Modern English School - Cairo
Year 8 Science
Term 1 2013/2014
(6 lessons per 2 weeks + 1 CASE)
TopicCurriculum reference / Lesson / Objectives / Activities / Resources / Assessment
Atoms and Elements
Compounds and mixtures
8E & F / 1 / Students to review states of matter
Students to recall matter is made up of particles
Students to name some elements, compound and mixtures / Students draw diagrams of s,l and g.
Students draw diagrams of element, mixture and compound
2 / Students to identify the symbols of the first 20 elements
Students to identify where metal and non-metal are found on the periodic table
Students given a brief history of periodic table
Students identify how elements are arranged in the periodic table / Metal /non-metal sorting
Code names using element symbols
Element bingo
3 / Find out how elements differ / Circus of activities to distinguish between metal/ non-metals
4 / Students to identify the elements in compounds
Students begin to write formula / Demo burning things in oxygen
Exercise on writing formula
5 / Students to review chemical and Physical changes
Students begin to write word equations / Circus of activities for Chem/ Phy changes
6 / Students to recall composition of air.
Students review fractional distillation / Demo fractional distillation
7-9 / to search a database using simple and complex queries
to use, create, enter and sort data into a simple database / Use Access to create a database to classify elements. Students use internet research to gather information on animals. Students use queries to test out the database (3 lessons). / Student able to search pre made database to gain answers to relevant queries
Creation of own database
10 / Review
11 / Topic test
Light, sound and hearing
8K & L / 1 / To know that light travels in straight lines
Review how shadows are formed / Make a pin hole camera
2 / To be able to name reflection ray, incident ray and the appropriate angles
. to know the properties of an image in a plain mirror / Ray diagrams
Finding the image
3 / To be able to explain refraction / Demo real and apparent depth
Practical on refraction
4-5 / To explain dispersion
To be able to explain how we see coloured objects
To explain how filters work
Explain mixing colours / Class practical on dispersion
Demo mixing colour
6 optional / Eye dissection
Explain how the eye works
7-8 / Students to know that sound travels in waves
Students to describe a wave in terms of wavelength, amplitude, pitch etc / Practical – sound travel in solid, liquid and gas
Demo -slinky
9 / Students to explain how we hear.
Explain how the ear can be damaged
10 / Review
11 / Test
Microbes & disease8C
Fit and Healthy9B / 1 / Pupils should be able to:
- Explain the term ‘Microorganisms’
- Understand that there are different types of microorganisms
- Know that there are some useful microorganisms / -Experiments to show the use of yeast in making bread
- Experiments to show the use of bacteria in making yoghurt
2 / - Learn about disease causing microorganisms
- Learn about the immune system
3 / - Learn about antiseptics and antibiotics
- Understand the importance of Vaccination / -Display of a variety of antiseptics and antibiotics ( savlon, antiseptic creams ), disinfectants , sterilizing liquids, toothpastes etc
-Pupils to categorize these products and explain their use in fighting infection / Literacy – Allergies and toxins (DK Eyewitness Guide by Laura Buller p 30-31 ref 613.2)
4 / - Understand how the spread of disease can be prevented
- Understand how new medicines are tested / Research about Edward Jenner/ Lister/Fleming / Inter net research on Scientists
5 / Pupils should be able to:
- measure fitness to include Suppleness, strength and stamina / Literacy – Good fats, bad fats (DK Eyewitness Guide by Laura Buller p 20-21 ref 613.2)
6 / -recall parts of the skeleton
- name different types of joints
-label parts of a joint
- explain who muscles move parts of the body
7 -8 / - the effects of smoking
-the effects of drugs and alcohol / Smoking machine
9 / Review
10 / Topic test
Term 2 2013/2014
TopicCurriculum reference / Lesson / Objectives / Activities / Resources / Assessment
Metals and reaction of metals9E & F / 1 / Pupil should be able to:
- identify metals and non-metals
- recall properties of metals
2 / - name salts given reagents
- know the reaction metals with water and acid / Demo – reaction of metals with water
Practical on acid + metal
3 / -Know the reaction of acid + metal carbonate
-Be able to name products and write a word equation
