Mol an óige agus tiocfaidh sí December Circular 2016 Réalt na Mara

Carol Service – We must take this opportunity to thank you all for the wonderful attendance, enthusiasm and attentiveness during our carol service. The boys were a credit to you the parents and to our school. It was a fantastic positive end to our first term and a great start to the festive season!

Santa – visited the school on Wednesday 14th December with a treat for every boy. A big thank you to our Parents Association for organising this event.

Christmas Fair - We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all involved in organising a very successful Christmas fair in Star of the Sea. A very special thanks also to all the members of the Parents Association for their tireless work on the day and throughout the year.

School calendar - School calendars are on sale in the school. Please contact our secretary Liz.

Enrolment 2017-2018 - Applications for enrolment in our Junior Infant class closes on 13th January 2017. Places in our Junior Infant class for September 2017 will be offered next February.

We also have quite a number of applications for classes other than Junior Infants. We would really appreciate if you are considering moving schools for whatever reason, that you inform us as soon as possible. I’m aware that some parents/guardians are reluctant to share this information with us but if you have decided to take a place in another school we would really appreciate if you could inform us as it will greatly assist us in organising the classes for next year.

Credit Union Quiz - All 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th class pupils participated in a trial quiz last week to determine the teams for the Credit Union Schools Quiz. The first round of the quiz will take place on Saturday 28th January in Taney Hall in Dundrum at 11.00am. In the first round we are allowed enter one junior and senior team. We wish the boys all the best on the day.

Mobile Phones – We are still collecting mobile phones in aid of Irish Autism Action. For every 150 phones we get a laptop for the school. We appreciate your continued support.

Jacket/Coats – On cold/wet days we ask you to ensure that the boys wear a coat to school. We have two break times during the school day when the children go to the yard (weather permitting).

Mindful of Safety – We would appreciate if you ensure that your son wears their Hi Vis Vests (which should be labelled with their name) when going to and coming from school every day especially during the winter months. Please make sure you explain the Road Safety Safe-Cross-Code to your son.

Senior/Junior hurling team – The Senior Hurling team will train at 08.00am sharp on Tuesday 10th & Wednesday 11th January. The Junior Hurling team will train at 08.00am sharp on Monday 9th January on the school astro pitch. Both teams will train during lunch on Thursday 12th in Clanna Gael.

Swimming – will take place for sixth class (Mr O’Maonaile) after Christmas for five weeks starting on Monday 16th January until Monday 13th February.

School Closure - School closes for Christmas holidays on Thursday 22nd December at 12 noon and re-opens on Monday 9th January 2017. It is customary that all pupils have a Non-uniform Day on the last day of term.

Parish Christmas Services

Sacrament of Reconciliation Communal Rite: Thursday 22nd at 7.30pm

Individual Rite: Thursday 22nd after 10am Mass

Friday 23rd after 10am Mass

Saturday 24th after 10am Mass

Children’s Christmas Service Saturday 24th December at 3pm

Masses in celebration of Christmas Saturday 24th December: 6pm Vigil Mass for Christmas

9pm Night Mass for Christmas

Sunday 25th December: Mass at 9am (Family Mass)

10.30am (Family Mass) and 12 noon (Choir)

NO EVENING MASS on Christmas Day

From Monday 26th December to Wednesday 5th January – Mass at 10am. Normal Sunday schedule on December 30th, 31st and January 7th and 8th. On January 6th, Feast of the Epiphany, Mass at 7.30am, 10am and 6pm. The 7.30am weekday Mass resumes on January 6th 2017.

We wish all our families a Happy and Peaceful Christmas and every good wish for 2017