Constitution of the

Bishop Montgomery High School

Chapter of the Junior State


We, the citizens of Bishop Montgomery High School Chapter of the Junior State, in order to achieve high standards of citizenship, improve our understanding of the democratic process, develop responsibility in the individual, promote involvement in community affairs, and endeavor to fulfill God’s purposes in our role of government, do establish this organization.

Article I: Name

The name of this organization shall be, “The bishop Montgomery High School Chapter of the Junior State of America.”

Article II: Membership

Membership will be granted to all students who have paid their annual tax and are attending Bishop Montgomery High School.

Article III: Officers

Section A:

Any student may run for office provided that (s)he is a chapter member in good standing.

Section B:

The officers shall be elected by secret ballot at the second to last meeting of the elected term. The candidate receiving the majority of the votes cast shall be declared the winner. If no candidate receives a majority, the candidate receiving the fewest votes shall be dropped from the ballot and a new election shall commence. The process shall continue until a candidate receives a majority of votes cast.

Section C:

The term of officers shall start June 1st and end the following May 31st. In the case of a vacant position, the President may appoint a replacement with the approval of a majority of the chapter. If the President resigns or is impeached, the Vice President becomes President.

Section D:

There shall be six elected officers:

  1. President – the President is the chief executive officer of the chapter and is responsible for representing the chapter at all events. The President will preside over all meetings and be a member of all committees. (S)He is responsible for running the chapter’s educational program. The President may appoint other officers as the need arises.
  2. Vice President – the Vice President assists the President and becomes President if there is a vacancy in that position.
  3. Secretary – the Secretary will keep minutes and agendas of all the meetings. The Secretary will read and maintain all chapter records, including election results.
  4. Treasurer – the Treasurer will be in charge of all financial matters of the chapter. The Treasurer will collect monies and keep records of members attending state and regional Junior State events. The Treasurer will prepare a financial report ready at all chapter meetings.The Treasurer will also serve as Vice-Chair of the Fundraising Committee. (added in an amendment on 5/13/2010)
  5. Ambassador – the Ambassador will be responsible for coordinating chapter activities with chapters from nearby schools and the Torrance Youth Council. The Ambassador will maintain contact with other chapters and assist in the expansion of the Junior Statesman program to schools without chapters.
  6. Fundraising Chair – the Fundraising Chair will be responsible for appointing a committee consisting of at least 3 other people (not including themselves or the Treasurer) to coordinate fundraising activities of the chapter. (added in an amendment on 5/13/2010)

Section E:

During the first year of the BMHS Chapter of the Junior State, the President and/or the founding body may appoint the officers.

Section F:

Under certain circumstances deemed acceptable by a unanimous vote of the entire general membership and the approval of the Teacher-Advisor, the President and/or other bodies within the chapter may appoint certain elected officials if deemed necessary for the following year, given proper notice that this motion will be considered.

Section G:

Any officer may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the chapter members present and voting, provided that notice has been given that this motion will be considered.

Article IV: Activities

Section A:

The chapter shall meet a minimum of twice a month during the school year. Meetings may be called by either the President or the Teacher-Advisor.

Section B:

All Meetings shall be run according to Roberts Rules of Order, Revised Edition.

Article V: Amendments

This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the chapter members.

Article VI: Ratification

This Constitution shall take effect upon the ratification by a two-thirds vote of the membership of the chapter and upon the approval of the Junior State Governor.