7000 BRIDGE DESIGN (Version 2016a)
7100 Preliminary Bridge Design
[Subsection 7100 applies to bridge design performed during Design Phases I-IV.]
[Tasks 7110 through 7160 below apply only to an existing bridge that will or may be partially or fully retained (e. g., a bridge widening or rehabilitation). For a new bridge or a bridge being completely replaced, skip these tasks and go directly to Task 7170.]
[Where appropriate (e.g., dissimilar work for different bridges) customize the text or insert a table to specify the work needed for each bridge. Include BIN numbers in bridge descriptions.]
7110 Field Inspection
The Consultant shall perform a field inspection of each bridge to determine its condition and principal elements, to establish the rehabilitation work necessary, and to prepare (under Task 7130 below) a Level I load rating.
The Consultant shall perform and document the findings of an in-depth inspection of each bridge [or specify particular bridge(s)] in accordance with the current NYSDOT Bridge Inspection Manual – NY Appendix K, Specification for In-depth Bridge Inspection. Depending upon the particulars of the bridge(s) being considered, the Consultant may propose, or the Department may establish, modifications to the inspection procedure(s) if those modifications are consistent with the intent of the inspection. Modifications proposed by the Consultant shall be approved in advance by the State.
7120 Deck Evaluation
[Include Task 7120 only if the structural deck will or may be fully or partially retained.]
The Consultant shall perform a bridge deck evaluation of each bridge [or specify particular bridge(s)] in accordance with established industry standards (such as ground penetrating radar (GPR), chloride potentials, soundings etc). The Consultant shall submit his means and methods for the deck evaluation to the State for concurrence during negotiations.
[The Consultant Manager shall submit the Consultant’s means and methods for the deck evaluation to the Office of Structures for concurrence.]
[List and describe here the means and methods to be used for the deck evaluation once they've been agreed upon.]
7130 Load Rating
The Consultant shall prepare a Level 1 load rating package as described in NYSDOT Engineering Instruction 05-034 “Load Rating/Posting Guidelines for State-Owned Highway Bridges”.
Immediately upon its completion, the Consultant shall transmit two hard copies and 1 electronic Adobe Acrobat file (*.pdf) copy of the Level I load rating package to the State for filing. The Consultant shall also submit one electronic copy of the input files of any proprietary software applications used to generate the structural analysis along with a summary sheet listing the file name, software program and version of the program used to produce the file. (These submissions shall be sent to the attention of the Regional Structures Engineer in the NYSDOT Regional Office whose jurisdictional area includes the bridge).
7140 Fatigue Evaluation
[Task 7140 is used for existing bridge rehabilitation projects and applies only to those existing metal structural elements that will or may be retained.]
7141 For each bridge [or specify particular bridge(s)] the Consultant shall analyze those metal structural elements which will or may be retained, in accordance with the current AASHTO Guide Specification for Fatigue Evaluation of Existing Bridges.
Where this guide specification does not apply (e.g., severe corrosion, mechanical damage, repaired fatigue damage, wrought iron instead of steel, etc.), the Consultant shall develop an appropriate approach for comprehensive fatigue evaluation while maintaining close coordination with the State for guidance and input. The Consultant shall then conduct the evaluation accordingly.
7142 For all situations where the calculated remaining safe life is less than the (State-provided) planned remaining service life, the Consultant shall:
A. Develop various conceptual strategies to improve fatigue performance
to safely manage the risk.
B. Prepare and submit to the State a technical memorandum documenting the relative advantages, disadvantages, and approximate costs of each strategy along with specific recommendation(s).
The State shall determine the strategy to be adopted.
7143 For all situations where the calculated remaining safe life is equal to or greater than the (State-provided) planned remaining service life, the Consultant shall prepare and submit to the State a technical memorandum documenting the results of the fatigue evaluation.
7150 Seismic Assessment
[Do not include Task 7150 unless advised by the Office of Structures.]
For each bridge that will or may be partially or fully retained the Consultant shall perform a Seismic Assessment. The Consultant shall refer to AASHTO’s Seismic Retrofitting Manual for Highway Structures: Part 1 – Bridges for guidance in preparing the seismic assessment.
The Consultant shall, if required develop various conceptual strategies to improve the seismic performance to safely manage the risk. The Consultant shall prepare and submit to the State a technical memorandum documenting the Seismic Assessment, the relative advantages, disadvantages and approximate costs for each strategy along with a specific recommendation.
