Model Trust Fund Grant Policy

And Application Form


The Circuit Model Trust Fund is available to support ministry, mission, special projects and property schemes within the Harrow and Hillingdon circuit. This document sets out the criteria which will be applied to all applications for support, and the procedure to be followed by churches that wish to avail themselves of this resource. Our aim is to encourage extensive and comprehensive use of the funds held in the Fund.


Priority will be given to:

  • schemes which are directed towards new ventures in mission; these may include funding for people, training, equipment and property;
  • churches which have undertaken a review of their mission and purpose;
  • schemes which:

(i) advance the church’s work and outreach;

(ii) encourage engagement with the disadvantaged within the

community; and

(iii) encourage work among young people or young adults in the 25–40

age group.

  • schemes which are innovative or entrepreneurial; and
  • schemes which have been developed within an ecumenical context and can demonstrate this commitment.

All submissions should demonstrate a recognition and evaluation of risk.

  1. All applications should be sent to the circuit office, from where they will be passed to the relevant Our Calling group for consideration. Electronic applications are preferred. The form will expand to accommodate information supplied. Please indicate on the form which area of work the grant is for.
  2. In addition to the completed application form the following are required:
  3. a copy of the church mission statement;
  4. a copy of the church council minute supporting the project;
  5. a financial statement for the project; and
  6. a copy of the audited financial accounts for the previous year.
  7. Approvals for property-related schemes will normally attract grants of 10% of funds raised up to a maximum grant of £50,000. The size of grants for other schemes will be considered on merit.
  8. Any approved grant that has not been drawn down within a period of three years from the date of approval will normally lapse.
  9. Once the project is completed a copy of the project final account and a report on the achieved outcomes should be sent to the circuit office.
  10. Any surplus of income for the project up to the grant received should be returned to the circuit.

February 2017
Model Trust Fund

Application Form

Name of Church
Name of Applicant
Contact email
Contact phone
Please indicate the primary focus of the project / Worship / Learning & Caring / Resources (Property,
Lay worker, etc.)
Evangelism & Outreach / Service / Communication & Publicity
Has the project been approved by the church council? / Date of meeting
Please provide a copy of the church mission statement and the Church Council minute


Please describe the project.
Please state the reason for the project?
What are the objectives of the project?
What outcome are you hoping for?

2.Project Analysis

What are the advantages and opportunities of the project?
What are the risks and dangers of the project?
In what ways is the project the most effective way of achieving the desired outcomes?

3.Project Process

How will the project be managed?
How will the project objectives be monitored and achieved?
What funding is required?
From whom/where will the funding be obtained?
What other resources are required (human, equipment…)?
From whom/where will these resources be obtained?

4.Project Partners

Give details of any partners involved in the project
What contribution will the partners make?

5.Project Assessment

How will the project be assessed?
By whom and when will the project be assessed?

6.Project Cost

/ Please provide a full financial statement
What is the total cost of the project?
What is the local church contribution?
What other sources of funding have been explored?
Circuit Grant requested?
Please return completed application to:
Post: Harrow and Hillingdon Circuit Office, Ruislip Methodist Church, 19 Ickenham Road, Ruislip, Middx HA4 7BZ

For Office use only:

Date application received / Forward to Our Calling Group / Amount of grant approved
Date grant approved / Date applicant notified / Date grant paid
Date report back due / Date report back received / Date completed form returned to Circuit Office