the food service program and to assure food service operations do not exceed licensed capacity.
  16. Conduct review of participating facilities within six weeks of the beginning of program operation.
  17. Provide training to facility on CACFP duties and responsibilities, to include by not limited to, completion of record keeping requirements such as: Income Eligibility Statements, enrollment in day care, daily attendance, meal counts, meal order adjustment procedures, daily delivery invoices, CACFP meal patterns and component requirements. Initial training will occur before CACFP participation and additional training will be provided annually at a minimum.
  18. Respond to a facility’s request for technical assistance.
  19. SO shall visit facility a minimum of three times per year to review meal service participation procedures and other records to show non-profit food service status. These will occur during normal hours of childcare operations and may be unannounced.
  20. SO shall assure that the facility is open to all children without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, or disability, or income category.
  21. SO agrees that 85% of the meal reimbursement will be used for food and other operating costs, and that no more than 15% will be spent on administrative costs in accordance with the BRIGHT FROM THE START approved budget. SO agrees to provide excess/unutilized CACFP earned reimbursement to the facility to provide the facility with funds to offset their costs for record keeping and labor costs associated with the CACFP.
  22. SO agrees to submit supporting documentation of records of administrative costs to BRIGHT FROM THE START upon request.
  23. SO agrees to ensure that the neither the facility nor any of its principals are on the National Disqualified List prior to program application.
  24. SO may terminate this Agreement with facility based on convenience or serious deficiencies.
  25. SO shall not penalize facility for initiation of a direct Agreement with BRIGHT FROM THE START for participation in the CACFP.


  1. Facility agrees, in accordance with CACFP Regulations (7 CFR Part 226), to:
  2. Provide meals to all children enrolled in childcare without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or income category.
  3. Attend training provided by SO prior to participation in CACFP and at least annually thereafter.
  4. Maintain and provide to the SO a copy of the center’s license if applicable, or if not subject to licensing, ensure completion of annual local health/sanitation and fire safety inspection, provide copies to the SO, and promptly correct any violations sited.
  5. Maintain accurate and complete records as required by SO, to include but not limited to, the Income Eligibility Statement, enrollment in child care, daily attendance, meal counts, meal order adjustment procedures, daily delivery invoices, CACFP meal patterns and components requirements.
  6. Maintain accurate and complete records of enrollment.
  7. Maintain accurate and complete records of daily attendance separate from meal counts.
  8. Maintain accurately completed daily meal counts taken at the time of actual meal service. Meal count records must be submitted to the SO within ___30_ days after the close of the claiming month.
  9. Maintain accurately completed records of all menus served to children for each meal service.
  10. Serve meals at no charge which meet CACFP meal pattern requirements for children.
  11. Ensure that meals delivered by SO meet USDA requirements. If ordered meals do not arrive, with prior approval from the SO, the facility will be reimbursed for creditable meals served by the facility if meals are claimed for reimbursement.
  12. Claim reimbursement for participating children served at any one meal service up to the authorized license capacity of the facility, or if not subject to licensing, up to the maximum capacity listed on the facility’s certificate of occupancy.
  13. There will be at least three hours between the one meal service and the beginning of another, except the 4 hours will be between lunch and supper when no snack is served in the Outside School Hours Child Care Center.
  14. Facility must notify SO (Monthly) day(s)/hours in advance of any changes in the number of meals the facility requires and (30) day(s) prior to a facility closing and/or change of address.
  15. Facility will forward field trip schedules to SO(ASAP) days/weeks before trip. Trip must be part of day care activities for meal to be eligible for reimbursement.
  16. Facility will allow each and every representative from the SO, BRIGHT FROM THE START and USDA to visit during normal hours of operations for the purpose of reviewing the CACFP operations. These visits will include unannounced visits.
  17. Facility agrees to relinquish to the SO earned reimbursement for meals served except for those meals supplied by the facility under Item 1-J of this Agreement.
  18. Facility reserves the right to apply directly to BRIGHT FROM THE START to become an Independent participant or Sponsor and receive reimbursement directly.
  19. Facility understands that meals claimed for CACFP reimbursement cannot also be claimed under Part C of Title III of the Older Americans Act of 1965.
  20. Facility certifies that its organization and/or its principals have never been terminated or determined to be seriously deficient in any Federal, State or community program.
  21. Facility may terminate this Agreement at any time with or without cause by written notice.


On behalf of Youth Educational Services,Inc., I certify that I have read and explained this Agreement to the facility identified on this form. As a Representative of the Sponsoring Organization, I acknowledge that the Sponsoring Organization understands and agrees to comply with the rights and responsibilities outlined in this Agreement. The SO understands that this Agreement is for the receipt of federal funds and that deliberate misrepresentation may subject me to prosecutions under applicable state and federal criminal statues. / I certify that this Agreement has been read and explained to me by the Sponsoring Organization identified on this form. I also certify that this facility is not participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program under any other Sponsoring Organization or under a direct Agreement with Bright from the Start. I understand that any deliberate misrepresentation of CACFP records will subject me to prosecution under applicable State and Federal Criminal Statutes. I certify that I will comply with the rights and responsibilities as outlined in this Agreement.
Youth Educational Services, Inc.
2321 Main Street
Tucker GA, 30084
Centers Name:
Printed Name:

Marvlet F.Cox______

Signature of Sponsoring Organization RepresentativeSignature of Facility Representative

Program Administrator______

Title of Sponsoring Organization RepresentativeTitle of Facility Representative


DateTelephone #DateTelephone #

Sponsor/Unaffiliated Center Agreement to Participate in the CACFPRevised 3/2010