Moderation / Interactions – Variation in slopes across groups
Inconsistency as a moderator – A review of moderator variables.
[DataSet1] G:\MdbR\0DataFiles\FOR_090823.sav
We’ve looked at inconsistency of self report in some of our recent research.
We measure inconsistency as the standard deviation of responses to items from the same Big 5 dimension. We believe that the larger the standard deviation, the more inconsistent the respondent.
Evidence suggests that inconsistency measured in this way is a general characteristic of responding to questionnaires. Below are correlations of inconsistency measured across 5 dimension of the IPIP Big 5.
Correlationssgenext / sgenagr / sgencon / sgensta / sgenopn
sgenext / Pearson Correlation / 1 / .389 / .431 / .485 / .412
Sig. (2-tailed) / .000 / .000 / .000 / .000
N / 329 / 329 / 329 / 329 / 329
sgenagr / Pearson Correlation / .389 / 1 / .357 / .405 / .430
Sig. (2-tailed) / .000 / .000 / .000 / .000
N / 329 / 329 / 329 / 329 / 329
sgencon / Pearson Correlation / .431 / .357 / 1 / .371 / .296
Sig. (2-tailed) / .000 / .000 / .000 / .000
N / 329 / 329 / 329 / 329 / 329
sgensta / Pearson Correlation / .485 / .405 / .371 / 1 / .457
Sig. (2-tailed) / .000 / .000 / .000 / .000
N / 329 / 329 / 329 / 329 / 329
sgenopn / Pearson Correlation / .412 / .430 / .296 / .457 / 1
Sig. (2-tailed) / .000 / .000 / .000 / .000
N / 329 / 329 / 329 / 329 / 329
Based on the above positive correlations of standard deviations from the five dimensions, we have created an overall inconsistency measure that is the average of the 5 individual standard deviations.
The reliability of the general inconsistency measure for the data to be considered here is
Reliability StatisticsCronbach's Alpha / N of Items
.772 / 5
The overall measure is fairly reliable.
We’ve called it V, for variability. In our SPSS file it’s called meangenV.
Now that we have a new hammer, the next thing to do is find out what kinds of nails it drives.
We correlated the overall inconsistency measure with a collection of variables. Here are the correlations . . .
CorrelationsmeanGenV Mean of Gen Condition B5 scale SDs
Pearson Correlation / Sig. (2-tailed) / N
wpt Wonderlic Personnel Test score. / -.239 / .000 / 310
eosgpa Acc Records GPA at end of semester in which participated / -.159 / .004 / 329
genext General Instructions Extraversion Scale score / -.107 / .052 / 329
genagr / -.016 / .778 / 329
gencon / .105 / .056 / 329
gensta / -.172 / .002 / 329
genopn / .067 / .229 / 329
BIDR self deception scale scores / .063 / .256 / 329
BIDR impression management scale scores / -.016 / .773 / 329
Sbidrsd: SD of responses to BIDRself deception items / .585 / .000 / 329
Sbidrim: SD of responses to BIDRimpr management items / .396 / .000 / 329
As you might expect, the largest correlations in the above table are of overall inconsistency measured from the Big 5 questionnaire with inconsistency measured in the BIDR questionnaire. The BIDR is a questionnaire designed to assess socially desirable responding. We could have included the BIDR SDs in the computation of meangenV but we wanted to base it on only Big 5 items, since the Big 5 is the questionnaire most likely to be found in selection settings.
The 2nd largest correlation is that of inconsistency with cognitive ability, as measured by the WPT.
Inconsistency is also correlated with eosgpa – end-of-semester grade point average.
Finally, it’s negatively correlated with overall emotional stability. What’s that about??
Our main interest was on the correlation with eosgpa. Since overall inconsistency is a “free” measure, obtained simply by putting the already existing Big 5 items into the standard deviation formula, if it were to increase the validity of prediction of criteria like gpa, that would make it very special indeed.
Of course, the correlation with wpt suggests that inconsistency might be redundant with cognitive ability as a predictor. We’ll only know that after the regression.
But since there are many instances in which a measure of cognitive ability would not be used in selection, the overall inconsistency measure might be quite useful regardless of whether or not it correlated with cognitive ability.
So the first analysis was a three-predictor analysis with eosgpa as the criterion and gencon, wpt, and overall inconsistency as predictors. Here’s the result . . .
Model SummaryModel / R / R Square / Adjusted R Square / Std. Error of the Estimate
1 / .357a / .128 / .119 / .565897
a. Predictors: (Constant), meanGenV Mean of Gen Condition B5 scale SDs, gencon, wpt Wonderlic Personnel Test score.
