If you have previously completed the CitiProgram training modules, and your training has expired, you are only required to do the Working with Animals in Biomedical Research – Refresher Course module. To locate the Refresher Course, log on to CitiProgram. You will see the modules you have previously completed. Scroll to the bottom of the page where there is a section entitled My Learner Tools for Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Click the first item called “Add a Course or Update Learner Groups. Scroll to Section 3, Laboratory Animal Welfare. The Refresher Course is the second to last item in the species section. Click the box, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click SUBMIT. You will see the Refresher Course module in your list of modules.
If you have never done the CitiProgram training modules, please go to the IACUC website, which is .Click TRAINING, then COLLABORATIVE INSTITUTIONAL TRAINING INITIATIVE PROGRAM. Go to New Users Register Here. Choose your own username and password. The training modules you are required to complete are:
(1)Working with the IACUC
(2) Minimizing Pain & Distress (entitled If you plan to conduct studies that have the potential to cause more than momentary pain and distress in Mice or Rats you should complete the module on Minimizing Pain and Distress)
(3) The module that is specific to the animal you will be working with. (There is no module for Chickens or Horses).
(4)Surgery module (only if you will be doing surgery on animals)
(5)SIUC Animal Care
(6)Wildlife Research (if you are working with wildlife)
You will also need to have the vivarium physical. The form for this can be found on the IACUC website under Forms. Print a copy of the SIUC Medical History Form. Take both pages (Part A and Part B) to Student Health. You will need a tetanus shot if you haven't had one in the past ten years. Make sure the date of the tetanus shot is written on Part A. Also, make sure you are given a tetanus shot ONLY, not a tetanus & pertussis (whooping cough) shot. The GraduateSchool will not pay for a tetanus/pertussisinoculation. Both you and the doctor must sign Part A. Make sure the doctor ticks the box saying there "are no ( )" medical conditions..... The number to call to make the appointment at Student Health is 536-2391. Once you have had the physical, please bring Part A to my office. We will copy it and give you back the original. If you are not a student, you will have to give Student Health an account number so they can bill your department. Alternatively, you can see your personal physician and pay the co-pay. The GraduateSchool will not pay vivarium physical costs for non-students.