Languages at YorkSt. JohnUniversity

Course title: BRITISH SIGN LANGUAGE CONTINUATION | Aimed at: post-beginners
Venue: York St. John University, Lord Mayor’s Walk
Start dates: September and January
Day/Time: See Timetable
Number of sessions: 12including assessment / Length of sessions: 2 hours

Course description:

This is a course for people who have some prior knowledge of BSL and who can already get by in basic one-to-one meeting situations but want to become more proficient in the language. Most students applying for this module will have successfully completed the YSJU BSL Beginners module

Vocabulary and phrases will be revised and expanded so that you can cope with a greater range of scenarios and in greater depth. As well as everyday, practical situations like choosing goods in shops or making enquiries about family, we will study topics such as interests and activities, refreshments and directions.

By the end of the course you should be able to...

1.Sign about yourself and other people;

2.Understand signed communication in a given range of topics;

3.Cope in emergency situations such as illness, lost property or car breakdown;

4.Use a wider range of signs and structures;

5. be more confident in signing and understanding BSL;

6. Understand more about the deaf culture and deaf values.

Details of previous experience or knowledge needed

The course is suitable for people with some previous knowledge of BSL. Either you have studied a beginners’ course (at YSJU or elsewhere), or you know you can get by in basic situations when you meet a deaf person. If you are unsure about your level, there will be advice available for you before you enroll.

Study time outside the classroom and method of assessment

As a member of the public, a member of staff or a current student at YSJU you are very welcome on this course and should be aware that class time is mainly spent on practical work, i.e., signing. You will progress quickly by doing some extra work at home by practicing with videotapes and DVDs, and by ensuring that you watch certain programmes aimed at the deaf community (at least 2 hours per week). Your tutor is a native BSL user with many years’ experience of teaching BSL to adults. You will be supported by a hearing tutor who will offer guidance on study skills and recommended materials, as well as give you feedback on your progress.

Students will take a practical assessment (40%) and complete a video portfolio (60%) comprising evidence of work done outside the classroom incurring no extra fees. The course is worth 20 credits, which can be put towards part of a degree at York St. John University.

‘SIGNATURE’ BSL Level One (Note that there are 2 Units to complete at this level)

Students can opt to take the BSL SIGNATURE level one assessments at the end of the course to gain the nationally recognised qualification. This incurs extra assessment fees.

Opportunities for students of British Sign Language (BSL)

at York St John University to obtain national accreditation

This information relates to an OPTIONAL opportunity to obtain a national accreditation in BSL, built into delivery of our ‘Beginners’ and ‘Continuation’ modules in BSL here at York St John.

The Council for the Advancement of Communication with Deaf People (‘SIGNATURE’) offer the nationally recognised BSL Level 1 Certificate. This eagerly sought after qualification is now offered at York St John University to all our students who successfully complete both our Beginners and Continuation modules, at a little extra cost.

Important Note

To achieve the ‘SIGNATURE’ BSL Level 1 Certificate students must attend both the Beginners and then the Continuation Course therefore attending York St John University for two semesters and must take and pass all levels of assessments. These assessments will take place alongside the internal assessments that are naturally part of the York St John course. There are no extra costs incurred for the normal internal assessments, but there are extra costs incurred to take the external ‘SIGNATURE’ BSL Level 1 assessments (see table below).

The BSL Level One course involves three modules thus:

Unit / Number of contact hours / Cost to student per additional assessment (approx.) *
101 (Beginners) / 10 / £40
102 (Continuation) / 20 / £50
103 (Continuation) / 20 / £50

The content of units 101, 102 and 103 will be automatically covered if you attend both York St John’s Beginners and Continuation classes.

Students, who attend the course regularly, practice the recommended number of hours and make proper use of tutorial time can expect the pass the assessments with ease.

How to enroll: Applications and payments should be completed online via the OnlineStore

If you have any queries, please contact the Languages Administrator at:


Tel: 01904 876507