Due Date: ______


Freaks and Geeks, created in the late 1990s, is a television series that explores the lives of high school students in the 1980s. Using your knowledge of persuasive writing and media analysis, your job for this assignment is to write a concise, well-structured paragraph on one of the Freaks and Geeks based topic options.

Your Task:

·  Based on the pilot episode of Freaks and Geeks that we will watch in class, you must write a 250-300 word persuasive paragraph on one of the assignment topics listed below (the paragraph must be 12-13 sentences in length - approximately two sentences for your introduction [with thesis statement], four for each point/proof/analysis (x2), and two for your conclusion).

·  Please note: For this assignment, you will be expected to take a position (expressed in a clear thesis statement to set a focus and direction for your paragraph) and develop TWO distinct arguments based on one of these topics, therefore, your main objective is to persuade your reader of your point of view using a variety of persuasive techniques that we have explored in class, as well as specific supporting examples from the episode.

·  Remember to include your thesis statement at the beginning of your paragraph (second sentence; directly after your topic “hook”). You will then develop your TWO arguments within the required word length using supportive examples from the show to add credibility and depth to your persuasive writing piece.

·  Be sure to complete the Media Analysis Chart while viewing the episode in order to provide yourself with specific examples that you can refer to later when shaping and supporting your TWO arguments.

·  Also, be sure to refer to your course materials that are in relevant to this assignment

Assignment Topics:

1. Does the episode use media techniques effectively in order to depict the different ‘cliques’ or stereotypes that exist in high school?

2. Does the episode use media techniques effectively in order to create pathos (or evoke emotion) in the audience?

3. Does the episode use media techniques effectively in order to develop a central conflict that ultimately creates tension for viewers?

ENG2D/DB: “Freaks and Geeks”

Persuasive Writing Assignment– Rubric


/ Level 4
80-100% /

Level 3

70-79% /

Level 2

60-69% /

Level 1



- Relevance of response
- Knowledge of media techniques
- Supportive details / - High degree of relevance
- In-depth knowledge of media techniques
- Extensive supportive detail throughout / - Considerable relevance
- Considerable knowledge of media techniques
- Considerable supportive detail throughout / - Some relevance
- Some knowledge of media techniques
- Somewhat detailed / - Limited relevance
- Limited knowledge of media techniques
- Limited supportive detail throughout


- Depth of critical thought and level of persuasiveness
- Planning
- Making connections / - High degree of critical thought,
and an extensive amount of persuasive techniques are used
- Planning is highly effective
- Connections are highly effective / - Considerable critical thought, and a moderate amount of persuasive techniques are used
- Planning is considerably effective
- Connections are considerably effective / - Some critical thought, and a fair amount of persuasive techniques are used
- Planning is somewhat effective
- Connections are somewhat effective / - Limited critical thought, and a limited amount of persuasive techniques are used
- Planning is limited in its effectiveness
- Connections limited in their effectiveness
- Voice/tone
- Articulation of ideas
- Diction
- Conventions of language usage (i.e. spelling and grammar) / - Voice is highly appropriate and effective
- Articulation is highly effective
- Diction is highly effective and interesting
- Highly effective use of correct language conventions / - Voice is considerably appropriate and effective
- Articulation is considerably effective
- Diction is considerably effective and interesting
- Considerably effective use of correct language conventions / - Voice is somewhat appropriate and effective
- Articulation is somewhat effective
- Diction is somewhat effective and interesting
- Somewhat effective use of correct language conventions / - Voice is limited in its appropriateness and effectiveness
- Articulation is limited in its effectiveness
- Diction is limited in its effectiveness and interest level
- Limited use of correct language conventions
- Conventions of appropriate format
- Personal engagement within response / - Highly effective use of correct format conventions
- High degree of personal engagement with the material / - Considerably effective use of correct format conventions
- Considerable degree of personal engagement with the material / - Somewhat effective use of correct format conventions
- Moderate degree of personal engagement with the material / - Limited use of correct format conventions
- Limited degree of personal engagement with the material