The State shall determine the seismic retrofitting strategy to be adopted.
7160 Bridge Report
[Do not include Task 7160 unless advised by the Office of Structures. The Office of Structures will provide the necessary text.]
7170 Bridge Site Data - Bridge Data Sheets
[Include EITHER Subtask 7171 OR Subtask 7172 below. This work applies only to new and replacement bridges.]
7171 [Subtask 7171 applies only if the Agreement includes Final Bridge Design (Phases V-VI) and the bridge is not over water.]
For each bridge [or specify particular bridge(s)] the Consultant shall prepare and submit to the State site data for each bridge. The submission shall include one copy of the completed NYSDOT’s “Bridge Data Sheet – All Bridges” (NYSDOT Bridge Manual – Appendix 3A) and the accompanying material described there in.
7172 [Subtask 7172 applies to all other situations]
For each bridge [or specify particular bridge(s)] the Consultant shall prepare and submit site data for each bridge. The submission shall include one copy of the completed NYSDOT’s “Bridge Data Sheet – All Bridges” (NYSDOT Bridge Manual – Appendix 3A), one copy of the completed NYSDOT’s “Bridge Data Sheet Part 2 – Waterway Supplement” (NYSDOT Bridge Manual – Appendix 3B) and the accompanying material described there in. The plans shall show (on the appropriate scale drawing) all features described on the Bridge Data Sheets.
7200 Detailed Bridge Design
[Section 7200 applies to bridge design performed during Design Phases V-VI.]
[Tasks 7210 through 7240 apply only to a new or replacement bridge.]
7210 Structure Study Plan
[Task 7210 applies to new and replacement bridges, as well as rehabilitations involving widening or superstructure replacement.]
For each bridge [or specify particular bridge(s)] the Consultant shall prepare and submit to the State a Structure Study Plan package for each bridge. For guidance and requirements refer to NYSDOT’s Bridge Manual – Section 3.
7220 Structure Justification Report
[Task 7220 applies to new and replacement bridges, as well as rehabilitations involving widening or superstructure replacement.]
7221 For each bridge [or specify particular bridge(s)] the Consultant shall prepare and submit to the State a Structure Justification Report. For guidance and requirements refer to NYSDOT’s Bridge Manual – Section 3.
[Include the following paragraph if the bridge is over water and the hydraulic analysis will be performed by the State:]
The State shall perform the hydraulic analysis and prepare a Hydraulic Design Justification Report. The State shall provide the Consultant with a copy of this report and shall append it to the Structure Justification Report received from the Consultant prior to forwarding the Preliminary Bridge Plan package for approval.
[If the bridge is over water and the hydraulic analysis will be performed by the Consultant include Subtasks 7222 and 7223 (and omit the paragraph above).]
7222 For each bridge [or specify particular bridge(s)] the Consultant shall perform the hydraulic analysis in accordance with State standards and policies.
7223 For each bridge [or specify particular bridge(s)] the Consultant shall prepare a Hydraulic Design Justification Report, and shall append it to the Structure Justification Report prior to submitting it with the Preliminary Bridge Plan package to the State for approval. The Hydraulic Design Justification Report shall document freeboard, scour susceptibility, and other hydraulic factors necessitating selection of structure type and size. It shall include the Subtask 7222 hydraulic analysis with all computations and supporting information, and shall be based on the principles outlined in the Hydraulic Manual as adopted and modified by the NYSDOT. The State shall provide the Consultant with a copy or the necessary guidance.
7230 Preliminary Cost Estimate
[Applies to new or replacement bridges, as well as rehabilitations involving widening or superstructure replacement.]
For each bridge [or specify particular bridge(s)] the Consultant shall assist the State with development of a preliminary construction cost estimate for each bridge.
7240 Preliminary Structure Plan for New or Replacement Bridges
[Applies to new or replacement bridges, as well as rehabilitations involving widening or superstructure replacement.]
7241 For each bridge, [or specify particular bridge(s)] upon receipt of State approval of the Structure Study Plan package, the Consultant shall prepare the Preliminary Structure Plan package. For guidance and requirements refer to NYSDOT’s Bridge Manual – Section 3.
7242 For each bridge [or specify particular bridge(s)] the Consultant shall modify the Preliminary Structure Plan package (including the Structure Justification Report and the Hydraulic Design Justification Report) incorporating the State review comments. The Consultant shall resubmit Preliminary Structure Plan package for approval.