Model / Unstandardized Coefficients / Standardized Coefficients / t / Sig.
B / Std. Error / Beta
1 / (Constant) / 1.731 / .278 / 6.227 / .000
wpt Wonderlic Personnel Test score. / .026 / .006 / .263 / 4.746 / .000
gencon / .177 / .040 / .241 / 4.458 / .000
meanGenV Mean of Gen Condition B5 scale SDs / -.193 / .103 / -.103 / -1.874 / .062
a. Dependent Variable: eosgpa Acc Records GPA at end of semester in which participated
Inconsistency does not officially add to multiple R when controlling for wpt and gencon (p=.062), although it is close enough to tantalize.
Does inconsistency add incremental validity to just conscientiousness, leaving cognitive ability out of the equation, as would be the case if an organization was concerned about the adverse impact associated with use of cognitive ability tests?
The correlation of eosgpa with gencon alone is .196 (p < .001). Here are the results when inconsistency is added to the mix.
Model SummaryModel / R / R Square / Adjusted R Square / Std. Error of the Estimate
1 / .267a / .071 / .065 / .579975
a. Predictors: (Constant), meanGenV Mean of Gen Condition B5 scale SDs, gencon
Model / Unstandardized Coefficients / Standardized Coefficients / t / Sig.
B / Std. Error / Beta
1 / (Constant) / 2.588 / .212 / 12.185 / .000
gencon / .157 / .039 / .215 / 4.007 / .000
meanGenV Mean of Gen Condition B5 scale SDs / -.338 / .100 / -.182 / -3.390 / .001
a. Dependent Variable: eosgpa Acc Records GPA at end of semester in which participated
Oh, yeah!! The contribution of inconsistency to prediction is significant. Adding this free measure increases R from .196 to .267, an increase of 30% in R. Although the overall R is not terribly high, the cost to the test administrator is minimal.
Now that inconsistency has been established as a predictor of an academic criterion, it’s time to think more about what inconsistency means. It would seem that inconsistency of responding would mean that the respondent’s picture of himself or herself is a little bit cloudy or fuzzy. This suggests that the score on the conscientiousness scale, for example, for an inconsistent responder may not be as accurate a representation of that person’s conscientiousness as would the same score obtained from a consistent responder.
This suggests that if conscientiousness is a predictor of eosgpa (which it is), the relationship of conscientiousness scores of inconsistent responders to gpa would be sloppier, fuzzier than the relationship of conscientiousness scores of consistent responders. This suggests that the strength of the eosgpa to conscientiousness relationship might depend on the consistency of the responders - that inconsistency might moderate the relationship of eosgpa to conscientiousness. Following is a moderated regression analysis testing this hypothesis.
Model SummaryModel / R / R Square / Adjusted R Square / Std. Error of the Estimate
1 / .296a / .087 / .079 / .575769
a. Predictors: (Constant), genCXGenV, gencon, meanGenV Mean of Gen Condition B5 scale SDs
Model / Unstandardized Coefficients / Standardized Coefficients / t / Sig.
B / Std. Error / Beta
1 / (Constant) / 1.010 / .689 / 1.465 / .144
gencon / .481 / .140 / .658 / 3.431 / .001
meanGenV Mean of Gen Condition B5 scale SDs / 1.030 / .578 / .554 / 1.783 / .076
genCXGenV / -.279 / .116 / -.907 / -2.404 / .017
a. Dependent Variable: eosgpa Acc Records GPA at end of semester in which participated
The product is significant, which indicates that moderation is occurring. But what does that mean?
Here’s the equation
Y = 1.010 + .481*C + 1.030*V - .279*V*C
Y = 1.010 + 1.030*V + (.481 - .279*V)*CThe red’d term is the moderator.
Suppose we identify a group for which V = 0,
so that the respondentsare perfectly consistent: Y = 1.010 + .481*C
Suppose we identify a group for which V = 1.5,
so that the respondents are quite inconsistent: Y = 2.555 + .062*C
This shows that the larger the amount of inconsistency, the shallower the slope relating Y to C.
Conversely, the less the amount of inconsistency, the steeper the slope – the stronger the relationship.
The difference can be better appreciated by forming two inconsistency groups – those respondents with high inconsistency and those with low inconsistency. Using a median split, two such groups were formed. The relationship of eosgpa to C for each group is plotted in the following figure.
Note from the SPSS output on the previous page that the R for the whole sample is now .296, up from .196 for conscientiousness alone and up from .267 based on conscientiousness and inconstancy. So adding the product has done two things . . .
