Layers of the Earth Vocabulary Scramble

DIRECTIONS: Use Chapter 7 section 1 from your science book to unscramble the words in the first column. Put your answer in the second column. Then define each term using Chapter 7 section 1, and the glossary. Don’t forget diagrams in the chapter can also help you with finding definitions. Number six is not in the chapter but it is a key word we talked about the first day of school. See if you can figure it out. J

Scrambled Word / Unscrambled Word / Definition
1.  Curst
2.  Netlma
3.  rsanoepsetehh
4.  pehholetisr
5.  voceoinctn
*found in Chapter 7 sect. 3. Second word is current.
6.  esdinty
7.  terou cero
8.  nneri cero
9.  ceimiss avwe
10.  hmosperese