7250 Preliminary Structure Plans for Rehabilitation Bridges
[Applies only to bridge rehabilitation in Design Phases V-VI]
7251 For each bridge to be rehabilitated the Consultant shall prepare and submit to the State for review a Preliminary Plan for Bridge Rehabilitation. It shall be sufficiently developed to:
• Show basic concepts and major details (including all existing and proposed utilities).
• Acquaint affected parties with the project and project components.
• Indicate maintenance and protection of traffic provisions
• Provide a preliminary cost estimate.
• Serve as an instrument for initial approval.
• Provide a basis for the development of final plans.
For additional requirements and guidance refer to NYSDOT’s Bridge Manual - Section 19.
7252 The Consultant shall modify the Preliminary Plan for Bridge Rehabilitation package incorporating State review comments. The Consultant shall resubmit Preliminary Plan for Bridge Rehabilitation package it, accompanied by the preliminary cost estimate for approval.
7260 Advanced Detailed Plans (ADP's)
[Applies to all bridges]
7261 For each bridge the Consultant shall prepare and submit the Advanced Detailed Plans (ADP's) to the State for review.
The ADP's shall include:
• Complete, fully-dimensioned details of the bridge.
• All general notes.
• Complete text of all special specifications.
• Estimate of Quantities, listing all required items.
• Construction cost estimate (preferably based on quantities).
Bar lists are not required at this stage.
[Include the following paragraph if the State prepares the Foundation Design Requirements Report and the General Subsurface Profile Drawing(s).]
The State shall prepare and provide to the Consultant the Foundation Design Requirements Report and the General Subsurface Profile Drawing(s) from data supplied by the Consultant.
7262 The Consultant shall incorporate the General Subsurface Profile Drawing(s) into the contract plans.
7263 The Consultant shall prepare a Level 1 load rating package as described in NYSDOT Engineering Instruction 05-034 “Load Rating/Posting Guidelines for State-Owned Highway Bridges” and include the load rating results in the plans in accordance with the EI. Load ratings for new and replacement structures shall also include LRFR ratings as defined in the current Manual for Bridge Evaluation and as noted in the current Bridge Manual.
Immediately upon its completion, the Consultant shall transmit two hard copies and 1 electronic Adobe Acrobat file (*.pdf) copy of the Level I load rating package to the State for filing. The Consultant shall also submit one electronic copy of the input files of any proprietary software applications used to generate the structural analysis along with a summary sheet listing the file name, software program and version of the program used to produce the file. (These submissions shall be sent to the attention of the Regional Bridge Management Engineer in the NYSDOT Regional Office whose jurisdictional area includes the bridge).
7264 [Include this Subtask only if Task 7140 Fatigue Evaluation is included]
For each rehabilitated bridge [or specify particular bridge(s)] the Consultant shall develop and incorporate into the ADP's the results of the fatigue evaluation under Task 7140.
7265 Bridge 3D Model of Substructure for New or Replacement Bridges
The Consultant shall develop a complete three dimensional (3D) model of all exterior surfaces of each new bridge substructure. The 3D model shall be created with the Department’s standard CADD software and in accordance with the Department’s current CADD standards and policies. The 3D model shall be positioned within the state plane coordinate system of the project.
The Consultant shall submit the 3D model to the State for review, concurrent with the ADP submission.
7270 Bridge Plans, Specifications & Estimate (PS&E)
[Applies to all bridges]
The Consultant shall incorporate State review comments into the Advanced Detailed Plans for each bridge, and shall prepare the bridge portion of the PS&E in accordance with the current PS&E submission Engineering Instruction. The Consultant shall also incorporate State review comments into the three dimensional (3D) model of all exterior surfaces of each new bridge substructure.
Concurrent with the PS&E submission the Consultant shall submit to the State the revised 3D model and two (2) copies of the design computations and the estimate of quantities computations.
7280 Bridge Inventory
[Applies to all bridges]
Concurrent with the PS&E submission, the Consultant shall for each bridge complete and provide the State with:
• Originals of Inventory Update forms (blank forms provided by the State), per the current NYSDOT Bridge Inventory Manual, reflecting all physical changes resulting from construction. One copy shall be submitted as part of the PS&E package and another copy shall be submitted directly to the Office of Structures’ – Bridge Data Systems Unit.