For QED Use Only

Module Code / 7AK007
Effective date from which the module is valid (normally 01 August for a September start) / 01/08/09
Revision date for minor modifications


Number of credits: 15 credits

Credit level: Level7


Co-requisite: None

Description / The aim of this module is to introduce students to the measurement, prediction, assessment and control of environmental noise. The module will address the current noise descriptors used to assess environmental noise, and consider the range of sources and critically evaluate the factors which affect their perception and control. The cost element associated with control methods will also be considered.


On successfully completing this module the student will be able to:

  • Understand, select, critically review and use indices/indicators, criteria and

assessment procedures relevant to environmental noise

  • Use a systematic approach to the assessment of environmental noise and critically review its impact
  • Critically review the range of noise control techniques appropriate for environmental noise.


1. Introduction To Transportation Noise

A review of current noise exposure descriptors, such as LA10,T, LAeq,T (including the use of SEL), and consideration of national surveys that have shaped aspects of policy. Transportation noise issues in the UK. Factors that affect Environmental Noise propagation.

Cost benefit techniques for transportation noise control. Statutory laws and regulations. UK/EEC/international. Assessment techniques, e.g. social

surveys, long term monitoring.

2. Review ofRoad Transport Noise

Prediction and measurement of traffic noise. Review of vehicle noise. Methods for Reduction of vehicle noise. Regulations, standards and guidelines concerning Motor Vehicles, traffic noise, racing vehicles and circuits,

Land Use planning, Insulation of dwellings and road traffic noise prediction.

3. Air Transport Noise

Prediction and measurement of aircraft noise. Review of noise generating mechanisms for aircraft. Noise from taxiing and APU operations. Noise from

general aviation and military aircraft.

Noise certification. Overview of aircraft noise control and noise abatement.

Noise control/management strategies at UK airports.

Review of legislation and standards relevant to aircraft and airport noise.

4. Rail Transport

Prediction and measurement of railway noise. Trains as noise sources.

Control of noise from trains. Noise and vibration from underground trains.

Noise Insulation regulations and Calculation of Railway Noise.

5. Water Transport

Prediction and measurement of noise from and in ships/boats. Codes of practice and

standards. Leisure and power boat noise sources.

6. Industrial Noise

Typical sources of industrial noise; BS4142 and its application.

7. Mineral, Landfill andConstruction Site Noise

Review of noise sources at mineral/landfill/construction sites; review of relevant legislation, standards and guidelines.

8. Control ofWind Turbine Noise

Environmental impact of wind farms in the UK; Sources and control of wind turbine

noise; Planning guidance, ETSU-R-97 Assessment of noise from wind farms.

9. Review of noise from entertainment sources and other leisure activities

Noise from Pubs and clubs – code of practice; outdoor music events – guidance on

control. Clay pigeon shooting; noise from operation of model aircraft; noise from water skiing activities; motor sports; relevant codes of practice

10. Vibration Indices

Measurement methods and acceptable levels used in vibration assessment from

construction work and other sources according to relevant British Standards.


The module will be delivered by class contact and will also be available by e-learning via the blackboard platform. Full use will be made of the discussion forum on this site.

Lectures 20 hours

Tutorials 10 hours

Directed and private study 120 hours

Total 150 hours


Assessment Weighting: C/W 100%

The module will be assessed entirely by coursework.

C/W 1:60% weighting; Learning outcomes 1 and 2;

Case study Report on an environmental noise issue to address measurement, prediction and assessment. (2000 words)

C/W 2:40% weighting; Learning outcome 3 Essay based upon the critical review of methods employed for environmental noise control(1500 words)


Conforms to the PG regulatory framework