Minutes 4/11/15
PRESENT:Cllr A Fell (Chair),Cllr S Wilson, Cllr M SharpCllr C Lowery, Cllr C Wrigley,Cllr V Bradley, Cllr M. Cumming, Cllr R Jopson
PCSO 5338 Marshall
3 members of the public were also in attendance
48/15: APOLOGIES:Cllr P Rand,
It was resolved that the minutes of the parish council meeting held on 7th October 2015 be signed as a true and correct record.
There were no declarations of interest
51/15:PLANNING ISSUES – the following planning applications were considered:
There were no objections to the below planning applications:
7/2015/4098Land at Strangrah Farm, Whitbeck, Millom
Removal of 2 no antennas and the installation of 4 no antennas 2 no rrv’s, 1 no ftta box, 1 no 0.6m transmission dish, 2 no replacement equipment cabinets and ancillary development
7/2015/4103Silecroft Radio Station, Sielcroft,
1 no 0.3 metre dish, 1 no 0.6 metre dish located at 28 metresd AGL, 4 no sector antennas at 28 metres AGL and associated development on the existing 45 metre high radio tower
52/15Kirksanton Play area
It was agreed by the Chairman that this item could be brought forward for discussion.
a)Representatives of Kirksanton Village Hall committee expressed concerns regarding the Councils decision to remove the existing play equipment and replace it with new. The Clerk gave an explanation as to the reasoning regarding the decision and assurances were made Council members that play equipment was to be replaced and costings were being obtained by Cllr Bradley. Funding streams were also being identified.
The members of the public then left the meeting
b)It was reported by Cllr Fell that the gate spring had been repaired
c)A quote to be sought from Mr Jopson for repairs to paddock rail fencing and extension of fencing
d)Cllr Lowery to obtain a price for the replacement of the bench
e)Cumbria Highways to be contacted regarding the possibility of construction of a barrier to the road side of the play area.
53/15Police Liasion Report
This report was brought forward as PCSO Marshall had to leave to attend an incident.
It was reported that there had been an incident outside the parish of cows being marked with the purposed of being stolen and for farmers to be aware.
Play equipment – PCSO Marshall reported that the police could offer advice on how to plan play areas and equipment to deter anti-social behavior.
Council approved the following payments of
Donation to North West Ambulance£100.00
Donation to Silecroft Village Hall Maintenance£500.00
Mr J Fell – Grass cutting of Silecroft Play area£ 386.88
Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal Wreath£ 17.00
A Fell – Replace to gate spring Kirksanton play area£ 8.44
55/15 Proposed Budget 2016/17
a)A review of the Clerk’s hours was undertaken and it was agreed to keep it at 16 hours, this will be reviewed annually
b)It was agreed to increase the Clerk’s hourly rate by 1% in line with Local Government Pay Scales. Increase to commence 1st January 2016
c)It was agreed to keep Clerk’s expenses at current levels.
d)It was agreed to seek £13000 towards cost of replacing obsolete play equipment at Kirksanton and Silecroft
56/15Bank Signatories
It was agreed that following would be bank signatories:
Cllr Fell, Cllr Wilson, Cllr Wrigley, Cllr Lowery
The following matters were discussed:
a)Police Liaison Report
A report had been received from PCSO Booth which had shown a slight increase in welfare concerns.
b)Play Areas - Silecroft
It was confirmed that the swings had been removed.
Cllr Bradley had received a quote of £10267 + vat to replace some equipment. Cllr Bradley was to apply to Tesco Green Spaces for a grant to replace equipment
c)Silecroft Village Hall
There were no volunteers to represent the council on the Village Hall committee.
d)Meeting dates 2016
These were agreed and will be displayed on notice boards and published.
a)Information had been received from Mr Tattersall, LDNP Ranger that 6 benches at Silecroft beach required replacing. Cllr Fell to inspect benches. Clllr Lowery to obtain quotes for replacements.
b)A letter had been received from Frizington Fire Brigade regarding the proposed closure. The council agreed to send a letter of support to Frizington.
c)The daffodil bulbs had arrived. Cllr Wrigley to collect. Volunteers required to help plant them at Whitbeck, Silecroft and Kirksanton.
59/15DATE OF NEXT MEETING – to confirm the next meeting will be Wednesday 2nd December 2015 at 7.30pm inSilecroft Village Hall
Signed………………………………………………… Dated………………………………………