Tarbert, Argyll. 3rd December 2013.

The Presbytery of Argyll met on 3rd December 2013 in the Village Hall, Tarbert, and was constituted with prayer.
Sederunt / Rev David Mitchell, Moderator, Dr Christopher Brett, Clerk, and 74 other presbyters as listed in the Sederunt sheets.
Roll of Presbytery / Presbytery welcomed Rev David Thom (Gigha & Cara linked with Kilcalmonell linked with Killean & Kilchenzie), Rev John Collard (Iona linked with Kilfinichen, Kilvickeon and the Ross of Mull), and Mrs Janet MacKellar (Reader, Central Cowal) to their first meeting of Presbytery.
Apologies / Apologies were intimated from 20 presbyters as listed in the Sederunt sheets.
Minutes / The minutes of the meetings held on 3rd and 21st September, 16th October and 18th November 2013 were approved subject to the following corrections:
(a)  Page 937: In the list of Readers, “Mr Matthew Waddell” should read “Mr Martin Waddell”.
Approval of Agenda / The Agenda was approved with the following additions:
(a)  Tribute to Mrs Ishbel MacNicol
(b)  Prayer Coordinators’ Report.
Correspondence / The Clerk reported on correspondence as follows:
(a)  Noted receipt of a letter from Ministries Council, reporting that the subsidy from the Meikle and Paton Fund for bookings at Crieff Hydro had been decreased from £50 to £40.
(b)  Law Department circular entitled "Elders, liabilities and OSCR", warning financial boards of the dangers of failing to address deficits by "living off" reserves.
(c)  Noted that an intimation had been received from the Ministries Council that the moratorium on external recruitment of Ministries Development Staff is about to be lifted.
Intimations / The Clerk and other Presbyters gave the following intimations:
(a)  The Clerk Emeritus had reported that there are a number of errors in the new red book for 2013-14.
(b)  A congregation in Malawi is looking for a twin (Rev Steve Fulcher).
(c)  The Claremont Trust is offers small grants to groups which give practical expression to their faith in the life of society in Scotland and overseas (Rev Chris Fulcher).
Extract minute / The Clerk reported receipt of an Extract Minute from the Presbytery Planning Group of the Ministries Council, approving the linkage of Barra with south Uist and the corresponding alteration to the Presbytery Plan.
Tribute to Mrs Ishbel MacNicol / Mr Christopher Thornhill paid tribute to the Mrs Ishbel MacNicol, who died in November 2013. Ishbel became the first female Elder of Craignish Parish Church in 1977, and was Session Clerk from 1993 to 2013. She had been a key figure in the recent restoration of the Church and in promoting the plan to build affordable housing on the Glebe land, which had recently been granted planning permission. In the past year, after retiring as Session Clerk, Ishbel had served on the Vacancy Procedure Committee of Presbytery.
Military Chaplaincy / Rev Thomas Bryson spoke of the work of Military Chaplains. Chaplains provide spiritual support to personnel of all three services, including regulars, reserves and cadets. They act as independent listeners, helping individuals work through practical and moral issues. The work may involve supporting the wounded and conveying bad news to families. It is challenging but very rewarding.
Business Committee / Ms Marilyn S Shedden, Convener, presented the report of the Business Committee. The Minute of the meeting of the Business Committee held on 3rd November 2013 was received and taken as read.
The following deliverances were agreed:
1.  Presbytery received the Minute.
2.  Crieff Hydro – Meikle & Paton Fund. Presbytery noted that the discount on bookings at Crieff Hydro has reduced from £50 to £40.
3.  Lifting the moratorium on external recruitment. Presbytery noted that the moratorium on external recruitment of Ministries Development Staff has been lifted
4.  Guidance notes from Presbytery. Presbytery instructed the Presbytery Clerk to prepare a brief guidance note for new Presbytery members, to include a summary of Latin terms.
5.  Transition Support Group: Iona l/w Kilfinichen and Kilvickeon and the Ross of Mull. Presbytery noted that the Ministries Council has appointed Rev Roderick Campbell, Dr Myra Waddell and Mr Andy Henderson to the Transition Support Group for Iona l/w Kilfinichen and Kilvickeon and the Ross of Mull.
6.  Motion by Rev Dr Kenneth Ross.
Presbytery agreed that the Motion would be considered after the other Business Committee Deliverances.
7.  YouthWorkers’ Review / Appraisal. Presbytery thanked Rev Dugald Cameron for his support and encouragement for the Presbytery Youth Workers as line manager for Rev Paul Beautyman, and noted that the Business Committee, acting under delegated powers, has recalled his appointment and appointed Ms Marilyn Shedden in his place.