First, a theoretical payoff. It has broadened our understanding of the role of inconsistency in personality questionnaires. We now know that while inconsistency is itself a predictor, we also know that inconsistency affects how other personality characteristics predict.
Secondly, a practical payoff. The product term has increased validity significantly, bringing the validity of this single Big 5 personality questionnaire nearer the respectable range, reserved for only job knowledge and cognitive ability tests and unstructured interviews (as shown in Frank Schmidt’s RCIO presentation.)
So, moderation occurs when one variable (inconsistency) affects the slope of the relationship of a criterion to some predictor (conscientiousness).
This can be investigated in multilevel contexts.
It may be that organizational characteristics affect the slope of the relationship of a level 1 criterion to some level 1 predictor.
Such a dependence is easily handled in the multilevel framework.
We’ll first examine the effect of simple random variation in slopes from school to school.
Step 4. (p 93) Level 1 Relationship with intercept related to Level 2 characteristics as in previous step and random Level 1 slope. (presented horribly on p93) (data are still ch3multilevel.sav)
Level 1 Model
Yij = B0j + B1j(sesij) + eij
Level 2 Intercept Model
B0j = g00 + g01(ses_mean)j + g02(per4yrc)j + g03(public)j + u0j
Level 2 Slope Model
B1j = g10 + u1jThis is new – the u1j is a random slope difference from the whole sample mean slope.
Subscript rules for g
1st subscript designates which Level 1 coeff is being modeled – 0 for intercept; 1, 2, etc for slopes
2nd subscript designates which coeff this is – 0 for intercept of the model; 1, 2, etc for a slope
This is a simple, but profound addition to the previous model of Step 3. It’s says that the average slope across all groups is g10, but that each individual group slope may vary about that average. The deviation of group j’s slope from the average is u1j. We won’t estimate the u1js, but we will estimate the variance of the u1js. If that variance is significantly greater than 0, it will cause us to look for reasons for that variation.
Combined Model
Yij = g00 + g01(ses_mean)j + g02(per4yrc)j + g03(public)j + u0j+ (g10 + u1j )(sesij) + eij
Yij = g00 + g01(ses_mean)j + g02(per4yrc)j + g03(public)j + u0j+ g10(ses) + u1j (ses) + eij
Note that I multiplied ses times g10 and u1j in the last equation. This highlights the moderation – the slope of ses may vary from group to group. Because u1j is a random quantity, the moderation is random.
Having two random components spawns a creature, the child of u0j and u1j, their covariance.
The addition of a 2nd random component, creates an emergent parameter that is the result of the inclusion of both in the model – the covariance of u0j and u1j. This covariance did not exist when there was only one random component (e.g., u0j) but it emerges whenever there are two or more random components in a model. We will have to account for it when specifying the model to SPSS.
MIXED Specification
Since public is a dichotomy, it can be either a covariate or a factor.
It was a factor in the previous analysis, I decided to make it acovariate in this analysis
The inclusion of ses in the Model: field is new – the slope of ses is now a random effect.
MIXED math WITH public ses_mean per4yrc ses
/FIXED=ses_mean per4yrc ses | SSTYPE(3)
I did not check the “Covariances of random effects” specification for this example because checking it caused the program to freak out. As the text mentions on page 98 in the paragraph just prior to “Step 5: . . .”, the problem was associated with inclusion of the public factor in the analysis.
I don’t know why I checked “Covariances of residuals” – it should not have been checked, since it’s not applicable here.
Mixed Model Analysis
Model isYij = g00 + g01(ses_mean)j + g02(per4yrc)j + g03(public)j + u0j+ g10(ses) + u1j (ses) + eij
[DataSet1] g:\MdbT\P595C(Multilevel)\Multilevel and Longitudinal Modeling with IBM SPSS\Ch3Datasets&ModelSyntaxes\ch3multilevel.sav
Model DimensionbNumber of Levels / Covariance Structure / Number of Parameters / Subject Variables
Fixed Effects / Intercept / 1 / 1
public / 1 / 1
ses_mean / 1 / 1
per4yrc / 1 / 1
ses / 1 / 1
Random Effects / Intercept + sesa / 2 / Variance Components / 2 / schcode
Residual / 1
Total / 7 / 8
a. As of version 11.5, the syntax rules for the RANDOM subcommand have changed. Your command syntax may yield results that differ from those produced by prior versions. If you are using version 11 syntax, please consult the current syntax reference guide for more information.
b. Dependent Variable: math.
