I am pleased to recommend you for reappointment for a [2nd / 3rd / 4th] year to the position of Research Fellow in the [INSERT NAME OF DEPARTMENT/CENTER] at the Massachusetts General Hospital (“MGH” or the “Hospital”), effective [INSERT START DATE]. As a reminder, the Research Fellow appointment is term limited to a maximum service of five years at which point it is expected that you will move into another position, either at the MGH or elsewhere.

Your annual salary will be $[______]. Your reappointment is contingent upon successful completion of the MGH re-credentialing process, and adequate funding from research grants or other outside sources to fully support your salary and benefits.

As discussed in your Annual Career Planning Meeting, the goals for the upcoming year, areas for further development, and your continuing job responsibilities include:

[brief synopsis of goals, areas of development, & job responsibilities].

Additionally, it is understood that your career plans include [statement of long-term career plans] and your current trajectory at the MGH is to [separate from the Hospital / receive a change in status to an established MGH weekly payroll position (Research Scientist / Senior Research Scientist) / secure a Professional Staff faculty appointment].

[In addition to successful credentialing, your employment and appointment at the MGH will be subject to your securing an appropriate temporary visa through the Hospital’s International Office. Because the Research Fellow position is a short-term training position limited to five years, it cannot be the basis for a permanent visa petition. The Partners Office for International Staff, Scholars & Students (“PIO”) may be reached at 617-726-9211.]

Please sign this letter below, indicating that you agree to the terms of this reappointment to the Professional Staff as outlined above, retain a copy for your records and return one copy to the attention of [department administrator], Massachusetts General Hospital, ______, Boston, MA 02114.

We are delighted at the prospect of your staying with us here at the MGH for an additional year and look forward to your continued success.


[PI name and title]


Research Fellow Date

Cc: Jeff Davis, Human Resources

Dennis Brown, Office for Research Career Development