Zavod za razvoj družinskega in ženskega podjetništva META
Chamber of Commerce – Ljubljana Region
Chamber of Craft of Slovenia
Task Force for Women Economic Empowerment
Femmes Chefs d`Entreprises Mondial – European Task Force
Under the patronage of theCENTRAL EUROPEAN INITIATIVE
in the framework of the MOS 2006 in Celje Slovenia
we invite you to actively participate to
9.-10.September 2006, Celje -Slovenia
in co-operation with
The National Council of the Republic of Slovenia – Task Force for Women Economic Empowerment
GIZ PODJETNOST - The Association of Entrepreneurs of Slovenia/Member of the FCEM
Equal Vesna Development Partners
The programme of this International meeting/workshop has been dedicatedto issues connected with women economic empowerment, women entrepreneurship as social and economic category in general in compliance with the directives of the CEI Action Plan for2004-2006, which in the chapter titled »Development of small and medium-sized enterprises« focuses on stimulation and promotion of entrepreneurship in the rural areas, among young and women entrepreneurs as well as among other specific target groups (disabled, gipsies, ethnic perspective of entrepreneurship…).
The purpose of the meeting/workshop is to present practical cases of the promotion of entrepreneurship and different approaches to the stimulation of entrepreneurs in creating new enterprises among the special target groups and assistance in self-employment of these groups and to open a discussion area to the participants. Exchange of the Slovenian experience and presentation of some of the best European entrepreneurial practices will offer new ideas about the entrepreneurial opportunities and chances of success among the independent entrepreneurs especially dedicated to representatives from the CEI Member countries, who already confirmed their presence:
Albania, Belorusija, Bolgaria, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Serbia , Ucraine.
Exhibition Creativity and Spirit Of Enterprise
You are all welcomed also to participate as exhibitor on our special stand Network Caffe at our stand CREATIVITY AND THE SPIRIT OF ENTERPRISE - MOS 2006, where you can display and promote your actions, projects, products or services dedicated to development of women and family entrepreneurship, or as a result of support the successful women business projects.
DYNAMIC WORKSHOP DRAFT PROGRAMME Best practices and different approaches to promotion of entrepreneurship among the special target groups in the participant countries
Friday, 8 September 2006
17.00Arrival of participants
20.00Welcome meetings in Celje, briefing
Saturday, 9September 2006
8.00Departure to the Celje Fair(bus transportation)
10.00 – 10.15Introduction to the theme of the meeting
by the CEI representative and by the representative of National Council of the Republic of Slovenia
10.15 – 10.45Women Entrepreneurship as social and economic category/Equal Vesnaby Marta Turk, member of the National Council and project coordinator of the Equal Vesna Project
10.45 – 11.05Partnership project with Austria: Women from the rural environment Mira Rotman
11.05 – 11.25Roma Educational and informational centerBest practiceRomeo Varga)
11.25 - 11.45Z odličnostjo do enakopravnosti med spoloma Neva Marn-Oria computers
11.45 – 12.05 Creative solutionsofentrepreneurship - Pam Welsby
12.05 – 12.30Discussion and exchange
12.30Buffet lunch at the conference place
13.15Visit to the Celje Fair and Exhibition place (Hall A – Institutions and agencies for promotion of entrepreneurship)
14.30 14.50Selfemployment and microentrepreneurship (RZZ)
14.50 – 15.20SINTEZA, Racio Social
15.20 – 15.40Entrepreneurialmanifesto- Franjo Trojnar
15.40 – 16.10New professions as entrepreneurial initiative – Reflexotherapy (Demonstration on exhibition site)
16.10 - 16.30Old professions for new era – Glassworker from Rogaška Slatina
19.00Networking and dinner (at Celje region with representatives of the Municipality of Celje)
Sunday, 10 September 2006
Visit to the Site: Ranč Kaja in Grom, a case of social entrepreneurship and rural development
Coordinator of the event: GIZ PODJETNOST/ZAVOD META – Ljubljana
The International meeting/workshop is organized by GIZ Podjetnost & Zavod M.E.T.A.and under the patronage of Central European Initiative in cooperation with the Task Force for Women Economic Empowerment at the National Council of the Republic of Slovenia, Equal Vesna Project, Chamber of Craft, Chamber of Commerce of Ljubljana region and several other institutions interested in the development of women entrepreneurship,
The International meeting/workshop will take place from September 9, to September 10 while the Exhibition will be opened during the whole event of the Fair MOS 2006 from September 6 to 13, 2006. In Celje -Slovenia.
The meeting/workshop will be carried out in English language with translation from English to Slovene and vice versa.
Participation fee for participants /members of NGO associations is 120 EUR per person and includes;
-program of the international meeting/workshop
-2 entrance tickets to the exhibition MOS 2006,
-Visit to the exhibition place and meetings at the Network café with representatives of agencies and institutions (match-making)
-Site visit to the Ranch Kaja and Grom and transportation
-Lunch and networking diner on September 9 and lunch September 10
-Workshop printed material and promotional kit
Participation fee does not include hotel accommodation.
Participation fee should be payed to :
Bank Transfer NLB Podruznica Siska
S.W.I.F.T. code LJBASI2X
IBAN SI 560208500 35350754
In case of advance payment we kindly ask you to send a copy of confirmed payment to fax no. 00386 1 5443678.
The organizer will issue the official invoice/confirmation of received payment.
If you need assistance with hotel accommodation, please kindly call our contat person or send us an e-mail with your arrival details and planned stay in Slovenia.
Credit cards Eurocard/MasterCard, Diners, American Express are accepted.
Polona Bučar, Project assistant
Tel: 00386 1 5443678
Fax: 00386 1 5443680
Mobile: 00386 41 694919
GIZ PODJETNOST & ZAVOD META under the patronage of CEIInternational meeting/workshop
CELJE – September 9, 2006
Family name:
Place and date of birth:
Contact telephone number:
Documents required for the invitation letter for VISA APPLICATION WHEN NEEDED:
Passport No.: / State:
Date of issue:
Company/organization/association, which is delegating the participant:
I need assistance with my accommodation during my stay in Slovenia: / YES NO
Participation fee amount and bank details see in program section on page 4.(The participation fee DOES NOT include the accommodation expences!)
Name and family name of the person in charge: / Signature:
The applicant allows, by signing this form, the processing and storage of cited data for visa application, when needed.
The undersigned will
a)participate to the international meeting/workshop
b)speak at the international meeting/workshop with the topic:
c)participate also as exhibitor:
- samples,
- prospect (printed) materials
- video presentation
N.B. The organizer does not take any responsibility for organization of the importation of samples or prospect printed materials for the exhibition.
Date………………………………………………………………………Signature: ………………………………
N.B. The organizer can provide the sponsorship for accommodation for only one person per country CEI member and will use the date order of participant`s registration.
Please send this form, completed and signed, by fax to the + 386 1 5443680