Basic Party Outline: Remember to Keep It Simple!

By Loretta DiCenso-Tiber, Star Director

  1. Preparation-have your kit packed ready to go!
  2. Checklist:

□Products to demo, clean and current colors

□Hostess Gifts/Bonuses from Tupperware

□Hostess Gift flyer for the month

□Any gifts of your own

  • Personal gift for host
  • Treasure bag for guests
  • Auction gifts (usually 3 small gifts)
  • Dating gifts

□Tupperbucks, raffle tickets or points…

□Stamped catalogs, order forms & sales flyers

□Smidget Game or other dating game

□Recruiting info

□Door Prize drawing slips

□Money to make change

□Calculator (2 is good)

□Party packets – for people who date

□Your Party calendar

□Fundraiser info

  1. Call host day or two before the party
  2. Remind host that guests may call to cancel, have her take outside orders
  3. Remind host to personally call and remind guests. Give a reason…wear favorite color, T-shirt, hat, shoes…
  4. Ask for directions and attendance
  5. Find out about layout and where your display will be
  6. Dress for party
  7. Always neat, clean and professional!
  8. Put on a SMILE First impressions last a lifetime
  9. Look in the mirror. Would you date with yourself?
  1. At the party – before demonstration
  2. Arrive 30 min. before the party
  3. Respect your hostess
  4. Don’t show up at door with loaded arms!
  5. Ask if you should take off your shoes
  6. Set up display
  7. Clean, neat tablecloth
  8. Build rapport with host& guests as you set up
  9. Ask, “Have you ever thought of doing what I do?”, then stay silent
  11. Party Time!
  12. Introductions- Hand out tupperbucks/tickets…
  13. Ask guests their name and how they know the hostess and ______
  14. Host – hand your gift and explain TW gifts
  15. Your I-story(keep very short)
  16. Start demo
  17. Know product names & features
  18. Benefits, how will it save them time, money, taste, waste, space…
  19. Helpful tips and/or quick recipes
  20. Through in dating & recruiting bids
  21. Make recipe - be interactive
  22. Recruiting Activity
  23. Hand out door prize slips-give auction money or gifts
  24. Close the demo
  25. Dating activity
  26. Auction gifts, prizes for all
  27. Consult with guests about their order
  28. Remind guests of PWP & attendance sale
  29. Ask everyone if they’re interested in dating! Start 2 ‘yes’ questions
  30. Tally party sales
  31. Close with host
  32. Let host & guests knowfinal party sales, what she needs in datings to help her earn her gifts
  33. Review host gifts earned
  34. Offer host the opportunity
  35. After party
  36. Call and/or send out Thank You postcards to hostguests that dated, recruited, placed orders
  37. Call your director with party results: sales, datings & recruit leads!
  1. HAVE FUN! Remember to say to yourself: I’M POSSIBLE! ☺