May 30, 2007

Teleconference Meeting

Vol. 07-36

Call to Order

Chairman Leonel Silva convened the teleconference meeting of the Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College at 10:02 a.m.

Trustees Participating:

Leonel Silva, Chairman; Richard Ballantine; Brian Bissell; Linda Campbell; Peter Decker; Bridget Irish; Anna Mekeel; Pat Noyes; and Tom Schilling

Staff Participating:

Brad Bartel, President; Steve Roderick, Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs; Steve Schwartz, Deputy Treasurer & Vice President for Finance and Administration; Glenna Witt Sexton, Vice President for Student Affairs; Fred Kuhlwilm, Legal Counsel; Peggy Sharp, Deputy Secretary & Executive Assistant to the President; Michele Peterson, Budget Director; and Mike Larson, Audio Consultant.


Chairman Silva read a letter addressed to the Board from Michael Pugh, former member of the Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College. This letter, in its entirety, is attached to the minutes of this meeting.

ACTION/CONSENT: Approval of Minutes of April 19, 2007 Regular

Meeting of the Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College

Brian Bissell inquired about the appropriateness of a motion by Tom Schilling at the April 19th meeting to further investigate the possibility of acquiring insurance coverage for domestic partners. President Bartel explained that the Board of Trustees had previously authorized the Human Resources Office to look at insurance coverage for domestic partners. At that time, CHEIBA did not allow this coverage. However, since the Trustees had already requested that coverage for domestic partners be included in the insurance package, Trustee Schilling was appropriate in asking Human Resources to inquire again re the possibility of offering such coverage.

Tom Schilling moved for approval of the minutes of the April 29, 2007 meeting. Linda Campbell seconded the motion. Motion passed.

President Bartel noted two changes on the Board’s Planning Calendar. The dedication of Jones Hall will occur in conjunction with the September 21, 2007, Board meeting in Durango. The ceremony will occur at approximately 5:00 p.m., followed by a dinner. The second change is that the football game originally slated for the evening of September 21 will be played on Saturday evening, September 22.

Committee Reports

Academic & Student Affairs Committee

Pat Noyes, Chair, reported that the committee had not met. Provost Roderick stated that the College is delaying performance contract reports until further clarification is received from the Department of Higher Education.

External Affairs Committee

Tom Schilling, Chair, stated that the External Affairs Committee meeting scheduled for May 21 had been canceled and that the agenda item slated for discussion will be acted upon by the committee as a whole.

ACTION: Approval of the Five-Year Capital Construction Plan

Steve Schwartz, Vice President for Finance and Administration, gave additional details of the plan and responded to questions from the Trustees regarding aspects of the new Union Building and other projects. Brian Bissell noted a discrepancy in Table 1, Cash Funds Exempt. Tom Schilling moved that the 2008-09 Five-Year Capital Construction Plan be approved by the Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College with noted correction. Peter Decker seconded the motion. The motion passed and the Plan was approved as corrected.

Finance Committee

Richard Ballantine, Committee Chair, reported that the Finance Committee had endorsed the following three action items related to the budget for the upcoming year.

ACTION: Approval of the 2007-08 Salary Increase Recommendation

Michele Peterson, Budget Director, described the salary proposal and the distribution of the promotion, equity, and merit increases. President Bartel stated that funds had also been set aside for junior faculty to assist with professional development and research.

Bridget Irish moved that the Board approve an average base salary increase of 3.0%, exclusive of promotions and equity adjustments, for Faculty and Exempt Staff at Fort Lewis College for Fiscal Year 2007-08. Brian Bissell seconded the motion. Motion passed.

ACTION: Approval of Room and Board Fee Schedules for Academic Year 2007-2008 and Summer Sessions 2008

A comparison of room and board rates at other institutions in Colorado indicated that Fort Lewis College has the second lowest room and board rates in the state.

Brian Bissell moved that the Board of Trustees approve the Room and Board Fee Schedule for the AY 2007-2008 and summer sessions 2008, and that the room and board rates be adopted thirty days from this date and that notice shall be given as of this date in compliance with CCHE Tuition and Fee Policy. Anna Mekeel seconded the motion. Motion carried.

ACTION: Approval of the 2007-08 Proposed Operating Budgets

In response to a inquiry from Brian Bissell regarding the extent of support to athletics from the Education & General Fund, Michele Peterson stated that salaries for administrative staff and head coaches as well as some scholarship support are the only athletic items contained in the E & G budget. Mr. Bissell requested that at a future Board meeting, a composite report be given to the Trustees on all funds being spent on athletics, and also a comparison with other institutions. President Bartel indicated that at the next Board meeting held in Durango, Kent Stanley, Athletic Director, will make a presentation to the Board.