8.  Arrochar linked with Luss. Presbytery noted that the charge is now in a Vacancy, and there is a pending Dissent and Complaint. Presbytery remains open to further discussions on possible transfer of the charge to the Presbytery of Argyll.
9.  Presbytery Website. Presbytery noted that the Presbytery Website and the Presbytery Youth Website are now hosted by Differentia West Coast, based in Benderloch.
10.  Presbytery administration and communication. Presbytery agreed the following arrangements.
a.  Single-page announcements of in hunc effectum and pro re nata Presbytery Meetings and other matters will be sent by email to those with email addresses, and by post to those not on email.
b.  The billets containing minutes, agenda and reports for quarterly Presbytery meetings will be sent by email to those on email, and by post to those not on email and any others requesting copies by post. Enough paper copies will be available at the meeting for everyone attending to uplift copies. Papers will also be available on the Members Page of the website
c.  The Presbytery Handbook will be updated for the December Meeting. It will be available on the Members Page of the website, where it will be updated regularly. It will also be available for distribution by email or as hard copy.
Ms Shedden also presented a supplementary report on Youth Ministry, the following additional deliverance was agreed:
1.  Presbytery invited the Superintendence Committee to consider including an assessment of congregational engagement in youth work and with the youth minister in the Quinquennial visitations.
Motion by Rev Dr Kenneth Ross / Resumed Consideration of Motion by Rev Dr Kenneth Ross.
1.  Presbytery accepted in principle the value of an overnight conference, for fellowship and the promotion of the Presbytery’s mission, and instructed the Ministry Committee to bring a proposal with costs to the March Presbytery meeting.
2.  It was moved by Rev Dr Kenneth Ross and seconded by Rev Philip Burroughs that:
“Presbytery recommends thatGeneral Assembly should meet every two years,in order to release time, energy and resources for deployment at Presbytery level, for instance by holdingPresbytery conferences every alternate year, and instructs the Business Committee to draft an appropriate Overture to the General Assembly for consideration at the March Presbytery meeting.”
The following amendment to the motion was agreed:
“Presbytery recommends thatGeneral Assembly should consider meeting every two years,in order to release time, energy and resources for deployment at Presbytery level, for instance by holdingPresbytery conferences every alternate year, and instructs the Business Committee to draft an appropriate Overture to the General Assembly for consideration at the March Presbytery meeting.”
The amended motion was passed by 36 votes to 27.
General Assembly 2014
Superintendence Committee
Rev Dr Louis C Bezuidenhout
Mission Committee
Prayer Coordinators / The Clerk reported that he had yet to be notified of the number of Commissioners allocated to Argyll Presbytery. Commissioners would be chosen as far as possible according to the rota used in previous years. Ministers are likely to be invited from those charges represented at the General Assembly in 2010, and Elders from those charges represented in 2008.
Rev Dr Louis C Bezuidenhout, Convener, presented the report of the Superintendence Committee. The Minute of the meeting of the Superintendence Committee held on 29th October 2013 being in the hands of members was received and taken as read.
The following deliverances were agreed:
1. Quinquennial Reports:
Glassary, Kilmartin & Ford l/w North Knapdale
1.  Presbytery received the report on the Presbytery Visit to the Parishes of Glassary, Kilmartin & Ford and North Knapdale.
2.  Presbytery declared the Charge to be in a satisfactory state.
3.  Presbytery commended the work of Rev Clifford Acklam, the Elders and Office Bearers of both congregations.
Kilchrenan & Dalavich l/w Muckairn
1.  Presbytery received the report on the Presbytery Visit to the Parishes of Kilchrenan & Dalavich and Muckairn..
2.  Presbytery declared the Charge to be in a satisfactory state.
3.  Presbytery commended the work of Rev Robert Brookes, the Elders and Office Bearers of both congregations.
4.  Presbytery urged the congregation of Kilchrenan & Dalavich to appoint a Safeguarding Co-ordinator as soon as possible, recognising the need for every congregation to have such a person.
5.  Presbytery encouraged the congregations and Office Bearers to consider realistically the number of buildings necessary to carry out an effective ministry to the parishes of Kilchrenan & Dalavich l/w Muckairn
1.  Presbytery received the report on the Presbytery Visit to the Parish of Ardchattan.
2.  Presbytery declared the Charge to be in a satisfactory state.
3.  Presbytery commended the work of Rev Jeff McCormick, the Elders and Office Bearers.
4.  Presbytery urged the congregation of Ardchattan to give attention to the insulation and heating of the manse.
5.  Presbytery urged the congregation to seriously reconsider the need for more than one church building in the light of the mission of the church and financial realities.
