Coach Guijarro

AHS Softball Off-Season Class Guidelines

Course objective: The major emphasis for the off-season softball class is preparation for the upcoming softball season. The class will focus on the learning of essential softball skills, developing knowledge of the softball rules and terminology, proper techniques, and safety issues. Conditioning drills and weight training will be a major component of the course in order to improve fitness levels.

Materials: Appropriate attire, which includes a shirt, softball pants or shorts, and tennis shoes or cleats, is required everyday. Long socks will be needed when we begin sliding drills. The students will also require a softball glove for the class.

Grading policy: Grades will be based on a standard point system. Students may earn up to 20 points each day (100 points each week).

90% - 100% = A

89% - 80% = B

79% - 70% = C

69% - 0% = FAIL

Attendance: (5 points) If a student is absent on any given day, 0 points will be awarded for that day. 5 points will be awarded to each student when they show up to class that day. Tardiness is unacceptable. Constant tardiness will result in the lowering of grades and U’s in Work Habits and Cooperation. All absences need to be made up. Each absence with written communication (email, text, or parent note) prior to absence = 1 mile per absence to be completed outside of practice/class time (either morning or after school). Each absence without written communication = 1 mile and 20 laps of stairs per absence to be completed outside of practice/ class time.

Participation/cooperation: (10 points) Participation is MANDATORY! Non-participation will result in losing the 10 points.

Suiting up/dressing: (5 points) Students will be awarded 5 points for every day they dress in appropriate attire for class. Students are required to dress everyday.

Injuries: If you are injured, you must bring a doctors note. If you are injured, you must still dress and do as much as possible. You will not be excused from learning or participating.

Non-suits: All non-suits will lose 5 points for not dressing and 10 points for not participating. Students that do not dress will not be allowed to participate due to hygiene problems and safety issues.

Doctor’s notes/excuses: If a student has a note from the doctor to be excused from participating in all activities, he/she must take the note to the nurse first and the nurse will give the student a yellow note to give the teacher. Written work or other tasks will be assigned to be completed during class time to take the place of participation. Students are still required to dress.

Exams and Written Assignments: The students will receive occasional written assignments and reports. There will be a final exam at the end of the semester.

Professional Dress/ Spirit Dress: All students are required to dress professionally on Tuesdays, and spirit dress on Fridays. Prior to changing into PE clothes, the students are to check in with me to show that they are dressed appropriately on these days.

Make-Up Assignments: Students are responsible for making up missed assignments within one week in order to receive credit. Run days can be made up before or after school or the student may download the Nike Running App or any other running App to their smartphone and complete the missed run. They must be able to provide proof of the run with the date and appropriate completion time. Written assignments may also be used as well and the student must pick up that assignment from the teacher and must return within one week of the missed assignment as well.

Electronic Devices: Electronic devices are not allowed in class. DO NOT BRING THEM TO CLASS.

Participation in the off-season softball class does not guarantee a spot on the 2016 AHS Softball Team. All current and potential athletes must maintain a 2.0 GPA and pass every mester of advisory.

Please sign and return the bottom portion to Coach Guijarro. Parents, you can reach me by leaving a message with the school office at 818-686-4100. Thank you.


I have read and understood the following rules and guidelines for the Arleta High School Softball class.

Student’s Name (Print): ______Student’s Signature: ______

Student Email Address: ______

Parent’s Name (Print): ______Parent’s Signature: ______

Parent’s Phone number: (_____)______Date:______

Parent Email Address: ______

Arleta High School Physical Education Department