Mohamed Abdel-Rahman
Mohamed Abdel-Rahman
2001Ph. D., University of Toronto, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department.
1998M. A. Sc., University of Toronto, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department.
1995B. Sc.,Ain Shams University, Electrical Power and Machines Department.
2007-2010 MBA, Maastricht School of Management, Banking and Finance.
Current Position:
04/2013-PresentAdvisor, Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, Kuwait.
Previous Positions
2015-Professor, Electrical Power and Machines Engineering Department, Ain Shams University.
2008-2015Associate Professor, Ain Shams University.
2002-2008Assistant Professor, Ain Shams University.
1998-2002Assistant Lecturer, Ain Shams University.
1995-1998Demonstrator, Ain Shams University.
Industrial Experience:
2010-2013Consultant, Egyptian Electricity Regulatory Agency.
2010-2013Industrial Development Group (IDG)/Encorp (Electromechanical Contractor)/Samcrete-Energy Consultant.
2009-2010Energy Advisor, NEPAD, Midrand, South Africa
2002- 2009Consultant, Egyptian Electric Utility and Consumer Protection Agency, Cairo, Egypt.
2001Power Design Engineer, ASTEC Advanced Power Systems, Ottawa, Canada.
1995- 1996Power Engineer, Shaker Consultancy Group, Cairo, Egypt.
Consultancy Work:
2012-2013Energy Research Center-Cairo University-World Bank-Promoting the Use of Solar Water Heaters in Egypt.
2011-2013Energy Research Center (Cairo University)-Lahmeyer International Consortium-KFW-Wind and Solar Master Plan for Egypt.
2011-2012GIZ/IRENA-IRENA’s Research for the Renewable Energy Cost Study
2011-2012EPS (Engineering Power Systems Company)-East African Power Pool Operating Manuals.
2011-2012HARMAN Co, (Electromechanical contractor)-prepared Energy Audit reports.
2005-2013Prepared and delivered numerous technical training courses for electric utility and industrial entities..
2004-2013 Participated in various consulting jobs in the Electrical Power and Machines Engineering Consulting unit,.
Conferences, Invited Speaker
- "Global Experience in Off-Grid Electrification", Africa Smart Grid Forum, Cairo, March 2016.
- Distributed Resources Integration into Power Systems”, Demand Side Management Chair seminars, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, KSA, February 2012.
- “Maintaining Energy for the Future”, Saudi Electricity Company Chair on Demand Side Management and Energy Efficiency, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, October, 2011.
- “General Meeting of Arab Energy Regulators”, Cairo, Egypt, June 2011.
- “I Course for African Diplomats”, Rio di Janiero, Brazil, July 2010.
- “The festival of Africa-Investor conference”, Melrose Arch, Johannesburg, June 24th, 2010.
- “Renewables Investment Opportunities in Africa”, Johannesburg Stock Exchange Seminars, Johannesburg, South Africa, April 29th, 2010.
- “Energy Indaba-2010”, Johannesburg, South Africa, March 2010.
- “Electricity World-Conference & Exhibition-2010”, Johannesburg, South Africa,February 2010.
- “International Symposium on Energy poverty”, International Energy Forum, Johannesburg, South Africa, 8-9 December 2009.
- "Climate Change and Renewable Energies in Asia and Africa". CASA Africa, Madrid, Spain, 26-27 November 2009.
- NEPAD-OECD, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2009.
- Water Investment World, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2009.
Theses Supervised:
Supervised more than 24 Master and Ph.D. Theses.
Authored more than 50 technical papers in international and local, journals and conferences.
Refereed Articles:
M. Abdel-Rahman, “SMEs in Energy: Are they the parallel fast track for electrification of Africa?”, World Energy Council (WEC) Congress, Montreal, Canada, September 2010.
M. Elsobki (JR.) and M. Abdel-Rahman, “Electricity Regulation Revisited: Objective of Regulation in Egypt”, Presented at the World Energy Council (WEC) Congress, Sydney, Australia, September 2004.
Editor and Author of "Energy Transition in Africa",launched in COP 17 in Durban, South Africa.
M. Abdel-Rahman, "Resource Mobilization Strategy for Energy in the African Continent", African Energy Year Book 2010.
Regular reviewer for numerous international journals and conferences.
Exceptional reviewer award for 2015-IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery.
Association Membership:
IEEESenior Member
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