Information Criteriaa
-2 Restricted Log Likelihood / 48121.839
Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC) / 48127.839
Hurvich and Tsai's Criterion (AICC) / 48127.842
Bozdogan's Criterion (CAIC) / 48151.342
Schwarz's Bayesian Criterion (BIC) / 48148.342
The information criteria are displayed in smaller-is-better forms.
a. Dependent Variable: math.
Fixed Effects
Model isYij = g00 + g01(ses_mean)j + g02(per4yrc)j + g03(public)j + u0j+ g10(ses) + u1j (ses) + eij
Type III Tests of Fixed EffectsaSource / Numerator df / Denominator df / F / Sig.
Intercept / 1 / 419.501 / 14339.792 / .000
public / 1 / 407.915 / .191 / .662
ses_mean / 1 / 698.064 / 71.910 / .000
per4yrc / 1 / 410.212 / 8.449 / .004
ses / 1 / 635.541 / 350.952 / .000
a. Dependent Variable: math.
Estimates of Fixed Effectsa
Parameter / Estimate / Std. Error / df / t / Sig. / 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound / Upper Bound
Intercept / 56.469785 / .471568 / 419.501 / 119.749 / .000 / 55.542854 / 57.396716
public / -.119986 / .274402 / 407.915 / -.437 / .662 / -.659405 / .419433
ses_mean / 2.659588 / .313631 / 698.064 / 8.480 / .000 / 2.043815 / 3.275361
per4yrc / 1.360179 / .467933 / 410.212 / 2.907 / .004 / .440334 / 2.280025
ses / 3.163898 / .168888 / 635.541 / 18.734 / .000 / 2.832252 / 3.495544
a. Dependent Variable: math.
Covariance Parameters
Estimates of Covariance ParametersaParameter / Estimate / Std. Error / Wald Z / Sig. / 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound / Upper Bound
Residual / 62.114614 / 1.111312 / 55.893 / .000 / 59.974229 / 64.331386
Intercept [subject = schcode] / Variance / 2.112261 / .445499 / 4.741 / .000 / 1.397075 / 3.193563
ses [subject = schcode] / Variance / 1.314246 / .566455 / 2.320 / .020 / .564675 / 3.058824
a. Dependent Variable: math.
So there is significant variation in the slopes from school to school. This suggests that we should look for some reason for this variation – something that causes there to be a weak relationship of math to ses in some schools but a strong relationship in other schools.
Step 4 redone, leaving out public. (as hinted at on p. 98)
Model isYij = g00 + g01(ses_mean)j + g02(per4yrc)j + u0j + g10(sesij) + u1j (ses) + eij
Note that I requested Unstructured as the Covariance Type: for this analysis. Doing that causes the program to estimate the covariance of the random intercept and the random slope.
MIXED math WITH per4yrc ses ses_mean
/FIXED=per4yrc ses ses_mean | SSTYPE(3)
Mixed Model Analysis
Model isYij = g00 + g01(ses_mean)j + g02(per4yrc)j + u0j + g10(sesij) + u1j (ses) + eij
[DataSet1] G:\MDBO\html\myweb\PSY5950C\ch3multilevel.sav
Model DimensionaNumber of Levels / Covariance Structure / Number of Parameters / Subject Variables
Fixed Effects / Intercept / 1 / 1
per4yrc / 1 / 1
ses / 1 / 1
ses_mean / 1 / 1
Random Effects / Intercept + sesb / 2 / Unstructured / 3 / schcode
Residual / 1
Total / 6 / 8
a. Dependent Variable: math.
b. As of version 11.5, the syntax rules for the RANDOM subcommand have changed. Your command syntax may yield results that differ from those produced by prior versions. If you are using version 11 syntax, please consult the current syntax reference guide for more information.
Information Criteriaa
-2 Restricted Log Likelihood / 48095.742
Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC) / 48103.742
Hurvich and Tsai's Criterion (AICC) / 48103.747
Bozdogan's Criterion (CAIC) / 48135.080
Schwarz's Bayesian Criterion (BIC) / 48131.080
The information criteria are displayed in smaller-is-better forms.
a. Dependent Variable: math.
Fixed Effects
Model isYij = g00 + g01(ses_mean)j + g02(per4yrc)j + u0j + g10(ses) + u1j (sesij) + eij
Type III Tests of Fixed EffectsaSource / Numerator df / Denominator df / F / Sig.
Intercept / 1 / 443.713 / 17653.626 / .000
per4yrc / 1 / 439.342 / 7.864 / .005
ses / 1 / 711.595 / 357.305 / .000
ses_mean / 1 / 382.531 / 76.531 / .000
a. Dependent Variable: math.