Brian Bissell moved that the Board approve the proposed operating budgets for the Education and General Fund, Auxiliary Facilities Income Fund, Health Center Fund, Student Life Center Fund, Club Sports Fund, Intercollegiate Athletics Fund, other Auxiliary Funds, and Student Financial Assistance. Chairman Silva seconded and motion carried.

Performance and Audit Committee

Peter Decker, Chair, stated that this committee has not met and that he has reviewed the most recent audits. Steve Schwartz reported that a search is being conducted for an internal auditor. The current arrangement of utilizing an external auditing firm has not proven to be in the best interest of the College and the Board. This position will be three-quarter time and will report directly to the Trustees.

Standing Reports

Foundation Report

Richard Ballantine, Board liaison to the Foundation reported that the Memorandum of Understanding had been approved at the Executive Board of the Foundation meeting on May 29, 2007. Some minor changes were noted and will be made on next year’s MOU. Fred Kuhlwilm, legal counsel, explained that the corrections requested dealt with the Foundation Personnel noted in the MOU, and he will work with Doug Shand, legal counsel for the Foundation, to make the necessary adjustments in the 2008-09 MOU. Brian Bissell questioned the sentence in Section 3(g) which in essence states that consideration payable by the Foundation for facilities, personnel and services shall be

agreed to in writing. Mr. Kuhlwilm responded that due to issues within the Foundation, there has not been a written agreement. However, Steve Schwartz indicated that during the course of this year, efforts will be made to prepare a written agreement with the Foundation concerning the issue of consideration of payment from the Foundation to the Board for the stated services and facilities.

Following discussion of aspects of the MOU, including responsibilities of the Foundation to the College and future oversight of the development staff, Richard Ballantine moved for approval of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Fort Lewis College Foundation, for the period from July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2008, as presented, and that the Chair of the Board be authorized hereby to execute the proposed Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of the Board of Trustees. Peter Decker seconded and the motion passed.

ACTION: Contract Approval: The Lease Agreement between the Fort Lewis College Foundation and the Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College for the President’s Residence

Fred Kuhlwilm asked to table the approval of the lease agreement as negotiations with the Foundation are still in progress and some issues have not been resolved. Peter Decker moved to table this item, with a second by Richard Ballantine. Motion carried.

Richard Ballantine concluded his Foundation report by stating that the Foundation is making progress on a plan to put values on naming rights for the College Union Building. Also, he expressed the Foundation’s appreciation for the College’s financial commitment to the Foundation/Development office.

Alumni Report

In the absence of the Alumni Director, President Bartel reported that the alumni event in Colorado Springs at the Sky Socks game had been a success and that there will be an alumni gathering in Washington, D.C. in conjunction with the Allard Conference. Also, the first edition of the Alumni Newsletter has been published and distributed. The Alumni Office plans to do electronic updates on alumni activities.

Faculty Representative Report

Bridget Irish announced that Fall Convocation will be held on August 24 at 4:00 p.m., followed by a picnic. The speaker will be Dr. Kirk Dignum, CEO of Mercy Medical Center. At the September 21 meeting of the Trustees, she hopes to feature the Music Department and have a short faculty recital in conjunction with the dedication of Jones Hall. Ms. Irish reported that she will be attending the American Democracy Project Conference in Philadelphia.

Student Representative Report

Anna Mekeel stated that she is spending most of the summer familiarizing herself with the operation of the ASFLC and her responsibilities as president. She also outlined some of her future goals as president of ASFLC.

Legal Counsel Report

Fred Kuhlwilm stated that if Trustees had questions regarding his written report, they should call him directly.


President Bartel reported the following:

·  Arrangements for the Allard Capital Conference are going well;

·  Ed Bowditch will attend the Governor’s Higher Education Summit as an official observer since neither the President or Board Chair will be able to attend;

·  Representatives from the FBI, the Colorado Bureau of Investigation, the Highway Patrol, the Durango Police Department, the Fire Department, Fort Lewis College administration, and the FLC Chief of Police had a meeting on campus to discuss procedures in the event of a emergency situation on campus such as that which occurred at Virginia Tech.

·  The initial search for a new Dean of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences failed to find an appropriately qualified candidate; therefore, the position will be re-advertised later this summer.

At the conclusion of the President’s report, Chairman Silva called for a motion to adjourn. Tom Schilling so moved, and Bridget Irish seconded the motion.

Meeting adjourned at 12:00 noon.