Basic Party Outline: Remember to Keep It Simple!
By Loretta DiCenso-Tiber, Star Director
- Preparation-have your kit packed ready to go!
- Checklist:
□Products to demo, clean and current colors
□Hostess Gifts/Bonuses from Tupperware
□Hostess Gift flyer for the month
□Any gifts of your own
- Personal gift for host
- Treasure bag for guests
- Auction gifts (usually 3 small gifts)
- Dating gifts
□Tupperbucks, raffle tickets or points…
□Stamped catalogs, order forms & sales flyers
□Smidget Game or other dating game
□Recruiting info
□Door Prize drawing slips
□Money to make change
□Calculator (2 is good)
□Party packets – for people who date
□Your Party calendar
□Fundraiser info
- Call host day or two before the party
- Remind host that guests may call to cancel, have her take outside orders
- Remind host to personally call and remind guests. Give a reason…wear favorite color, T-shirt, hat, shoes…
- Ask for directions and attendance
- Find out about layout and where your display will be
- Dress for party
- Always neat, clean and professional!
- Put on a SMILE First impressions last a lifetime
- Look in the mirror. Would you date with yourself?
- At the party – before demonstration
- Arrive 30 min. before the party
- Respect your hostess
- Don’t show up at door with loaded arms!
- Ask if you should take off your shoes
- Set up display
- Clean, neat tablecloth
- Build rapport with host& guests as you set up
- Ask, “Have you ever thought of doing what I do?”, then stay silent
- Party Time!
- Introductions- Hand out tupperbucks/tickets…
- Ask guests their name and how they know the hostess and ______
- Host – hand your gift and explain TW gifts
- Your I-story(keep very short)
- Start demo
- Know product names & features
- Benefits, how will it save them time, money, taste, waste, space…
- Helpful tips and/or quick recipes
- Through in dating & recruiting bids
- Make recipe - be interactive
- Recruiting Activity
- Hand out door prize slips-give auction money or gifts
- Close the demo
- Dating activity
- Auction gifts, prizes for all
- Consult with guests about their order
- Remind guests of PWP & attendance sale
- Ask everyone if they’re interested in dating! Start 2 ‘yes’ questions
- Tally party sales
- Close with host
- Let host & guests knowfinal party sales, what she needs in datings to help her earn her gifts
- Review host gifts earned
- Offer host the opportunity
- After party
- Call and/or send out Thank You postcards to hostguests that dated, recruited, placed orders
- Call your director with party results: sales, datings & recruit leads!
- HAVE FUN! Remember to say to yourself: I’M POSSIBLE! ☺