6.  Presbytery instructed the Fabric Committee to study the condition of the churches and to report back to Presbytery.
2. Central Cowal
Presbytery instructed the Ministry Committee to consider the creation of a suitable support structure of Central Cowal.
3. Rev Lesley Risby: Qualified Practising Certificate
Presbytery noted that Rev Lesley Risby is a capable and experienced Minister of Word and Sacrament, who is available to preach, administer the sacraments, and do pastoral work in Presbytery. The Practising Certificate enables her to do pulpit supply and work as a locum minister. During this period the Certificate does not make provision for full-time ministry, the functions of an interim minister or moderator of a kirk session or entitlement to a seat in Presbytery. However, Presbytery can invite her to become a corresponding member of Presbytery.
It was agreed that Presbytery should invite her to become a Corresponding Member, and the Clerk was instructed to issue this invitation to her.
Tribute to Rev Dr Louis C Bezuidenhout
Mr Niall Iain MacLean, Session Clerk of Glenaray & Inveraray, paid tribute to the work of Rev Dr Louis Bezuidenhout, who had held the charge of West Lochfyneside for four and a half years. Louis and Elsie would be much missed as they moved north to Moray, where Louis had been invited to take up the charge of Alves & Burghead linked with Kinloss & Findhorn. The Moderator thanked Louis for his guidance and for his very able convenership of the Superintendence Committee of Presbytery.
Rev Paul A Beautyman, Convener, presented the report of the Mission Committee. The Minute of the meeting of the Mission Committee dated 13th November 2013 being in the hands of members was taken as read. The following deliverances were agreed:
1.  As the season of God’s good news approaches, Presbytery encouraged all churches to put more ‘good news’ stories into their local newspapers.
2.  Presbytery encouraged all churches to apply to Mission and Discipleship’s Special Missions Trust.
3.  Churches were encouraged to help their volunteer children’s or youth workers to attend Deep Impact (January 17 – 19, 2014) in Aviemore.
Rev Drew Barrie reported on behalf of the Prayer Coordinators:
1.  The Coordinators had prepared a prayer rota for Presbytery. Two congregations would feature on the rota each week, and one Presbytery Committee each month. The rota would be displayed on the Presbytery website.
2.  A monthly prayer for Presbytery would also be posted on the website.
3.  Suggestions for encouraging prayer would be welcomed.
Suspension of Business / Presbytery suspended business at 1.00 pm for lunch and resumed business at 1.45 pm.
Augusta Lamont Bequest Committee
Stewardship and Finance Committee / Mr Douglas Lindsay, Convenor, presented the report of the Augusta Lamont Bequest Committee, the draft Annual Report for 2013, the draft budget for 2014, and notes explaining the budget. Five applications totalling £19,036 had been recommended for approval by the Committee and agreed by the Council of Assembly. Five further applications were at various stages in the review process.
Presbytery received and noted the report and attachments.
Rev Drew Barrie, Convener, presented the report of the Stewardship and Finance Committee.
1. Noted the General Assembly remit requiring presbytery to report on the implementation of the National Stewardship Campaign. (Remits p16, Council of Assembly 3)
2. Reminded all congregations of the General Assembly instruction to engage with the National Stewardship Campaign.
3. Reminded all Kirk Sessions who have not yet done so that Presbytery instructed them to appoint a Stewardship Convener and to advise Mr John W Taylor** of the name and contact details of the person appointed. Instructs Kirk Sessions to so respond by January 31st January 2014.
**[Mr John W Taylor, Seaview, Tighnabruaich, Argyll PA21 2DS Tel 01700 811448 E-mail
4. Drew to the attention of congregations that they may in future be required to make a statement in their accounts of their involvement with the National Stewardship Campaign and encourages congregations as a matter of good practice to do so in their 2013 accounts.
5. Noted the M&M Contributions for 2014. Authorises the Stewardship and finance committee to make provisional adjustments to the 2014 contributions once figures for 2013 are available from congregations.
6. Instructed congregations listed in Table I to inform the treasurer of the presbytery as soon as possible after 1st January 2014 of their actual eligible pulpit supply costs for 2013 on the form provided.
a. Noted that the committee of Presbytery tasked to do so met with Kilmore and Oban office bearers on 29th October and that the committee was only presented with the 2012 accounts at that meeting.