Oakwood School Curriculum
Year 6 (class 13)
Summer Term 2015-16
Subject area / SkillsLiteracy / SPaG: Prepositions, Question marks and exclamation marks, Past and present tense verbs including was and is/Standard English was/were, Noun phrases, Contractions and apostrophes. (Starters), Prefixes and suffixes, Pronouns, modal verb for certainty and possibility, Clauses and phrases including relative clauses, a preposition phrase, main clause, a noun phrase, Colons and semi colons, Conjunctions, prepositions.
Genres of writing: Information texts, Trickster tales, mystery stories, persuasive writing, review writing, poetry, biographies and playscripts.
Maths / SATs Revision: Number place value, multiplication, Division, Fractions, Ratio, Algebra, Time, Measurement, Miles and kilometres, Area and perimeter, Volume of cubes and cuboids, Shapes, Angles including circles, Coordinates and translating shapes, Graphs and averages, Multi-step problems, Percentages, Algebra, Fractions and Multiplication.
Art/DT / I know about a range of great artists, architects and designers in history
I can evaluate the techniques and styles of a particular artist and evaluate my own interpretation of them
I can understand the effect of culture and history on art
I can evaluate the impact of culture and history on art and how this affected its development through time
I can further my art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials [for example, pencil, charcoal, paint, clay]
Geography / On a world map, I can locate the main countries in Africa, Asia and Australasia /Oceania. Identify their main environmental regions, key physical and human characteristics, and major cities.
I can name and locate the key topographical features including coast, features of erosion, hills, mountains and rivers. Understand how these features have changed over time.
Physical geography including Volcanoes and earthquakes (looking at plate tectonics and the ring of fire).
I can compare a region in UK with a region in N. or S. America with significant differences and similarities. Eg. Link to Fairtrade of bananas in St Lucia (see Geography.org etc for free and commercially available packs on St Lucia focussing on Geography). Understand some of the reasons for similarities and differences.
I can use maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping (Google Earth) to locate countries and describe features studied
I can use 6 figure grid references with teaching of latitude and longitude in depth.
Expand map skills to include non-UK countries.
What is Greece like today?
- Exploring the physical geography of Greece e.g. size, location, rivers, mountains, climate, landscape, etc.
- Using maps and secondary sources of information
History / Ancient Greece – a study of Greek life and achievements and their influence on the western world.
Music / I can identify how a mood is created by music and lyrics
I can learn (part of) a new song quickly and sing it confidently from memory
I can sing songs written in two parts, maintaining my own part confidently
I can play accompaniments with control and accuracy, using notations as a support
I can contribute creatively to a group performance and help achieve a high quality performance
I can present performances effectively with awareness o
PE / I can run, jump, throw and catch in isolation and in combination
I can play competitive games
I can compare my performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve my personal best.
PSHCE / Olympic values of Friendship:
RE / Buddhism: What is Tibetan Buddhism and how has the Chinese occupation of Tibet affected religious life?
- Where is Tibet and which mountain ranges surround it?
- Features of Tibetan Buddhism
- How Chinese occupation of Tibet has affected religious life
Where is Lhasa and why is it important to Tibetan Buddhists?
- Exploring Lhasa through pictures
- Why Lhasa was important historically
- Lhasa as the home of the Dalai Lama
- Important religious sites in Lhasa
Why do Tibetan Buddhists go on pilgrimages to Lhasa?
- Defining a pilgrimage and identifying important global pilgrimage site.
- Investigating the long and difficult journey to Lhasa over the
Himalayan mountains
- The effect such pilgrimages have on believers
Science / Living things in their habitats
I can describe how living things are classified into broad groups according to common observable characteristics and based on similarities and differences, including micro-organisms, plants and animals.
I can give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics.
Evolution and inheritance
I can recognise that living things have changed over time.
I can recognise that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago.
I can recognise that living things produce off spring of the same kind but normally offspring vary and are not identical to their parents.
I can identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways.
I can recognise that adaptation may lead to evolution.
ICT / I can use and combine a variety of software to design and create digital and printed media
I can collect and analyse and present data accurately within a spreadsheet
I can understand computer networks including the internet and the services they provide (world wide web)
I can use search engines effectively in research
I can recognise how these services offer opportunities for communication and collaboration