Mole Conversions - Mixed Up

Mole Conversions Mixed Up Name:______Hr:____

Determine molar mass. INCLUDE UNITS.

1. Lead(IV) hydroxide 2. Glucose (C6H12O6)

Calculate the following problems using FACTOR-LABEL METHOD to the correct number of significant figures. BE SURE TO SHOW ALL WORK AND INCLUDE ALL UNITS.

3. Calculate the number of grams in 23.4 moles of chlorine gas.

4. Calculate the number of moles in 4.30 grams of HNO3.

5. Calculate the number of molecules in 2.34 moles of magnesium chloride.

6. Calculate the number of grams in 1.28 moles of nitrogen triiodide.

7. Calculate the mass of 5.89x1023 molecules of silver carbonate.

8. Determine the number of atoms in 4.59 grams of calcium.

7. Calculate the number of molecules in 1.79 grams of dinitrogen trioxide.

8. Calculate the number of grams in 3.45 x 1023 molecules of water

9. Calculate the number of atoms in 2.40 grams of magnesium.

10. Find the number of molecules of sucrose (C12H22O11) in 43 grams of sugar (the amount in a can of Dew).