Personal InjuryClaims Management Policy and Procedure
Business Services Organisation
January 2015 April 2012
From time to time, claims for damages are pursued against the Business Services Organisation (BSO). Arising from its obligations related to controls assurance, and linked to DHSSPS Guidance on Risk Management and Claims Handling, the BSO is required to have a policy on the management of these claims. There are risks involved in the activities of all complex organisations and this Policy is part of the BSO’s overall Risk Management strategy for processing claims and providing information to managers to help reduce those risks.
- Policy Statement
The BSO will take steps to manage personal injury claims arising out of activities carried out by the organisation. Personal Injury claims are defined as
“Any claim in respect of injury to any person including bodily injury, psychiatric injury or death for which an HSC body is legally liable and which does not fall within the definition of clinical and social care negligence”
- Policy Aims
The key aims of the policy are to:
- Ensure that any claims arising are managed effectively;
- Protect staff and the BSO from vexatious allegations;
- Provide value for money for the taxpayer;
- Contribute to learning around the management of risk.
- Key responsibilities
4.1The Chief Executive has overall responsibility forthe management of personal injury claims and will keep the Board informed of major developments.
4.2Operational responsibility for ensuring that claims are properly managed is delegated to the Chief Legal Adviser (the Claims Manager).
4.3Personal injury claims received by any member of staff should be sent immediately to the Claims Manager and the appropriate Director should be made aware that a claim has been received.
- Policy Implementation
Role of Claims Manager
5.1All correspondence concerning legal claims should be routed through theClaims Manager who will manage, handle and co-ordinate all claims arising from BSO activities. Such claims usually relate to employers/occupiers liability. Anquarterlyannual report will be sent to the BSO Senior Executive Team and the Governance Audit Committee setting out anonymised details of all claims received during that period. The Claims Manager on the advice of the qualified legal advisersolicitor handling the claim will set a reserve for damages and costs against each claim and these figures will be included in the report. The Claims Manager will ensure compliance with the pre action protocol for personal injury claims.
Where there is a conflict of interest, it may be necessary to instruct external solicitors to act on behalf of B.S.O. In such cases any relevant records/information must be shared with the external Solicitors and retained on a strictly confidential basis by the Claims Manager.
5.2 Claims Handling
A record of claims will be maintained securely on the DLS Legis database. All claims must be investigated in a timely manner to establish an objective account of the incident and to identify and secure all records relating to the incident. The decision to seek to negotiate a settlement or to continue to defend a claim will be taken by the claims manager in consultation with the relevant Assistant Director or Director following receipt of legal advice. Any settlement over £10k must be approved by the Chief Executive. Payments will be processed in accordance with the BSO Scheme of Delegation.
Training and Awareness
5.3The BSO will ensure that appropriate staff will receive training on the Claims Management Policy. The BSO will take steps to promote awareness of the policy at induction.
Policy Monitoring and Reporting
5.4A report will be sent to the BSO Senior Executive Team and the Governance Audit Committee in relation to requirements set out in paragraph 5.1 annually. on a quarterly basis. In addition, the BSO will use these statistics as evidence towards compliance with the Risk Management controls assurance standard issued by the DHSSPS.
Grading of Claims (FRS12)
5.5Once a claim has been established it will be graded using
Minimum, Average and Maximum values for;
(i)estimated estimated settlement figure plus cost of case, and
(ii)probability of payment
These values will be entered into the DLS case database ‘Legis’ and updated asthe matter progresses by the Claims Manager or delegated solicitor. The Director of Finance will also be advised of these values.
6Corporate Assessment
6.1ThisThe policy along with the Health and safety policywill seeks to minimise the possibility of adverse events affecting the BSO’s staff or its services.
6.2This policy has been screened for equality implications as required by Section 75 and Schedule 9 and of the Northern Ireland Act 1998. Equality Commission guidance states that the purpose of screening is to identify those policies which are likely to have a significant impact on equality of opportunity so that greatest resources can be devoted to these. Using the Equality Commission’s screening criteria, no significant equality implications have been identified. The policy will therefore not be subject to equality impact assessment.
6.3The BSO has considered its obligations under the Human Rights Act 1998 and is satisfied this Policy does not breach these obligations.
6.4This Policy conforms with the HSCHSSPS Policy on Handling of Personal Injury Claims.
7Policy Review
7.1The policy will be subject to formal review every 3 two years from the date of implementation.
Approved By: ______Date Approved: ______
This Policy should be read in conjunction with the following BSO Policies/Strategies:
(i)Adverse Incident Reporting Policy
(ii)Health & Safety Policy
(iii)Risk Management Strategy
(iv)Complaints Policy
(v)Waste Management Policy
NHS Litigation Authority RPST Phase 2 Assessment Tool, March 2002
DHSSPS, Core Risk Management Standard, 2002
DHSSPS, Circular: HSS (f) 20/2002
DHSSPS Circular HSC (SQSD) 5/10 Handling Clinical and Social Care Negligence and Personal Injury Claims
This Strategy can also be made available in larger print and can be translated into a range of minority languages to meet the needs of those people who are not fluent in English.
Please contact us on (028) 9032 4431 if you would like a copy in an alternative format.