-Be able to test for carbon dioxide / practical
4 / Students to learn experimental techniques for salt preparation of copper sulphate crystals / Practical – acid + metal oxide
5 / -recall how metals react with oxygen
identify metals that react with water and or acids and to place them in order of reactivity / Demo – metals + oxygen
6 / - understand the term displacement reaction
- analysis of data to place metals in order of
reactivity from displacement reactions / Role play displacement reactions
7 / - understand how displacement reactions can prevent rusting / Demo thermite
Investigate rusting
8 / Review
9 / Topic test
Speeding up and pressure and moments9K, L / 1 / To be able to recall and use the equation for speed
To give the correct units for speed / Practical for measuring speed
Data logging using light gates
2 / . To be able to interpret speed time graphs
.To know the term acceleration and deceleration / - drawing distance – time graphs using given data
3 / To be able to understand how streamlining effects speed
.To be able to recall the terms drag and air resistance
To know that Friction slows things down / Parachute investigation
4 / know the equation for pressure
To recall the units for pressure / Practical calculate pressure exerted on the ground
5 / Learn about pressure in liquids and air / Demo – relationships between pressure and temp & volume
6 -7 / To identify the pivot in a lever To be able to calculate the turning effect / Practical work on levers and moments
8 / Review
9 / Topic test
Plants and photosynthesis9C / 1 -2 / Pupils should be able to:
-Define photosynthesis
- Recognize its importance
- recognize the elements needed for photosynthesis / - Perform starch test on leaves
- Conduct experiments to show the effects of carbon dioxide, light and chlorophyll on the process of photosynthesis / Paired Reading – Plants, Volume 5, Biology Matters page 6 – 9 by Grolier ISBN 07172 – 5979 -X
3 / - Identify the internal structure of a leaf / - Observe the cross section of a dicot leaf to study its internal structure
4 / Understand the term biomass
- learn about food stores in plants
- understand how plants grow best
- learn about the importance of nutrients and fertilizers / -Pupils identify from a variety of plants the different organs that store food
5 / - learn about weeds and ways of killing them
- learn about how pests affect plant growth and how poisons build up in food chains / - Pupils write down food chains for different components of a meal
6 / Review
7 / Topic test
Term 3 013/2014
TopicCurriculum reference / Lesson / Objectives / Activities / Resources / Assessment
Heating and cooling 8I / 1 / Student able to explain what temperature is
Students learn how to use a thermometer accurately
Students able to make a thermometer / Making thermometer
Looking at different types of thermometers. Compare to a temperature probe.
2 / Students able to explain contraction and expansion of solids, liquids and gases.
Relate expansion to the density of solids, liquids and gases. / Demo expansion experiments
3 / Students explain what happens to particles as they change state
Students learn the graph for changes of state / Practical on melting/boiling could use data logging here
4 - 5 / Students explain in terms of particles conduction, convection and radiation and evaporation / Demo experiments
6 / Review/test
Magnets/ electromagnets & energy and electricity8J & 9I / 7 / Students to draw and recall the magnetic field around a magnet using iron fillings and a compass.
Students to know that like poles repel and opposite poles attract / Plotting magnetic fields
8 / Students understand how a temporary magnet is formed and how it can be destroyed / Making a magnet
9 -10 / Students learn how an electromagnet is formed
Students learn about uses of electromagnets. / Making an electromagnet
11-12 / Revision on electric circuits
Students review voltage
13 / Topic test
Inheritance and Selection9A / 1 / Pupils should be able to:
- Understand the terms Genes and inheritance
- Understand the term variation / - Pupils draw their family trees and identify identical features in different members of the family
2 / - Learn about selective breeding in animals
- Learn about Genetic Engineering and Cloning
3 / -Think about the probability of the sex of children in a family / - Pupils draw diagrams to explain how identical and non-identical twins are formed
Pupils work on work- sheets on inheritance and selection
End of Year Exams / Revision and review