Estimates of Fixed Effectsa
Parameter / Estimate / Std. Error / df / t / Sig. / 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound / Upper Bound
Intercept / 56.431147 / .424719 / 443.713 / 132.867 / .000 / 55.596435 / 57.265858
per4yrc / 1.318279 / .470094 / 439.342 / 2.804 / .005 / .394367 / 2.242191
ses / 3.185864 / .168542 / 711.595 / 18.903 / .000 / 2.854965 / 3.516763
ses_mean / 2.457101 / .280869 / 382.531 / 8.748 / .000 / 1.904860 / 3.009342
a. Dependent Variable: math.
Covariance Parameters
Model isYij = g00 + g01(ses_mean)j + g02(per4yrc)j + u0j + g10(sesij) + u1j (ses) + eij
Estimates of Covariance ParametersaParameter / Estimate / Std. Error / Wald Z / Sig. / 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound / Upper Bound
Residual / 62.190380 / 1.105319 / 56.265 / .000 / 60.061293 / 64.394939
Intercept + ses [subject = schcode] / UN (1,1) / 2.036402 / .440471 / 4.623 / .000 / 1.332754 / 3.111553
UN (2,1) / -1.594239 / .330983 / -4.817 / .000 / -2.242953 / -.945525
UN (2,2) / 1.329850 / .532481 / 2.497 / .013 / .606702 / 2.914941
a. Dependent Variable: math.
Random Effect Covariance Structure (G)a
Intercept | schcode / ses | schcode
Intercept | schcode / 2.036402 / -1.594239
ses | schcode / -1.594239 / 1.329850
a. Dependent Variable: math.
The covariance of u0j and u1j is negative and significant. This means that in schools in which the intercept was large, the slope was small and in schools in which the intercept was small, the slope was large.
The negative relationship between intercept and slope is often found.
Step 5. Level 1 Relationship with intercept related to Level 2 characteristics and slope related to Level 2 characteristics (p98)
Level 1 Model
Yij = B0j + B1j(sesij) + eij
Level 2 Intercept ModelEq 3.12
B0j = g00 + g01*ses_meanj + g02*per4yrcj + g03*publicj + u0j
Level 2 Slope Model (new to this Step; the text’s Eq 3.15 is incorrect)
B1j = g10 + g11*ses_meanj + g12*per4yrcj + g13*publicj + u1j
Combined Model . . simply substituting for B0j and B1j
Yij = g00 + g01*ses_meanj + g02*per4yrcj + g03*publicj+ u0j+ (g10 + g11*ses_meanj + g12*per4yrcj + g13*publicj+ u1j)(ses) + eij
Level 2 Intercept Model for B0jLevel 2 Slope Model for B1j
Rewriting the Combined Model propagating ses into the parentheses . . .
Yij = g00 + g01*ses_meanj + g02*per4yrcj + g03*publicj + u0j<---(Same as above)
+ g10*sesij + g11*ses_meanj*sesij + g12*per4yrcj*sesij + g13*publicj*sesij + u1j*sesij+ eij
Note that this rewriting shows that having a Level 2 model of the Level 1 slope implies that the Level 2 variables moderate the relationship of Y to the Level 1 factor, ses.
g11*ses_meanj*sesij means that ses_mean moderates the relationship of Y to ses
g12*Per4yrcj*sesij means that per4yrc moderates the relationship of Y to ses
g13*Publicj*sesij means that public moderates the relationship of Y to ses
Rewritten to show the moderation of the Y~~ses relationship for each variable.
Yij = g00 + g01*ses_meanj + g02*per4yrcj + g03*publicj + u0j
+ g10*sesij +g11*ses_meanj*sesij +g12*per4yrcj*sesij +g13*publicj*sesij + u1j*sesij + eij
So, the slope of the relationship of Y to ses may depend on ses_mean; it may depend on per4yrc; and it may depend on public.
Showing the fixed and random effects
FixedRandomFixed R R
Yij = g00 + g01*ses_meanj + g02*per4yrcj + g03*publicj + u0j + g10*sesij + g11*ses_meanj*sesij + g12*per4yrcj*sesij + g13*publicj*sesij + u1j*sesij + eij
Specifying the above model to MIXED
Specify all of the variables - Level 1, Level 2 intercept, and Level 2 slope variables.
In this case, the Level 2 intercept and Level 2 slope variables are identical. That won’t always be the case.
Building the interaction terms . . . Done differently from the manner shown in the text.
First, put each variable into the model as a Main Effect.
Click on each variable name and then click on Add.
Add the interaction terms using a method different from and easier than that used in the text.