4-H Meeting Minutes1/26/2012


Tyler Wilson called the meeting to order. Holly Klyer led the American pledge. Grace Mears led the 4-H pledge. The secretary’s report was given by Alexis Zobel with a lot of help from Nicole Mudrack. The Treasurer’s report was given by Mallory Wood, and there was $4996.91 in the account. The Ag Council report was given by Kayla Wirthwein. Ag Council has many things planned including a leader’s retreat that is coming up.

Old Business

Club dues for last semester need to be paid, along with any new members for the semester. A year is $15, and a semester is $10. Those checks can be made to Purdue Collegiate 4-H, and turned into Mallory Wood. Also, there are club T-shirts available in the 4-H office. Payments can be given to Tyler Wilson or Mallory Wood.

Ashley Broady gave a recap on the call-out meeting, which was held in Shreve lobby. Grad students gave a speech about being grad students. (?) After the meeting, the club stayed to watch the Purdue basketball game.

Ashley Broady also gave an update on Murdock. The after school activities for Murdock will be on Thursdays between 3:30 and 4p.m. Rides will meet behind Lilly at 3p.m. (If Ashley is notified beforehand.)

For Intramurul sports, John Kuhn gave a report on what was available. There will be no basketball this semester. Other options included softball, sand volleyball, dodgeball, and ultimate Frisbee. The club showed great interest in softball and sand volleyball. The deadline for signing up is Feb. 27th.

New Business

Some social event ideas were ice skating, bowling, and another basketball party. There will be bowling sometime in March with IAAE. Also, there will be another opportunity to go bowling with the Horticulture club. The only expense will be the cost of shoes, which is $2.

National Conference will be held in Reno, Nevada. More info can be viewed at www.unce.unr.edu/4H/programs/collegiate/. It will hled on April 12th-15th. The early registration fee is $250.

Officer traiings are now posted on Doodle. The website is http://doodle.com/h6w8bdghazypr8ge. There are several officer trainings coming up so sign up!


Miami 8th, LaPorte 15th, Pulaski 16th, Jasper 20th, and White 28th

Check Doodle for more times and info.


Spring Fest is April 14th-15th. (same as Nationals) there are usually two booths that are ran from 10-4 each day. It is usually a big money maker for the club.

The banquet this year will be more banquet style. It will be held in the Union in the Sagamore? room with catering. The date is still to be determined.

For a meeting on April 5th, Jeff Holland, Extension Educator in Monroe County with IAAE is coming to speak to the club. The meeting will start at 6 p.m.


The next meeting will be February 9th at 7 p.m. in Whistler 116.

Mallory Wood moved to adjourn the meeting. Kayla Wirthwein seconded the motion. Tyler Wilson adjourned the meeting.